How to get from Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai by Colectivo?
From Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai by Colectivo
Take one direct Colectivo from Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai in Rosario: take the 910 C Colectivo from Illia X Rivas station to Pte. Roca X Pellegrini station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 57 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Colectivo stationIllia X Rivas80 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for Colectivo910 CRosario (Autopista Por Empalme V. Constitución)
- 3Ride to Colectivo stationPte. Roca X Pellegrini114 min
- 4Walk toUaiPresidente Roca40 m • 1 min
Alternative route from Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai by Colectivo via 910 B, 910 E and INTBS
To get from Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai in Rosario, you’ll need to take 3 Colectivo lines: take the 910 B Colectivo from Illia X Fontella station to Terminal San Nicolás station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 910 E Colectivo and finally take the INTBS Colectivo from Av. Lagos X 27 De Febrero station to Pellegrini X Presidente Roca station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 48 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Colectivo stationIllia X Fontella100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for Colectivo910 BSan Nicolás
- 3Ride to Colectivo stationTerminal San Nicolás19 min
- 4Wait for Colectivo910 ERosario (Directo Por Autopista)
- 5Ride to Colectivo stationAv. Lagos X 27 De Febrero73 min
- 6Wait for ColectivoINTBSRosario
- 7Ride to Colectivo stationPellegrini X Presidente Roca9 min
- 8Walk toUaiPresidente Roca30 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai
Public transit stations close to Damaso Valdez, 98
Damaso Valdez, 98 is located at Damaso Valdez, 98, Rosario and the nearest public transit station is Illia X Rivas.
Train stations close to Damaso Valdez, 98:
- San Nicolas
Colectivo stations close to Damaso Valdez, 98:
- Illia X Rivas
- Av. Valdez X Viamonte
- Presidente Illia, 785
Public transit stations close to Uai, Rosario
Uai is located at Presidente Roca, Rosario and the nearest public transit station is Sudestada.
Train stations close to Uai:
- Rosario Norte
Colectivo stations close to Uai:
- Avenida Pellegrini X España
- Montevideo X Presidente Roca
- Paraguay X Pellegrini
Ferry stations close to Uai:
- Sudestada
- Vladimir
- Playa Deja Vu
Related Routes
- J. M. Estrada X Ruta 11 to Uai
- Pasco X Colón to Uai
- Santa Fe 3850-3898 to Uai
- Av. Eva Perón (E-O) Y Tte. Agneta to Uai
- Fraga, 459 to Uai
- Avenida Eva Perón, 8598 to Uai
- Ruta 9 Y Las Nueces to Uai
- Ruta Nacional 9, 3650 to Uai
- Bv. San Martín Y Urquiza to Uai
- Bv. Estanilao Lopez Y Almirante Brown to Uai
- Tucumán, 702-800 to Uai
- Av. L. De La Torre X Ruta 11 to Uai
- Luis Borghi X Av. San Martín to Uai
- Dorrego, 2700-2798 to Uai
- Rincón De Pavón X Rp 21 to Uai
- Entre Ríos, 2395 to Uai
- Bv. Nicasio Oroño X General López to Uai
- Viamonte, 878 to Uai
- Viamonte X Sarmiento to Uai
- Independencia 255 to Uai
Alternative route from Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai by Colectivo via 910 B, 910 E and INTBS
To get from Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai in Rosario, you’ll need to take 3 Colectivo lines: take the 910 B Colectivo from Illia X Fontella station to Terminal San Nicolás station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 910 E Colectivo and finally take the INTBS Colectivo from Av. Lagos X 27 De Febrero station to Pellegrini X Presidente Roca station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 48 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Colectivo stationIllia X Fontella100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for Colectivo910 BSan Nicolás
- 3Ride to Colectivo stationTerminal San Nicolás19 min
- 4Wait for Colectivo910 ERosario (Directo Por Autopista)
- 5Ride to Colectivo stationAv. Lagos X 27 De Febrero73 min
- 6Wait for ColectivoINTBSRosario
- 7Ride to Colectivo stationPellegrini X Presidente Roca9 min
- 8Walk toUaiPresidente Roca30 m • 1 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai?
The fastest way takes 117 minutes, using Colectivo line 910 C.
What is the alternative route to get from Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai?
The alternative route takes 108 minutes, using Colectivo line 910 B, Colectivo line 910 E, Colectivo line INTBS.
Is there a direct Colectivo between Damaso Valdez, 98 and Uai in Rosario?
Yes, there is a direct Colectivo going from Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai in Rosario in 1 hr 57 min.
Which Colectivo line goes from Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai in Rosario?
The 910 C Colectivo line goes from Illia X Rivas station near Damaso Valdez, 98 to Rosario (Autopista Por Empalme V. Constitución) station near Uai in Rosario.
How long does it take to travel from Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai in Rosario by Colectivo?
The total travel time between Damaso Valdez, 98 and Uai in Rosario by Colectivo is about 1 hr 57 min.
Where do I get on the Colectivo near Damaso Valdez, 98 to get to Uai in Rosario?
Get on the 910 C Colectivo from the Illia X Rivas stop near Damaso Valdez, 98 in Rosario.
Where do I get off the Colectivo when travelling between Damaso Valdez, 98 and Uai in Rosario?
Get off the Colectivo at the Rosario (Autopista Por Empalme V. Constitución) stop, which is closest to Uai in Rosario.
When is the first Colectivo from Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai in Rosario?
The first Colectivo from Damaso Valdez, 98 to Uai in Rosario is San Nicolás - Rosario (Autopista por Empalme V. Constitución). It leaves the Illia X Rivas stop at 5:03 AM.