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How to get from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng by bus?

From Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng by bus

To get from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng in Thủ Đức, take the 20 bus from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân station to Trường Cao Thắng station. Next, take the 56 bus from Chợ Cũ station to Cao Đẳng Xây Dựng 2 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 28 min.

Bus - 2020
Bus - 5656
Walk to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng
Leaves from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân

Step by Step

  • 1
    Start from bus station
    Start from bus station
    Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân
  • 2
    Bus - 2020
    Wait for bus
    Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Trường Cao Thắng
    ID Q1 194
    42 min
  • 4
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Chợ Cũ
    ID Q1 195
    70 m • 1 min
  • 5
    Bus - 5656
    Wait for bus
    Bến Xe Miền Đông Mới
  • 6
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Cao Đẳng Xây Dựng 2
    ID QTD 071
    36 min
  • 7
    Walk to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng
    Walk to
    Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng
    600 m • 8 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

Alternative route from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng by bus via 20, 53 and 89

To get from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng in Thủ Đức, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 20 bus from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân station to Trường Cao Thắng station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 53 bus and finally take the 89 bus from Đầu Đường Lê Văn Chí station to Nhà Thiếu Nhi Thủ Đức station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 12 min.

Bus - 2020
Bus - 5353
Bus - 8989
Walk to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng
Leaves from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân

Step by Step

  • 1
    Start from bus station
    Start from bus station
    Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân
  • 2
    Bus - 2020
    Wait for bus
    Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Trường Cao Thắng
    ID Q1 194
    42 min
  • 4
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Trạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm Nghi
    ID Q1 179
    190 m • 3 min
  • 5
    Bus - 5353
    Wait for bus
    Bến Xe Buýt Ðh Quốc Gia
  • 6
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Đầu Đường Lê Văn Chí
    ID QTD 084
    15 min
  • 7
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Đầu Đường Lê Văn Chí
    ID QTD 093
    30 m • 1 min
  • 8
    Bus - 8989
    Wait for bus
    Bến Tàu Thủy Hiệp Bình Chánh
  • 9
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Nhà Thiếu Nhi Thủ Đức
    ID QTD 067
    3 min
  • 10
    Walk to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng
    Walk to
    Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng
    450 m • 6 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic
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Public transit directions from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng

The distance between Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân, Thủ Đức and Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng, Thủ Đức is approximately 30.05 km, which can typically be travelled in 88 min. Moovit will show you the directions from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng by bus, so no matter how you choose to travel in Thủ Đức – you will always have plenty of easy options.

Public transit stations close to Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân

Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân is located at Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân, Thủ Đức and the nearest public transit station is Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân.

Bus stations close to Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân:

  • Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân
  • Ngã Ba Bờ Đăng
  • Việt Long Sài Gòn

Ferry stations close to Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân:

  • Nhà Bè

Public transit stations close to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng, Thủ Đức

Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng is located at Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng, Thủ Đức and the nearest public transit station is Trường Thpt Quận Thủ Đức.

Bus stations close to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng:

  • Trường Thpt Quận Thủ Đức
  • Nhà Thiếu Nhi Thủ Đức
  • Trường Mầm Non Vành Khuyên

Alternative route from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng by bus via 20, 53 and 89

To get from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng in Thủ Đức, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 20 bus from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân station to Trường Cao Thắng station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 53 bus and finally take the 89 bus from Đầu Đường Lê Văn Chí station to Nhà Thiếu Nhi Thủ Đức station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 12 min.

Bus - 2020
Bus - 5353
Bus - 8989
Walk to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng
Leaves from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân

Step by Step

  • 1
    Start from bus station
    Start from bus station
    Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân
  • 2
    Bus - 2020
    Wait for bus
    Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Trường Cao Thắng
    ID Q1 194
    42 min
  • 4
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Trạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm Nghi
    ID Q1 179
    190 m • 3 min
  • 5
    Bus - 5353
    Wait for bus
    Bến Xe Buýt Ðh Quốc Gia
  • 6
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Đầu Đường Lê Văn Chí
    ID QTD 084
    15 min
  • 7
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Đầu Đường Lê Văn Chí
    ID QTD 093
    30 m • 1 min
  • 8
    Bus - 8989
    Wait for bus
    Bến Tàu Thủy Hiệp Bình Chánh
  • 9
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Nhà Thiếu Nhi Thủ Đức
    ID QTD 067
    3 min
  • 10
    Walk to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng
    Walk to
    Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng
    450 m • 6 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

Questions & Answers

  • What is the fastest way to get from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng?

    The fastest way takes 88 minutes, using Bus line 20, Bus line 56.

  • What is the alternative route to get from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng?

    The alternative route takes 72 minutes, using Bus line 20, Bus line 53, Bus line 89.

  • Is there a direct bus between Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân and Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng?

    No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 28 min.

  • Which bus line goes from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng?

    The 20 bus line goes from Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn station near Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân in Nhà Bè to Trường Cao Thắng station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Trường Cao Thắng station near Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng in Thủ Đức.

  • How long does it take to travel from Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng by bus?

    The total travel time between Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân in Nhà Bè and Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng in Thủ Đức by bus is about 1 hr 28 min.

  • Where do I get on the bus near Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân to get to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng?

    Get on the 20 bus from the Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn stop near Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân in Nhà Bè.

  • Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Ủy Ban Xã Phú Xuân and Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng?

    Get off the bus at the Trường Cao Thắng stop, which is closest to Trường Đoàn Lý Tự Trọng in Thủ Đức.