How to get from Minh Quang to Tứ Liên by bus?
From Minh Quang to Tứ Liên by bus
To get from Minh Quang to Tứ Liên in Hanoi, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines: take the 110 bus from Trước Cầu Bài Văn - Đá Chông 50m station to (A) Sơn Tây station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the and finally take the E09 bus from Trước Ngã 3 Phố Sa Đôi - Đại Lộ Thăng Long station to Trước Số Nhà 284 Nghi Tàm station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 4 min. The ride fare is ₫24,000.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationTrước Cầu Bài Văn - Đá Chông 50m160 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for bus110(A) Sơn Tây
- 3Ride to bus station(A) Sơn Tây60 min
- 4Walk to(A) Sơn Tây70 m • 1 min
- 5Wait forCNG01(A) Bx Mỹ Đình
- 6Ride toTrước Ngã 3 Phố Sa Đôi - Đại Lộ Thăng Long43 min
- 7Wait for busE09Khu Liên Cơ Quan Sở Ngành Hà Nội (Vườn Hoa Lạc Long Quân) - E09
- 8Ride to bus stationTrước Số Nhà 284 Nghi Tàm44 min
- 9Walk toTứ Liên780 m • 10 min
Alternative route from Minh Quang to Tứ Liên by bus via 110, 20A and 55B
To get from Minh Quang to Tứ Liên in Hanoi, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 110 bus from Trước Cầu Bài Văn - Đá Chông 50m station to (A) Sơn Tây station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 20A bus and finally take the 55B bus from (B) Cầu Giấy station to Ngã 3 Âu Cơ -- Yên Phụ station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 17 min. The ride fare is ₫24,000.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationTrước Cầu Bài Văn - Đá Chông 50m160 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for bus110(A) Sơn Tây
- 3Ride to bus station(A) Sơn Tây60 min
- 4Walk to bus station(B) Sơn Tây70 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus20A(A) Cầu Giấy
- 6Ride to bus station(A) Cầu Giấy90 min
- 7Walk to bus station(B) Cầu Giấy30 m • 1 min
- 8Wait for bus55B(A)Tttm Aeon Mall
- 9Ride to bus stationNgã 3 Âu Cơ -- Yên Phụ23 min
- 10Walk toTứ Liên580 m • 8 min
Public transit directions from Minh Quang to Tứ Liên
Public transit stations close to Minh Quang
Minh Quang is located at Minh Quang, Hanoi and the nearest public transit station is Qua Cầu Bài Văn - Đá Chông 80m (Cột Mốc H6/18).
Bus stations close to Minh Quang:
- Qua Cầu Bài Văn - Đá Chông 80m (Cột Mốc H6/18)
- Trước Cầu Bài Văn - Đá Chông 50m
- Gần Trạm Xăng Dàu Petrolimex K9 Đá Chông
Public transit stations close to Tứ Liên, Hanoi
Tứ Liên is located at Tứ Liên, Hanoi and the nearest public transit station is Chợ Quảng An - Ngã 3 Xuân Diệu - 82 Âu Cơ.
Bus stations close to Tứ Liên:
- Chợ Quảng An - Ngã 3 Xuân Diệu - 82 Âu Cơ
- Trước Số Nhà 284 Nghi Tàm
- 197 Nghi Tàm (Đối Diện Ngõ 276)
Related Routes
- Đại Thắng to Tứ Liên
- Đống Mác to Tứ Liên
- Xuân Tảo to Tứ Liên
- Yên Nghĩa to Tứ Liên
- Đông Anh to Tứ Liên
- Đông Ngạc to Tứ Liên
- Đông Quang to Tứ Liên
- Vĩnh Hưng to Tứ Liên
- Tiên Phong to Tứ Liên
- Tây Mỗ to Tứ Liên
- Mỹ Đình 1 to Tứ Liên
- Ninh Hiệp to Tứ Liên
- Kim Nỗ to Tứ Liên
- Hồng Quang to Tứ Liên
- Bưởi to Tứ Liên
- Cầu Diễn to Tứ Liên
- Cổ Nhuế 1 to Tứ Liên
- Huyện Đan Phượng to Tứ Liên
- Huyện Quốc Oai to Tứ Liên
- Huyện Mỹ Đức to Tứ Liên
Alternative route from Minh Quang to Tứ Liên by bus via 110, 20A and 55B
To get from Minh Quang to Tứ Liên in Hanoi, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 110 bus from Trước Cầu Bài Văn - Đá Chông 50m station to (A) Sơn Tây station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 20A bus and finally take the 55B bus from (B) Cầu Giấy station to Ngã 3 Âu Cơ -- Yên Phụ station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 17 min. The ride fare is ₫24,000.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationTrước Cầu Bài Văn - Đá Chông 50m160 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for bus110(A) Sơn Tây
- 3Ride to bus station(A) Sơn Tây60 min
- 4Walk to bus station(B) Sơn Tây70 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus20A(A) Cầu Giấy
- 6Ride to bus station(A) Cầu Giấy90 min
- 7Walk to bus station(B) Cầu Giấy30 m • 1 min
- 8Wait for bus55B(A)Tttm Aeon Mall
- 9Ride to bus stationNgã 3 Âu Cơ -- Yên Phụ23 min
- 10Walk toTứ Liên580 m • 8 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Minh Quang to Tứ Liên?
The fastest way takes 184 minutes, using Bus line 110, Bus line CNG01, Bus line E09.
What is the alternative route to get from Minh Quang to Tứ Liên?
The alternative route takes 197 minutes, using Bus line 110, Bus line 20A, Bus line 55B.
Is there a direct bus between Minh Quang and Tứ Liên in Hanoi?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 3 hr 4 min.
Which bus line goes from Minh Quang to Tứ Liên in Hanoi?
The 110 bus line goes from Trước Cầu Bài Văn - Đá Chông 50m station near Minh Quang to (A) Sơn Tây station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till (A) Sơn Tây station near Tứ Liên in Hanoi
How long does it take to travel from Minh Quang to Tứ Liên in Hanoi by bus?
The total travel time between Minh Quang and Tứ Liên in Hanoi by bus is about 3 hr 4 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Minh Quang to get to Tứ Liên in Hanoi?
Get on the 110 bus from the Trước Cầu Bài Văn - Đá Chông 50m stop near Minh Quang in Hanoi.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Minh Quang and Tứ Liên in Hanoi?
Get off the bus at the (A) Sơn Tây stop, which is closest to Tứ Liên in Hanoi.
How much is the bus fare from Minh Quang to Tứ Liên?
The ride from Minh Quang to Tứ Liên costs ₫24,000.