How to get from Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 to UNEF/FAN by bus?
From Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 to UNEF/FAN by bus
To get from Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 to UNEF/FAN in Santana, take the 053 bus from Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 station to Terminal Central station. Next, take the 020 bus from Terminal Central station to Avenida João Durval Carneiro, 943 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 45 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAvenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820
- 2Wait for bus053Jaíba - Terminal Central
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Central27 min
- 4Wait for bus020➔ Feira VII
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida João Durval Carneiro, 94311 min
- 6Walk toUNEF/FAN280 m • 4 min
Alternative route from Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 to UNEF/FAN by bus via 085 and 002
To get from Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 to UNEF/FAN in Santana, take the 085 bus from Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 station to Avenida Getúlio Vargas, 1500 station. Next, take the 002 bus from Avenida João Durval Carneiro, 2283 station to Avenida João Durval Carneiro, 943 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAvenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820
- 2Wait for bus085St. Antonio Dos Prazeres - Terminal Central
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Getúlio Vargas, 150021 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAvenida João Durval Carneiro, 2283240 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for bus002➔ Terminal Sul
- 6Ride to bus stationAvenida João Durval Carneiro, 9435 min
- 7Walk toUNEF/FAN280 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 to UNEF/FAN
Public transit stations close to Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820
Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 is located at Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820, Santana and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1983.
Bus stations close to Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820:
- Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1983
- Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 2036
- Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 3310
Public transit stations close to UNEF/FAN, Santana
UNEF/FAN is located at UNEF/FAN, Santana and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Maria Quitéria, 368.
Bus stations close to UNEF/FAN:
- Avenida Maria Quitéria, 368
- Avenida Maria Quitéria, 922
- Avenida Maria Quitéria, 193
Related Routes
- Partida to UNEF/FAN
- Rua B Feira X, 3 to UNEF/FAN
- Rua B, 33 to UNEF/FAN
- Rua B, 83 to UNEF/FAN
- Caminho N Dezoito, 100 to UNEF/FAN
- Rua L, 70-72 to UNEF/FAN
- Rua Macário Cerqueira, 69-75 to UNEF/FAN
- Rua Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 8 to UNEF/FAN
- Praça Doutor Jackson Do Amauri, 1-84 to UNEF/FAN
- Praça Nordestino to UNEF/FAN
- Avenida Senhor Dos Passos, 1025-1031 to UNEF/FAN
- 1º Ponto Após O Terminal Sul to UNEF/FAN
- Avenida Senhor Dos Passos, 821 to UNEF/FAN
- Ponto Da Oi to UNEF/FAN
- Ponto Do Feira Tênis Club to UNEF/FAN
- Rua Professor Germiniano Costa, 320 to UNEF/FAN
- Rua Professora Edelvira De Oliveira, 90a to UNEF/FAN
- Rua Professora Edelvira De Oliveira, 408 to UNEF/FAN
- Rua Mocoe, 1-59 to UNEF/FAN
- Avenida Maria Quitéria, 2790 to UNEF/FAN
Alternative route from Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 to UNEF/FAN by bus via 085 and 002
To get from Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 to UNEF/FAN in Santana, take the 085 bus from Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 station to Avenida Getúlio Vargas, 1500 station. Next, take the 002 bus from Avenida João Durval Carneiro, 2283 station to Avenida João Durval Carneiro, 943 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAvenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820
- 2Wait for bus085St. Antonio Dos Prazeres - Terminal Central
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Getúlio Vargas, 150021 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAvenida João Durval Carneiro, 2283240 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for bus002➔ Terminal Sul
- 6Ride to bus stationAvenida João Durval Carneiro, 9435 min
- 7Walk toUNEF/FAN280 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 to UNEF/FAN?
The fastest way takes 45 minutes, using Bus line 053, Bus line 020.
What is the alternative route to get from Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 to UNEF/FAN?
The alternative route takes 36 minutes, using Bus line 085, Bus line 002.
Is there a direct bus between Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 and UNEF/FAN?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 45 min.
Which bus line goes from Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 to UNEF/FAN?
The 053 bus line goes from Jaíba - Terminal Central station near Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 in Subae to Terminal Central station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Terminal Central station near UNEF/FAN in Santana.
How long does it take to travel from Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 to UNEF/FAN by bus?
The total travel time between Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 in Subae and UNEF/FAN in Santana by bus is about 45 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 to get to UNEF/FAN?
Get on the 053 bus from the Jaíba - Terminal Central stop near Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 in Subae.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Avenida Antônio Sérgio Carneiro, 1820 and UNEF/FAN?
Get off the bus at the Terminal Central stop, which is closest to UNEF/FAN in Santana.