How to get from Br-324, 1286 to UNEF by bus?
From Br-324, 1286 to UNEF by bus
Take one direct bus from Br-324, 1286 to UNEF in Santana: take the 012 bus from Br-324, 1286 station to Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1962-2202 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationBr-324, 1286
- 2Wait for bus012➔ Terminal Central
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Presidente Dutra, 1962-220210 min
- 4Walk toUNEFAv. Presidente Dultra530 m • 7 min
Alternative route from Br-324, 1286 to UNEF by bus via 009
Take one direct bus from Br-324, 1286 to UNEF in Santana: take the 009 bus from Br-324, 1286 station to Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1962-2202 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationBr-324, 1286
- 2Wait for bus009➔ Terminal Central
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Presidente Dutra, 1962-220210 min
- 4Walk toUNEFAv. Presidente Dultra530 m • 7 min
Public transit directions from Br-324, 1286 to UNEF
Public transit stations close to Br-324, 1286
Br-324, 1286 is located at Br-324, 1286, Santana and the nearest public transit station is Br-324, 1002.
Bus stations close to Br-324, 1286:
- Br-324, 1002
- Atacadão
- Rua Das Tuneiras, 257
Public transit stations close to UNEF, Santana
UNEF is located at Av. Presidente Dultra, Santana and the nearest public transit station is Rua Santo Expedito, 94-182.
Bus stations close to UNEF:
- Rua Santo Expedito, 94-182
- Rua São Domingos, 167
- Rua Adenil Falcão, 200
Related Routes
- Partida to UNEF
- Rua B Feira X, 3 to UNEF
- Rua B, 33 to UNEF
- Rua B, 83 to UNEF
- Caminho N Dezoito, 100 to UNEF
- Rua L, 70-72 to UNEF
- Rua Macário Cerqueira, 69-75 to UNEF
- Rua Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 8 to UNEF
- Praça Doutor Jackson Do Amauri, 1-84 to UNEF
- Praça Nordestino to UNEF
- Avenida Senhor Dos Passos, 1025-1031 to UNEF
- 1º Ponto Após O Terminal Sul to UNEF
- Avenida Senhor Dos Passos, 821 to UNEF
- Ponto Da Oi to UNEF
- Ponto Do Feira Tênis Club to UNEF
- Rua Professor Germiniano Costa, 320 to UNEF
- Rua Professora Edelvira De Oliveira, 90a to UNEF
- Rua Professora Edelvira De Oliveira, 408 to UNEF
- Rua Mocoe, 1-59 to UNEF
- Avenida Maria Quitéria, 2790 to UNEF
Alternative route from Br-324, 1286 to UNEF by bus via 009
Take one direct bus from Br-324, 1286 to UNEF in Santana: take the 009 bus from Br-324, 1286 station to Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1962-2202 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationBr-324, 1286
- 2Wait for bus009➔ Terminal Central
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Presidente Dutra, 1962-220210 min
- 4Walk toUNEFAv. Presidente Dultra530 m • 7 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Br-324, 1286 to UNEF?
The fastest way takes 18 minutes, using Bus line 012.
What is the alternative route to get from Br-324, 1286 to UNEF?
The alternative route takes 18 minutes, using Bus line 009.
Is there a direct bus between Br-324, 1286 and UNEF?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Br-324, 1286 in Subae to UNEF in Santana in 18 min.
Which bus line goes from Br-324, 1286 to UNEF?
The 012 bus line goes from ➔ Terminal Central station near Br-324, 1286 in Subae to Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1962-2202 station near UNEF in Santana.
How long does it take to travel from Br-324, 1286 to UNEF by bus?
The total travel time between Br-324, 1286 in Subae and UNEF in Santana by bus is about 18 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Br-324, 1286 to get to UNEF?
Get on the 012 bus from the ➔ Terminal Central stop near Br-324, 1286 in Subae.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Br-324, 1286 and UNEF?
Get off the bus at the Avenida Presidente Dutra, 1962-2202 stop, which is closest to UNEF in Santana.
When is the last bus from Br-324, 1286 to UNEF?
The last bus from Br-324, 1286 in Subae to UNEF in Santana is the Humildes line. It leaves the Br-324, 1286 stop at 8:22 PM.