How to get from Võhma to Tallinn by bus?
From Võhma to Tallinn by bus
Take one direct bus from Võhma to Tallinn in Estonia: take the 896 bus from Võhma Rist station to Tallinna Bussijaam station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 34 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationVõhma RistID 8401111-11.15 km • 15 min
- 2Wait for bus896Tallinna Bussijaam
- 3Ride to bus stationTallinna BussijaamID 11611-1113 min
- 4Walk toTallinn1.94 km • 25 min
Public transit directions from Võhma to Tallinn
Public transit stations close to Võhma
Võhma is located at Võhma, Estonia and the nearest public transit station is Võhma Jaam.
Train stations close to Võhma:
- Võhma
- Ollepa
Bus stations close to Võhma:
- Võhma Jaam
- Võhma Kool
- Võhma Rist
Public transit stations close to Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinn is located at Tallinn, Estonia and the nearest public transit station is Kumu.
Bus stations close to Tallinn:
- Kumu
- Reidi Tee
- Uus-Sadama
Related Routes
- Abja to Tallinn
- Alatskivi to Tallinn
- Antsla to Tallinn
- Keila to Tallinn
- Kunda to Tallinn
- Loksa to Tallinn
- Muhu to Tallinn
- Põltsamaa to Tallinn
- Põlva to Tallinn
- Raasiku to Tallinn
- Rapla to Tallinn
- Saku to Tallinn
- Tapa to Tallinn
- Kadriorg to Tallinn
- Jägala Linnamägi to Tallinn
- Restoran Kadriorg to Tallinn
- Jägala Juga to Tallinn
- Kohtla-Järve to Tallinn
- Võsu to Tallinn
- Palmse to Tallinn
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Võhma to Tallinn?
The fastest way takes 154 minutes, using Bus line 896.
Is there a direct bus between Võhma and Tallinn in Estonia?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Võhma to Tallinn in Estonia in 2 hr 34 min.
Which bus line goes from Võhma to Tallinn in Estonia?
The 896 bus line goes from Võhma Rist station near Võhma to Tallinna Bussijaam station near Tallinn in Estonia.
How long does it take to travel from Võhma to Tallinn in Estonia by bus?
The total travel time between Võhma and Tallinn in Estonia by bus is about 2 hr 34 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Võhma to get to Tallinn in Estonia?
Get on the 896 bus from the Võhma Rist stop near Võhma in Estonia.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Võhma and Tallinn in Estonia?
Get off the bus at the Tallinna Bussijaam stop, which is closest to Tallinn in Estonia.
When is the first bus from Võhma to Tallinn in Estonia?
The first bus from Võhma to Tallinn in Estonia is Viljandi - Türi - Paide - Tallinn. It leaves the Võhma Rist stop at 11:52 AM.