How to get from Canh Nậu to Trần Phú by bus?
From Canh Nậu to Trần Phú by bus
To get from Canh Nậu to Trần Phú in Hanoi, take the 157 bus from Tây Ninh Xã Canh Nậu (Chiều Đi) station to Đối Diện Nhà Ct5 Kđt Sông Đà Mỹ Đình - Phạm Hùng station. Next, take the 30CT bus from Nhà Ct5 Kđt Sông Đà Mỹ Đình - Phạm Hùng station to (A) Khu Đô Thị Gamuda station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 48 min. The ride fare is ₫16,000.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationTây Ninh Xã Canh Nậu (Chiều Đi)40 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus157(A) Bx Mỹ Đình
- 3Ride to bus stationĐối Diện Nhà Ct5 Kđt Sông Đà Mỹ Đình - Phạm Hùng48 min
- 4Walk to bus stationNhà Ct5 Kđt Sông Đà Mỹ Đình - Phạm Hùng150 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus30CT(A) Khu Đô Thị Gamuda
- 6Ride to bus station(A) Khu Đô Thị Gamuda50 min
- 7Walk toTrần Phú310 m • 4 min
Alternative route from Canh Nậu to Trần Phú by bus via 157 and 30
To get from Canh Nậu to Trần Phú in Hanoi, take the 157 bus from Tây Ninh Xã Canh Nậu (Chiều Đi) station to (A) Bx Mỹ Đình station. Next, take the 30 bus from (A) Bx Mỹ Đình station to (A) Khu Đô Thị Gamuda station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 53 min. The ride fare is ₫16,000.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationTây Ninh Xã Canh Nậu (Chiều Đi)40 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus157(A) Bx Mỹ Đình
- 3Ride to bus station(A) Bx Mỹ Đình52 min
- 4Walk to bus station(A) Bx Mỹ Đình10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus30(A) Khu Đô Thị Gamuda
- 6Ride to bus station(A) Khu Đô Thị Gamuda54 min
- 7Walk toTrần Phú310 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Canh Nậu to Trần Phú
Public transit stations close to Canh Nậu
Canh Nậu is located at Canh Nậu, Hanoi and the nearest public transit station is Tây Ninh Xã Canh Nậu (Chiều Đi).
Bus stations close to Canh Nậu:
- Tây Ninh Xã Canh Nậu (Chiều Đi)
- Đối Diện Làng Nghề Đồ Gỗ Mỹ Nghệ Thạch Thất
- Làng Nghề Đồ Gỗ Mỹ Nghệ Thạch Thất
Public transit stations close to Trần Phú, Hanoi
Trần Phú is located at Trần Phú, Hanoi and the nearest public transit station is Trường Mầm Non Trần Phú - Tổ 8 - Phường Trần Phú - Đường Dẫn Cầu Thanh Trì.
Bus stations close to Trần Phú:
- Trường Mầm Non Trần Phú - Tổ 8 - Phường Trần Phú - Đường Dẫn Cầu Thanh Trì
- Chùa Khuyến Lương
- (A) Khu Đô Thị Gamuda
Related Routes
- Đại Thắng to Trần Phú
- Đồng Mai to Trần Phú
- Yên Viên (Thị Trấn ) to Trần Phú
- Thượng Đình to Trần Phú
- Thanh Trì to Trần Phú
- Thanh Xuân Nam to Trần Phú
- Phú La to Trần Phú
- Phương Canh to Trần Phú
- Quốc Oai to Trần Phú
- Sóc Sơn to Trần Phú
- Vân Đình to Trần Phú
- Văn Điển to Trần Phú
- Vĩnh Phúc to Trần Phú
- Vĩnh Tuy to Trần Phú
- Tây Mỗ to Trần Phú
- Tây Tựu to Trần Phú
- Mễ Trì to Trần Phú
- Mộ Lao to Trần Phú
- Mỹ Đình 2 to Trần Phú
- Như Quỳnh to Trần Phú
Alternative route from Canh Nậu to Trần Phú by bus via 157 and 30
To get from Canh Nậu to Trần Phú in Hanoi, take the 157 bus from Tây Ninh Xã Canh Nậu (Chiều Đi) station to (A) Bx Mỹ Đình station. Next, take the 30 bus from (A) Bx Mỹ Đình station to (A) Khu Đô Thị Gamuda station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 53 min. The ride fare is ₫16,000.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationTây Ninh Xã Canh Nậu (Chiều Đi)40 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus157(A) Bx Mỹ Đình
- 3Ride to bus station(A) Bx Mỹ Đình52 min
- 4Walk to bus station(A) Bx Mỹ Đình10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus30(A) Khu Đô Thị Gamuda
- 6Ride to bus station(A) Khu Đô Thị Gamuda54 min
- 7Walk toTrần Phú310 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Canh Nậu to Trần Phú?
The fastest way takes 108 minutes, using Bus line 157, Bus line 30CT.
What is the alternative route to get from Canh Nậu to Trần Phú?
The alternative route takes 113 minutes, using Bus line 157, Bus line 30.
Is there a direct bus between Canh Nậu and Trần Phú in Hanoi?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 48 min.
Which bus line goes from Canh Nậu to Trần Phú in Hanoi?
The 157 bus line goes from Tây Ninh Xã Canh Nậu (Chiều Đi) station near Canh Nậu to (A) Bx Mỹ Đình station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till (A) Bx Mỹ Đình station near Trần Phú in Hanoi
How long does it take to travel from Canh Nậu to Trần Phú in Hanoi by bus?
The total travel time between Canh Nậu and Trần Phú in Hanoi by bus is about 1 hr 48 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Canh Nậu to get to Trần Phú in Hanoi?
Get on the 157 bus from the Tây Ninh Xã Canh Nậu (Chiều Đi) stop near Canh Nậu in Hanoi.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Canh Nậu and Trần Phú in Hanoi?
Get off the bus at the (A) Bx Mỹ Đình stop, which is closest to Trần Phú in Hanoi.
How much is the bus fare from Canh Nậu to Trần Phú?
The ride from Canh Nậu to Trần Phú costs ₫16,000.