How to get from Vegårshei to Tønsberg by bus and train?
From Vegårshei to Tønsberg by bus and train
To get from Vegårshei to Tønsberg in Norway, you’ll need to take 2 train lines and one bus line: take the F5 train from Vegårshei Stasjon station to Drammen Stasjon station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the RE11 train and finally take the 02 bus from Tønsberg Rutebilstasjon station to Stuerød station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 36 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationVegårshei
- 2Wait for trainF5Oslo S
- 3Ride to train stationDrammen Stasjon133 min
- 4Wait for trainRE11Skien
- 5Ride to train stationTønsberg Stasjon46 min
- 6Walk to bus stationTønsberg Rutebilstasjon280 m • 4 min
- 7Wait for bus02Tønsberg-Horten
- 8Ride to bus stationStuerød17 min
- 9Walk toTønsberg980 m • 13 min
Alternative route from Vegårshei to Tønsberg by bus and train via F5, RE11 and 113B
To get from Vegårshei to Tønsberg in Norway, you’ll need to take 2 train lines and one bus line: take the F5 train from Vegårshei Stasjon station to Drammen Stasjon station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the RE11 train and finally take the 113B bus from Tønsberg Rutebilstasjon station to Jacobhøgda station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 52 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationVegårshei
- 2Wait for trainF5Oslo S
- 3Ride to train stationDrammen Stasjon133 min
- 4Wait for trainRE11Skien
- 5Ride to train stationTønsberg Stasjon46 min
- 6Walk to bus stationTønsberg Rutebilstasjon280 m • 4 min
- 7Wait for bus113BTønsberg-Eik
- 8Ride to bus stationJacobhøgda13 min
- 9Walk toTønsberg3.22 km • 41 min
Public transit directions from Vegårshei to Tønsberg
Public transit stations close to Vegårshei
Vegårshei is located at Vegårshei, Norway and the nearest public transit station is Vegårshei Stasjon.
Bus stations close to Vegårshei:
- Vegårshei Stasjon
- Moland
- Vegårshei Kirke
Public transit stations close to Tønsberg, Norway
Tønsberg is located at Tønsberg, Norway and the nearest public transit station is Gulli Undrumveien.
Bus stations close to Tønsberg:
- Gulli Undrumveien
- Ekeberg Undrumveien
- Rakkås
Related Routes
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- Drammen to Tønsberg
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- Bergen to Tønsberg
- Hemsedal to Tønsberg
- Hjartdal to Tønsberg
- Holmestrand to Tønsberg
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- Fredrikstad to Tønsberg
Alternative route from Vegårshei to Tønsberg by bus and train via F5, RE11 and 113B
To get from Vegårshei to Tønsberg in Norway, you’ll need to take 2 train lines and one bus line: take the F5 train from Vegårshei Stasjon station to Drammen Stasjon station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the RE11 train and finally take the 113B bus from Tønsberg Rutebilstasjon station to Jacobhøgda station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 52 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationVegårshei
- 2Wait for trainF5Oslo S
- 3Ride to train stationDrammen Stasjon133 min
- 4Wait for trainRE11Skien
- 5Ride to train stationTønsberg Stasjon46 min
- 6Walk to bus stationTønsberg Rutebilstasjon280 m • 4 min
- 7Wait for bus113BTønsberg-Eik
- 8Ride to bus stationJacobhøgda13 min
- 9Walk toTønsberg3.22 km • 41 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Vegårshei to Tønsberg?
The fastest way takes 276 minutes, using Bus line F5, Bus line RE11, Bus line 02.
What is the alternative route to get from Vegårshei to Tønsberg?
The alternative route takes 292 minutes, using Bus line F5, Bus line RE11, Bus line 113B.
Is there a direct train between Vegårshei and Tønsberg in Norway?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 4 hr 36 min.
Which train line goes from Vegårshei to Tønsberg in Norway?
The F5 train line goes from Oslo S station near Vegårshei to Drammen Stasjon station. From there you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line till Drammen Stasjon station near Tønsberg in Norway
How long does it take to travel from Vegårshei to Tønsberg in Norway by train and bus?
The total travel time between Vegårshei and Tønsberg in Norway by train and bus is about 4 hr 36 min.
Where do I get on the train near Vegårshei to get to Tønsberg in Norway?
Get on the F5 train from the Oslo S station near Vegårshei in Norway.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Vegårshei and Tønsberg in Norway?
Get off the train at the Drammen Stasjon stop, which is closest to Tønsberg in Norway.