How to get from Mellinghausen to Stolzenau by bus and train?
From Mellinghausen to Stolzenau by bus and train
To get from Mellinghausen to Stolzenau in Bremen & Lower Saxony, take the 138 bus from Mellinghausen Ortsmitte station to Nienburg(Weser) Bahnhof/Zob station. Next, take the RE78 train from Nienburg(Weser) station to Leese-Stolzenau station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 38 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationMellinghausen
- 2Wait for bus138Nienburg, Bahnhof Über Me
- 3Ride to bus stationNienburg(Weser) Bahnhof/Zob29 min
- 4Walk to train stationNienburg(Weser)190 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for trainRE78Bielefeld Hbf
- 6Ride to train stationLeese-Stolzenau18 min
- 7Walk toStolzenau2.78 km • 36 min
Public transit directions from Mellinghausen to Stolzenau
Public transit stations close to Mellinghausen
Mellinghausen is located at Mellinghausen, Bremen & Lower Saxony and the nearest public transit station is Mellinghausen Siedenburger Kirchweg.
Bus stations close to Mellinghausen:
- Mellinghausen Siedenburger Kirchweg
- Mellinghausen Abzw. Brake
- Ohlendorf(Mellinghausen)
Public transit stations close to Stolzenau, Bremen & Lower Saxony
Stolzenau is located at Stolzenau, Bremen & Lower Saxony and the nearest public transit station is Stolzenau(Weser) Hohe Straße.
Bus stations close to Stolzenau:
- Stolzenau(Weser) Hohe Straße
- Stolzenau(Weser) Zob
- Stolzenau(Weser) Krankenhaus
Related Routes
- Bad Harzburg to Stolzenau
- Aerzen to Stolzenau
- Balge to Stolzenau
- Barsinghausen to Stolzenau
- Cuxhaven to Stolzenau
- Diepholz to Stolzenau
- Kirchbrak to Stolzenau
- Minden to Stolzenau
- Salzgitter to Stolzenau
- Lehrte to Stolzenau
- Peine to Stolzenau
- Petershagen to Stolzenau
- Liebenau to Stolzenau
- Neuharlingersiel to Stolzenau
- Schwarmstedt to Stolzenau
- Lotte to Stolzenau
- Oldenburg (Oldb) to Stolzenau
- Rohrsen to Stolzenau
- Ronnenberg to Stolzenau
- Lauenau to Stolzenau
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Mellinghausen to Stolzenau?
The fastest way takes 98 minutes, using Bus line 138, Bus line RE78.
Is there a direct bus between Mellinghausen and Stolzenau in Bremen & Lower Saxony?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 38 min.
Which bus line goes from Mellinghausen to Stolzenau in Bremen & Lower Saxony?
The 138 bus line goes from Nienburg, Bahnhof Über Me station near Mellinghausen to Nienburg(Weser) Bahnhof/Zob station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Nienburg(Weser) Bahnhof/Zob station near Stolzenau in Bremen & Lower Saxony
How long does it take to travel from Mellinghausen to Stolzenau in Bremen & Lower Saxony by bus and train?
The total travel time between Mellinghausen and Stolzenau in Bremen & Lower Saxony by bus and train is about 1 hr 38 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Mellinghausen to get to Stolzenau in Bremen & Lower Saxony?
Get on the 138 bus from the Nienburg, Bahnhof Über Me stop near Mellinghausen in Bremen & Lower Saxony.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Mellinghausen and Stolzenau in Bremen & Lower Saxony?
Get off the bus at the Nienburg(Weser) Bahnhof/Zob station, which is closest to Stolzenau in Bremen & Lower Saxony.