How to get from Westerstede to Thuine by bus and train?
From Westerstede to Thuine by bus and train
To get from Westerstede to Thuine in Bremen & Lower Saxony, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 625 bus from Westerstede An Der Norderbäke station to Leer(Ostfriesl) Zob station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the RE15 train and finally take the 131 bus from Lingen Bahnhof/Zob station to Thuine Bruns station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 28 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationWesterstede
- 2Wait for bus625Leer Zob
- 3Ride to bus stationLeer(Ostfriesl) Zob61 min
- 4Walk to train stationLeer(Ostfriesl)340 m • 5 min
- 5Wait for trainRE15Münster(Westf) Hbf
- 6Ride to train stationLingen Bahnhof/Zob54 min
- 7Walk to bus stationLingen Bahnhof/Zob350 m • 5 min
- 8Wait for bus131Andervenne B 214/Am Gallenberg
- 9Ride to bus stationThuine Bruns16 min
Public transit directions from Westerstede to Thuine
Public transit stations close to Westerstede
Westerstede is located at Westerstede, Bremen & Lower Saxony and the nearest public transit station is Westerstede An Der Norderbäke.
Bus stations close to Westerstede:
- Westerstede An Der Norderbäke
- Westerstede Ammerland-Klinik
- Westerstede Lüttje Moorpadd
S-Bahn stations close to Westerstede:
- Westerstede Telekom
Public transit stations close to Thuine, Bremen & Lower Saxony
Thuine is located at Thuine, Bremen & Lower Saxony and the nearest public transit station is Thuine Antoniusschule.
Bus stations close to Thuine:
- Thuine Antoniusschule
- Thuine Rickermann
- Thuine Bruns
Related Routes
- Bad Iburg to Thuine
- Belm to Thuine
- Ibbenbüren to Thuine
- Haren (Ems) to Thuine
- Eystrup to Thuine
- Lengerich to Thuine
- Lingen (Ems) to Thuine
- Lohne (Oldenburg) to Thuine
- Nordhorn to Thuine
- Twistringen to Thuine
- Westerstede to Algermissen
- Westerstede to Bersenbrück
- Westerstede to Blomberg
- Westerstede to Bockhorn
- Westerstede to Delmenhorst
- Westerstede to Brake (Unterweser)
- Westerstede to Emden
- Westerstede to Hage
- Westerstede to Friesoythe
- Westerstede to Hilter Am Teutoburger Wald
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Westerstede to Thuine?
The fastest way takes 208 minutes, using Bus line 625, Bus line RE15, Bus line 131.
Is there a direct bus between Westerstede and Thuine in Bremen & Lower Saxony?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 3 hr 28 min.
Which bus line goes from Westerstede to Thuine in Bremen & Lower Saxony?
The 625 bus line goes from Leer Zob station near Westerstede to Leer(Ostfriesl) Zob station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line till Leer(Ostfriesl) Zob station near Thuine in Bremen & Lower Saxony
How long does it take to travel from Westerstede to Thuine in Bremen & Lower Saxony by bus and train?
The total travel time between Westerstede and Thuine in Bremen & Lower Saxony by bus and train is about 3 hr 28 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Westerstede to get to Thuine in Bremen & Lower Saxony?
Get on the 625 bus from the Leer Zob stop near Westerstede in Bremen & Lower Saxony.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Westerstede and Thuine in Bremen & Lower Saxony?
Get off the bus at the Leer(Ostfriesl) Zob stop, which is closest to Thuine in Bremen & Lower Saxony.