How to get from Cupramarittima - Liberta' to Unicam: Foresteria by bus and train?
From Cupramarittima - Liberta' to Unicam: Foresteria by bus and train
To get from Cupramarittima - Liberta' to Unicam: Foresteria in Camerino, you’ll need to take 2 train lines and one bus line: take the R train from Cupra Marittima station to Civitanova Marche-Montegranaro station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the CONTRAM bus from Castelraimondo station to Camerino - Super Conti station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 45 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationCupra Marittima280 m • 4 min
- 2Wait for trainRAncona
- 3Ride to train stationCivitanova Marche-Montegranaro23 min
- 4Wait for trainRFabriano
- 5Ride to train stationCastelraimondo-Camerino89 min
- 6Walk to bus stationCastelraimondo10 m • 1 min
- 7Wait for busCONTRAMCamerino
- 8Ride to bus stationCamerino - Super Conti16 min
- 9Walk toUnicam: ForesteriaVia Viviano Venanzi770 m • 10 min
Public transit directions from Cupramarittima - Liberta' to Unicam: Foresteria
Public transit stations close to Cupramarittima - Liberta'
Cupramarittima - Liberta' is located at Cupramarittima - Liberta', Camerino and the nearest public transit station is Cupramarittima - Liberta'.
Train stations close to Cupramarittima - Liberta':
- Cupra Marittima
- Grottammare
Bus stations close to Cupramarittima - Liberta':
- Cupramarittima - Liberta'
- Cupramarittima
- Cupramarittima - Europa
Public transit stations close to Unicam: Foresteria, Camerino
Unicam: Foresteria is located at Via Viviano Venanzi, Camerino and the nearest public transit station is Camerino - Via S.Agostino.
Bus stations close to Unicam: Foresteria:
- Camerino - Via S.Agostino
- Camerino - Via Madonna Delle Carceri
- Camerino (San Domenico)
Related Routes
- Via Oberdan, N° 63 to Unicam: Foresteria
- Via Tomasseo Enel to Unicam: Foresteria
- Stella Di Monsampolo - Sambuceto to Unicam: Foresteria
- Via Dello Sport Ipsia to Unicam: Foresteria
- Ss16- Polizia Stradale to Unicam: Foresteria
- Maiolati S. (Centro)R to Unicam: Foresteria
- Maiolati S. (Municipio). to Unicam: Foresteria
- Cupramontana (S. Giovanni)R to Unicam: Foresteria
- Cupramontana (Crocifisso)R to Unicam: Foresteria
- Cupramontana (Carabinieri)R to Unicam: Foresteria
- Deposito Sacsa Cupramontana to Unicam: Foresteria
- Cupramontana (Ospedale)R to Unicam: Foresteria
- 2^ Via Bolignano to Unicam: Foresteria
- Torre Ghislieri to Unicam: Foresteria
- Pianello Vallesina (Piazza) to Unicam: Foresteria
- Pianello Vallesina (Sc. Elementare) to Unicam: Foresteria
- Pianello Vallesina (Terrone) to Unicam: Foresteria
- Ponte Pio to Unicam: Foresteria
- Pianello V. (Terrone) R to Unicam: Foresteria
- Pianello V. (Sc. Elementare)R to Unicam: Foresteria
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Cupramarittima - Liberta' to Unicam: Foresteria?
The fastest way takes 165 minutes, using Bus line R, Bus line R, Bus line CONTRAM.
Is there a direct train between Cupramarittima - Liberta' and Unicam: Foresteria?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 45 min.
Which train line goes from Cupramarittima - Liberta' to Unicam: Foresteria?
The R train line goes from Cupra Marittima station near Cupramarittima - Liberta' in Ancona to Ancona station. From there you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line till Ancona station near Unicam: Foresteria in Camerino.
How long does it take to travel from Cupramarittima - Liberta' to Unicam: Foresteria by train and bus?
The total travel time between Cupramarittima - Liberta' in Ancona and Unicam: Foresteria in Camerino by train and bus is about 2 hr 45 min.
Where do I get on the train near Cupramarittima - Liberta' to get to Unicam: Foresteria?
Get on the R train from the Cupra Marittima station near Cupramarittima - Liberta' in Ancona.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Cupramarittima - Liberta' and Unicam: Foresteria?
Get off the train at the Ancona stop, which is closest to Unicam: Foresteria in Camerino.