How to get from Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 to Unileste Mg by bus?
From Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 to Unileste Mg by bus
Take one direct bus from Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 to Unileste Mg in Morada Do Vale: take the UNIVALE 3182E bus from Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 748 station to Avenida Presidente Tancredo De Almeida Neves, 3513 | Posto Auto Giro station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 41 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida João Valentim Pascoal, 748110 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for busUNIVALE 3182E01 Ipatinga > Fabriciano
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Presidente Tancredo De Almeida Neves, 3513 | Posto Auto Giro33 min
- 4Walk toUnileste MgRua Itabira450 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 to Unileste Mg
Public transit stations close to Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840
Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 is located at Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840, Morada Do Vale and the nearest public transit station is Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 748.
Bus stations close to Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840:
- Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 748
- Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 829
- Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 955 | Câmara Municipal De Ipatinga
Public transit stations close to Unileste Mg, Morada Do Vale
Unileste Mg is located at Rua Itabira, Morada Do Vale and the nearest public transit station is Rua Araguaia, 7.
Bus stations close to Unileste Mg:
- Rua Araguaia, 7
- Rua Vale Do Juruá, 150
- Rua Tocantins, 2
Related Routes
- Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 955 | Câmara Municipal De Ipatinga to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Minas Gerais, 105 - Ponto Final Da Linha 601/Bethânia to Unileste Mg
- Avenida José Raimundo, 3939 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida José Raimundo, 3711 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Selim José Sales, 2421 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Alberto Geovannini, 213 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Selim José Sales, 1755 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Selim José Sales, 1629 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Minas Gerais, 192 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Minas Gerais, 560 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Minas Gerais, 880 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Juscelino Kubitscheck, 1505 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Juscelino Kubitscheck, 815 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida José Barcelos, 1041 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Selim José Sales, 1245 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Selim José Sales, 989 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Selim José Sales, 625 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Macapá, 475 to Unileste Mg
- Avenida Macapá, 145 to Unileste Mg
- Rua Diamantina, 259 to Unileste Mg
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 to Unileste Mg?
The fastest way takes 41 minutes, using Bus line UNIVALE 3182E.
Is there a direct bus between Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 and Unileste Mg?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 in Ipatinga Region to Unileste Mg in Morada Do Vale in 41 min.
Which bus line goes from Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 to Unileste Mg?
The UNIVALE 3182E bus line goes from Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 748 station near Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 in Ipatinga Region to 01 Ipatinga > Fabriciano station near Unileste Mg in Morada Do Vale.
How long does it take to travel from Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 to Unileste Mg by bus?
The total travel time between Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 in Ipatinga Region and Unileste Mg in Morada Do Vale by bus is about 41 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 to get to Unileste Mg?
Get on the UNIVALE 3182E bus from the Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 748 stop near Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 in Ipatinga Region.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 and Unileste Mg?
Get off the bus at the 01 Ipatinga > Fabriciano stop, which is closest to Unileste Mg in Morada Do Vale.
When is the first bus from Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 to Unileste Mg?
The first bus from Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 840 in Ipatinga Region to Unileste Mg in Morada Do Vale is Coronel Fabriciano/Ipatinga. It leaves the Avenida João Valentim Pascoal, 748 stop at 5:12 AM.