How to get from Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus by bus?
From Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus by bus
Take one direct bus from Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus in Fredericton: take the 116 bus from Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe station to Forest Hill School station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 10 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCanterbury And/Et Topcliffe
- 2Wait for bus116Kings Place
- 3Ride to bus stationForest Hill School3 min
- 4Walk toSt. Thomas University - Lower CampusChemin Forest Hill450 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
Public transit stations close to Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe
Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe is located at Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe, Fredericton and the nearest public transit station is Canterbury And/Et Derby.
Bus stations close to Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe:
- Canterbury And/Et Derby
- Canterbury And/Et Kimble
- Kimble Drive And/Et Vanier
Public transit stations close to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus, Fredericton
St. Thomas University - Lower Campus is located at Chemin Forest Hill, Fredericton and the nearest public transit station is Forest Hill And/Et Turnbull.
Bus stations close to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus:
- Forest Hill And/Et Turnbull
- Forest Acres Crt
- Canterbury And/Et Chelsea
Related Routes
- Kings Place to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Killarney Lodge to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Brookside And/Et Killarney to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Julien And/Et Jacob to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Brookside And/Et Jacob to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Brookside And/Et Heron to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Brookside And/Et Peters to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Brookside And/Et Summerhill to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Terrance And/Et Brookside to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Terrance And/Et Westbrook to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Terrance And/Et Stairs to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Stairs to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Stairs And/Et Jeremy to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Mcknight to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Mcknight And/Et Ashley to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Mcknight And/Et Barton to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Barton And/Et Jenning to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Windsor Court to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Royal And/Et Primrose to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
- Royal And/Et William to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus?
The fastest way takes 10 minutes, using Bus line 116.
Is there a direct bus between Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe and St. Thomas University - Lower Campus in Fredericton?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus in Fredericton in 10 min.
Which bus line goes from Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus in Fredericton?
The 116 bus line goes from Kings Place station near Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe to Forest Hill School station near St. Thomas University - Lower Campus in Fredericton.
How long does it take to travel from Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus in Fredericton by bus?
The total travel time between Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe and St. Thomas University - Lower Campus in Fredericton by bus is about 10 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe to get to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus in Fredericton?
Get on the 116 bus from the Kings Place stop near Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe in Fredericton.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe and St. Thomas University - Lower Campus in Fredericton?
Get off the bus at the Forest Hill School stop, which is closest to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus in Fredericton.
When is the last bus from Canterbury And/Et Topcliffe to St. Thomas University - Lower Campus in Fredericton?