How to get from Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 to Unifacisa by bus?
From Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 to Unifacisa by bus
To get from Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 to Unifacisa in Campina Grande, take the 903A bus from Rua Manoel Mota, 1447-1469 station to Rua Vila Nova Da RaÃnha, 11 station. Next, take the 004A bus from Rua Vila Nova Da RaÃnha, 11 station to Faculdade Facisa station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 53 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRua Manoel Mota, 1447-146970 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus903AMutirão-Centro-Mutirão
- 3Ride to bus stationRua Vila Nova Da RaÃnha, 1119 min
- 4Wait for bus004AFacisa - Partage - Tic - Facisa
- 5Ride to bus stationFaculdade Facisa15 min
- 6Walk toUnifacisaRua Manoel Cardoso Palhano110 m • 2 min
Alternative route from Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 to Unifacisa by bus via 903B and 004A
To get from Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 to Unifacisa in Campina Grande, take the 903B bus from Rua Manoel Mota, 1447-1469 station to Rua Vila Nova Da RaÃnha, 11 station. Next, take the 004A bus from Rua Vila Nova Da RaÃnha, 11 station to Faculdade Facisa station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 1 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRua Manoel Mota, 1447-146970 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus903BDistrito De São José Da Mata
- 3Ride to bus stationRua Vila Nova Da RaÃnha, 1123 min
- 4Wait for bus004AFacisa - Partage - Tic - Facisa
- 5Ride to bus stationFaculdade Facisa15 min
- 6Walk toUnifacisaRua Manoel Cardoso Palhano110 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 to Unifacisa
Public transit stations close to Rua Manoel Mota, 1472
Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 is located at Rua Manoel Mota, 1472, Campina Grande and the nearest public transit station is Rua Manoel Mota, 1447-1469.
Bus stations close to Rua Manoel Mota, 1472:
- Rua Manoel Mota, 1447-1469
- Rua Manoel Mota, 1329
- Rua Projetada Xiii, Canal
Public transit stations close to Unifacisa, Campina Grande
Unifacisa is located at Rua Manoel Cardoso Palhano, Campina Grande and the nearest public transit station is Rua Maria Da Guia Costa Figueiredo, 93.
Bus stations close to Unifacisa:
- Rua Maria Da Guia Costa Figueiredo, 93
- Rua Francisco Alves Ramalho, 63-157
- Avenida Saturnino De Brito, 1072-1100
Related Routes
- Rua Chile, 394-420 to Unifacisa
- Avenida Consul Joseph Noujuain Habib Nacad, 596-716 to Unifacisa
- Rua João Suassuna, 380 to Unifacisa
- Rua João Suassuna, 662-674 to Unifacisa
- Rua Arrojado Lisboa, 136 to Unifacisa
- Rua Arrojado Lisboa, 406 to Unifacisa
- Rua AprÃgio Veloso, 2-118 to Unifacisa
- Empresa Aço Brasil to Unifacisa
- Rua Vanderléia Rodrigues Gambarra, 1-67 to Unifacisa
- Rua Manoel Mota, 1021a to Unifacisa
- Avenida Portugal, 1593-1645 to Unifacisa
- Rua Francisco Lopes De Almeida, 430a to Unifacisa
- Rua Tomé De Souza, 241f to Unifacisa
- Base Da Rotam - PolÃcia Militar to Unifacisa
- Rua Maria Do Carmo Nóbrega, 101-153 to Unifacisa
- Ubsf Ana Amélia Vilar to Unifacisa
- Rua Otávio Batista Cabral, 191-229 to Unifacisa
- Rua Cantor Evaldo Braga, 38-62 to Unifacisa
- Rodovia Raymundo Asfora to Unifacisa
- Rua Bráulio Araújo Gusmão, 526-554 to Unifacisa
Alternative route from Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 to Unifacisa by bus via 903B and 004A
To get from Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 to Unifacisa in Campina Grande, take the 903B bus from Rua Manoel Mota, 1447-1469 station to Rua Vila Nova Da RaÃnha, 11 station. Next, take the 004A bus from Rua Vila Nova Da RaÃnha, 11 station to Faculdade Facisa station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 1 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRua Manoel Mota, 1447-146970 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus903BDistrito De São José Da Mata
- 3Ride to bus stationRua Vila Nova Da RaÃnha, 1123 min
- 4Wait for bus004AFacisa - Partage - Tic - Facisa
- 5Ride to bus stationFaculdade Facisa15 min
- 6Walk toUnifacisaRua Manoel Cardoso Palhano110 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 to Unifacisa?
The fastest way takes 53 minutes, using Bus line 903A, Bus line 004A.
What is the alternative route to get from Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 to Unifacisa?
The alternative route takes 61 minutes, using Bus line 903B, Bus line 004A.
Is there a direct bus between Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 and Unifacisa in Campina Grande?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 53 min.
Which bus line goes from Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 to Unifacisa in Campina Grande?
The 903A bus line goes from Rua Manoel Mota, 1447-1469 station near Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 to Mutirão-Centro-Mutirão station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Mutirão-Centro-Mutirão station near Unifacisa in Campina Grande
How long does it take to travel from Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 to Unifacisa in Campina Grande by bus?
The total travel time between Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 and Unifacisa in Campina Grande by bus is about 53 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 to get to Unifacisa in Campina Grande?
Get on the 903A bus from the Rua Manoel Mota, 1447-1469 stop near Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 in Campina Grande.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rua Manoel Mota, 1472 and Unifacisa in Campina Grande?
Get off the bus at the Mutirão-Centro-Mutirão stop, which is closest to Unifacisa in Campina Grande.