How to get from Staff to Tempi by bus?
From Staff to Tempi by bus
Take one direct bus from Staff to Tempi in Λάρισα: take the 13 bus from Staff station to 0108-Ι.Κ.Α. Νέας Σμύρνης (Προς Κέντρο) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 42 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationStaff30 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus13Βι.Πε - Λάρισα
- 3Ride to bus station0108-Ι.Κ.Α. Νέας Σμύρνης (Προς Κέντρο)37 min
- 4Walk toTempi260 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Staff to Tempi
Public transit stations close to Staff
Staff is located at Staff, Λάρισα and the nearest public transit station is Staff.
Bus stations close to Staff:
- Staff
- DS Steal
- Πυροσβεστική Υπηρεσία
Public transit stations close to Tempi, Λάρισα
Tempi is located at Tempi, Λάρισα and the nearest public transit station is 0110-Αρχες 31ης Αυγούστου (Προς Κέντρο).
Train stations close to Tempi:
- Σ.Σ.Λάρισας - Larissa Train Station
Bus stations close to Tempi:
- 0110-Αρχες 31ης Αυγούστου (Προς Κέντρο)
- Ατα
- 2η Πύλη Ατα
Related Routes
- 0131-Πλατεία Νεάπολης - Κωνσταντινίδης to Tempi
- 0133-Δου - Ι.Κ.Α Λάρισας to Tempi
- 0132-6ο Λύκειο (Προς Κέντρο) to Tempi
- 0134-Καναβατζόγλου (Προς Κέντρο) to Tempi
- 0135-Πλατεία Ρωμυλίας (Προς Κέντρο) to Tempi
- 0136-Τέρμα Καρφή (Προς Κέντρο) to Tempi
- 0137-Αγία Τριάδα - Πυροσβεστική (Προς Κέντρο) to Tempi
- 0138-Σοα (Προς Κέντρο) to Tempi
- 0140-Ηπείρου - Καραθάνου (Προς Κέντρο) to Tempi
- 0141-Αγιος Νικόλαος (Προς Κέντρο) to Tempi
- 0308-Κεντρική Πλατεία Γρ. 3,4,Β14,15 to Tempi
- Ταουσάνης to Tempi
- Super Market Βερόπουλος to Tempi
- Ραιδεστού to Tempi
- Ντίστας to Tempi
- Πάρκο to Tempi
- Ελτα to Tempi
- Ρεμέτζο to Tempi
- Supermarket Βλαχοδημος to Tempi
- Καραβίδα to Tempi
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Staff to Tempi?
The fastest way takes 42 minutes, using Bus line 13.
Is there a direct bus between Staff and Tempi?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Staff in Τέμπη to Tempi in Λάρισα in 42 min.
Which bus line goes from Staff to Tempi?
The 13 bus line goes from Staff station near Staff in Τέμπη to Βι.Πε - Λάρισα station near Tempi in Λάρισα.
How long does it take to travel from Staff to Tempi by bus?
The total travel time between Staff in Τέμπη and Tempi in Λάρισα by bus is about 42 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Staff to get to Tempi?
Get on the 13 bus from the Staff stop near Staff in Τέμπη.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Staff and Tempi?
Get off the bus at the Βι.Πε - Λάρισα stop, which is closest to Tempi in Λάρισα.
When is the first bus from Staff to Tempi?
The first bus from Staff in Τέμπη to Tempi in Λάρισα is Βιομηχανική Περιοχή. It leaves the Staff stop at 6:27 PM.