How to get from Ensuès-La-Redonne to Taillades by train?
From Ensuès-La-Redonne to Taillades by train
To get from Ensuès-La-Redonne to Taillades in Marseille, take the C4 train from La Redonne Ensuès station to L'Estaque station. Next, take the C7 train from L'Estaque station to Gare De Cavaillon station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 38 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationLa Redonne Ensuès50 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for trainC4879731
- 3Ride to train stationL'Estaque15 min
- 4Wait for trainC7879630
- 5Ride to train stationGare De Cavaillon68 min
- 6Walk toTaillades3.91 km • 51 min
Public transit directions from Ensuès-La-Redonne to Taillades
Public transit stations close to Ensuès-La-Redonne
Ensuès-La-Redonne is located at Ensuès-La-Redonne, Marseille and the nearest public transit station is La Redonne Ensuès.
Train stations close to Ensuès-La-Redonne:
- La Redonne Ensuès
Bus stations close to Ensuès-La-Redonne:
- Village Redonne
- Plateau La Brise
- Miette
Public transit stations close to Taillades, Marseille
Taillades is located at Taillades, Marseille and the nearest public transit station is Bel Air (Lignes 17 Et 18).
Train stations close to Taillades:
- Gare De Cavaillon
Bus stations close to Taillades:
- Bel Air (Lignes 17 Et 18)
- Bel Air (Ligne 7)
- Zone Artisanale Piboules
Related Routes
- Artignosc-Sur-Verdon to Taillades
- Les Pennes-Mirabeau to Taillades
- Aups to Taillades
- Martigues to Taillades
- Orgon to Taillades
- Pélissanne to Taillades
- Gordes to Taillades
- Gare De La Ciotat to Taillades
- Rotonde to Taillades
- Ensuès-La-Redonne to Le Beausset
- Ensuès-La-Redonne to Ollioules
- Ensuès-La-Redonne to Marignane
- Ensuès-La-Redonne to Noves
- Ensuès-La-Redonne to Signes
- Eygalières to Vacqueyras
- Eygalières to Marseille, 14e Arrondissement
- Eygalières to Châteaurenard
- Eygalières to Maussane-Les-Alpilles
- Eygalières to Morières-Lès-Avignon
- Eygalières to Orgon
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Ensuès-La-Redonne to Taillades?
The fastest way takes 158 minutes, using Bus line C4, Bus line C7.
Is there a direct train between Ensuès-La-Redonne and Taillades in Marseille?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 38 min.
Which train line goes from Ensuès-La-Redonne to Taillades in Marseille?
The C4 train line goes from La Redonne Ensuès station near Ensuès-La-Redonne to 879731 station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till 879731 station near Taillades in Marseille
How long does it take to travel from Ensuès-La-Redonne to Taillades in Marseille by train?
The total travel time between Ensuès-La-Redonne and Taillades in Marseille by train is about 2 hr 38 min.
Where do I get on the train near Ensuès-La-Redonne to get to Taillades in Marseille?
Get on the C4 train from the La Redonne Ensuès station near Ensuès-La-Redonne in Marseille.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Ensuès-La-Redonne and Taillades in Marseille?
Get off the train at the 879731 station, which is closest to Taillades in Marseille.