How to get from Akarit to Tataouine by bus?
From Akarit to Tataouine by bus
Take one direct bus from Akarit to Tataouine in Tataouine: take the TT-SF bus from Akarit station to Tatouine station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 58 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAkarit
- 2Wait for busTT-SFTatouine
- 3Ride to bus stationTatouine169 min
- 4Walk toTataouine580 m • 8 min
Public transit directions from Akarit to Tataouine
Public transit stations close to Tataouine, Tataouine
Tataouine is located at Tataouine, Tataouine and the nearest public transit station is Tatouine.
Bus stations close to Tataouine:
- Tatouine
Related Routes
- Ecole Grar to Tataouine
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- El Hnichret to Tataouine
- Pont De Zarzis to Tataouine
- Wast Chemakh to Tataouine
- Bir 30 to Tataouine
- Bir Ray to Tataouine
- Souid to Tataouine
- Kasr Awled Dabbeb to Tataouine
- Gurimissa to Tataouine
- Ghnadriya to Tataouine
- Oued Ghar 2 to Tataouine
- Merbah Chih to Tataouine
- Gheryani 1 to Tataouine
- El Maouna to Tataouine
- Kerchaw to Tataouine
- Smar to Tataouine
- Sekhira to Tataouine
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Akarit to Tataouine?
The fastest way takes 178 minutes, using Bus line TT-SF.
Is there a direct bus between Akarit and Tataouine?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Akarit in Gabès to Tataouine in Tataouine in 2 hr 58 min.
Which bus line goes from Akarit to Tataouine?
The TT-SF bus line goes from Tatouine station near Akarit in Gabès to Tatouine station near Tataouine in Tataouine.
How long does it take to travel from Akarit to Tataouine by bus?
The total travel time between Akarit in Gabès and Tataouine in Tataouine by bus is about 2 hr 58 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Akarit to get to Tataouine?
Get on the TT-SF bus from the Tatouine stop near Akarit in Gabès.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Akarit and Tataouine?
Get off the bus at the Tatouine stop, which is closest to Tataouine in Tataouine.
When is the first bus from Akarit to Tataouine?
The first bus from Akarit in Gabès to Tataouine in Tataouine is Tataouin-Sfax. It leaves the Akarit stop at 1:35 PM.