How to get from Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin by bus?
From Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin by bus
Take one direct bus from Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin in Montería: take the P2 bus from Calle 16, 1369 station to Calle 33 5-17 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 11 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCalle 16, 1369
- 2Wait for busP2Pradera - Upb
- 3Ride to bus stationCalle 33 5-178 min
- 4Walk toTecnologico San AgustinCalle 33150 m • 2 min
Alternative route from Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin by bus via 6M
Take one direct bus from Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin in Montería: take the 6M bus from Avenida Circunvalar, 13-45 station to Carrera 5, 3358 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 16 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Circunvalar, 13-45320 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for bus6M6 De Marzo - Upb
- 3Ride to bus stationCarrera 5, 33588 min
- 4Walk toTecnologico San AgustinCalle 33190 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin
Public transit stations close to Calle 16, 1369
Calle 16, 1369 is located at Calle 16, 1369, Montería and the nearest public transit station is Calle 22, 13-48.
Bus stations close to Calle 16, 1369:
- Calle 22, 13-48
- Calle 15 13a122
- Carrera 14 1335
Public transit stations close to Tecnologico San Agustin, Montería
Tecnologico San Agustin is located at Calle 33, Montería and the nearest public transit station is Carrera 4, 3355.
Bus stations close to Tecnologico San Agustin:
- Carrera 4, 3355
- Carrera 4 3313
- Carrera 4, 3313
Related Routes
- Calle 31a, 1w-63 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Peatonal Road to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Calle 58 62 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Carrera 4, 4419 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Carrera 4 41-2 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Calle 40, #3-46 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Carrera 4, #36-59 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Carrera 13, 291 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Calle 1, 6825 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Calle 77, 5-1 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Carrera 6, 4350 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Calle 69, 5160 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Calle 68, 598 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Carrera 6, 22-62 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Calle 48c, 11-1 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Carrera 4, 2724 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Calle 21 524 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Calle 20, 6-24 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Calle 18 1717 to Tecnologico San Agustin
- Calle 13 8c1 to Tecnologico San Agustin
Alternative route from Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin by bus via 6M
Take one direct bus from Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin in Montería: take the 6M bus from Avenida Circunvalar, 13-45 station to Carrera 5, 3358 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 16 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Circunvalar, 13-45320 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for bus6M6 De Marzo - Upb
- 3Ride to bus stationCarrera 5, 33588 min
- 4Walk toTecnologico San AgustinCalle 33190 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin?
The fastest way takes 11 minutes, using Bus line P2.
What is the alternative route to get from Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin?
The alternative route takes 16 minutes, using Bus line 6M.
Is there a direct bus between Calle 16, 1369 and Tecnologico San Agustin in Montería?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin in Montería in 11 min.
Which bus line goes from Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin in Montería?
The P2 bus line goes from Pradera - Upb station near Calle 16, 1369 to Calle 33 5-17 station near Tecnologico San Agustin in Montería.
How long does it take to travel from Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin in Montería by bus?
The total travel time between Calle 16, 1369 and Tecnologico San Agustin in Montería by bus is about 11 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Calle 16, 1369 to get to Tecnologico San Agustin in Montería?
Get on the P2 bus from the Pradera - Upb stop near Calle 16, 1369 in Montería.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Calle 16, 1369 and Tecnologico San Agustin in Montería?
Get off the bus at the Calle 33 5-17 stop, which is closest to Tecnologico San Agustin in Montería.
When is the last bus from Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin in Montería?
The last bus from Calle 16, 1369 to Tecnologico San Agustin in Montería is the Carrizal line. It leaves the Calle 27, 13-1 stop at 10:33 PM.