How to get from Barracão Da Prefeitura to Uniflu/Fafic by bus?
From Barracão Da Prefeitura to Uniflu/Fafic by bus
To get from Barracão Da Prefeitura to Uniflu/Fafic in Campos, take the QUISSAMÃ - CAMPOS (VIA BARRA DO FURADO) bus from Prefeitura station to Terminal Rodoviário Roberto Silveira (Campos Dos Goytacazes) station. Next, take the 122/123 bus from Terminal Rodoviário Roberto Silveira (Campos Dos Goytacazes) station to Avenida Presidente Vargas, 12 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 16 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPrefeitura160 m • 2 min
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Rodoviário Roberto Silveira (Campos Dos Goytacazes)167 min
- 4Wait for bus122/123Rio Preto (Via Itereré)
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida Presidente Vargas, 1210 min
- 6Walk toUniflu/FaficRua Visconde Alvarenga590 m • 8 min
Alternative route from Barracão Da Prefeitura to Uniflu/Fafic by bus via QUISSAMÃ - CAMPOS (VIA BARRA DO FURADO) and N150
To get from Barracão Da Prefeitura to Uniflu/Fafic in Campos, take the QUISSAMÃ - CAMPOS (VIA BARRA DO FURADO) bus from Prefeitura station to Terminal Rodoviário Roberto Silveira (Campos Dos Goytacazes) station. Next, take the N150 bus from Terminal Rodoviário Roberto Silveira (Campos Dos Goytacazes) station to Avenida Presidente Vargas 38-54 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 21 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPrefeitura160 m • 2 min
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Rodoviário Roberto Silveira (Campos Dos Goytacazes)167 min
- 4Wait for busN150São Fidélis
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida Presidente Vargas 38-548 min
- 6Walk toUniflu/FaficRua Visconde Alvarenga730 m • 10 min
Public transit directions from Barracão Da Prefeitura to Uniflu/Fafic
Public transit stations close to Barracão Da Prefeitura
Barracão Da Prefeitura is located at Barracão Da Prefeitura, Campos and the nearest public transit station is Caxias.
Bus stations close to Barracão Da Prefeitura:
- Caxias
- Praça De Quissamã / Garagem Quissatur
- Posto De Saúde
Public transit stations close to Uniflu/Fafic, Campos
Uniflu/Fafic is located at Rua Visconde Alvarenga, Campos and the nearest public transit station is Colégio Estadual José Do Patrocínio.
Bus stations close to Uniflu/Fafic:
- Colégio Estadual José Do Patrocínio
- Caju
- Igreja Batista
Related Routes
- Hpm to Uniflu/Fafic
- Avenida Otoniel Gomes Tavares Próximo Ao 428 to Uniflu/Fafic
- Avenida Otoniel Gomes Tavares Próximo Ao 380 to Uniflu/Fafic
- Estrada Linha Azul Próximo Ao 100 to Uniflu/Fafic
- Estrada Linha Azul to Uniflu/Fafic
- Rua Arnaldo Sussekind Próximo Ao 178 to Uniflu/Fafic
- Estrada Linha Azul | Noble to Uniflu/Fafic
- Avenida Itaúna | Piracema to Uniflu/Fafic
- Engenho Central to Uniflu/Fafic
- Praça Do Carmo to Uniflu/Fafic
- Hospital to Uniflu/Fafic
- Praça De Quissamã / Garagem Quissatur to Uniflu/Fafic
- Prefeitura to Uniflu/Fafic
- Ciep to Uniflu/Fafic
- Terminal Rodoviário De Quissamã to Uniflu/Fafic
- Conde De Araruama to Uniflu/Fafic
- Serrinha to Uniflu/Fafic
- Br-101 | Shopping Estrada to Uniflu/Fafic
- Prefeitura De Campos to Uniflu/Fafic
- Dores De Macabu to Uniflu/Fafic
Alternative route from Barracão Da Prefeitura to Uniflu/Fafic by bus via QUISSAMÃ - CAMPOS (VIA BARRA DO FURADO) and N150
To get from Barracão Da Prefeitura to Uniflu/Fafic in Campos, take the QUISSAMÃ - CAMPOS (VIA BARRA DO FURADO) bus from Prefeitura station to Terminal Rodoviário Roberto Silveira (Campos Dos Goytacazes) station. Next, take the N150 bus from Terminal Rodoviário Roberto Silveira (Campos Dos Goytacazes) station to Avenida Presidente Vargas 38-54 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 21 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPrefeitura160 m • 2 min
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Rodoviário Roberto Silveira (Campos Dos Goytacazes)167 min
- 4Wait for busN150São Fidélis
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida Presidente Vargas 38-548 min
- 6Walk toUniflu/FaficRua Visconde Alvarenga730 m • 10 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Barracão Da Prefeitura to Uniflu/Fafic?
The fastest way takes 196 minutes, using Bus line QUISSAMÃ - CAMPOS (VIA BARRA DO FURADO), Bus line 122/123.
What is the alternative route to get from Barracão Da Prefeitura to Uniflu/Fafic?
The alternative route takes 201 minutes, using Bus line QUISSAMÃ - CAMPOS (VIA BARRA DO FURADO), Bus line N150.
Is there a direct bus between Barracão Da Prefeitura and Uniflu/Fafic?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 3 hr 16 min.
Which bus line goes from Barracão Da Prefeitura to Uniflu/Fafic?
The QUISSAMÃ - CAMPOS (VIA BARRA DO FURADO) bus line goes from Prefeitura station near Barracão Da Prefeitura in Macae to Campos station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Campos station near Uniflu/Fafic in Campos.
How long does it take to travel from Barracão Da Prefeitura to Uniflu/Fafic by bus?
The total travel time between Barracão Da Prefeitura in Macae and Uniflu/Fafic in Campos by bus is about 3 hr 16 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Barracão Da Prefeitura to get to Uniflu/Fafic?
Get on the QUISSAMÃ - CAMPOS (VIA BARRA DO FURADO) bus from the Prefeitura stop near Barracão Da Prefeitura in Macae.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Barracão Da Prefeitura and Uniflu/Fafic?
Get off the bus at the Campos stop, which is closest to Uniflu/Fafic in Campos.