How to get from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Unip by bus?
From Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Unip by bus
To get from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Unip in Caruaru, take the 161 bus from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 572 station to Avenida Caruaru, 45 station. Next, take the 309 bus from Av. Campina Grande, 1021 station to Rua Eça De Queiróz, 281 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 32 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida João Soares De Líra, 57240 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus161Lajedo Do Cedro ➡ Centro Via Jardim Panorama
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Caruaru, 459 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAv. Campina Grande, 1021200 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus309CEACA ➡ Rendeiras / Via BR-242 / Universitário
- 6Ride to bus stationRua Eça De Queiróz, 28110 min
- 7Walk toUnip80 m • 1 min
Alternative route from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Unip by bus via 114 and 117
To get from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Unip in Caruaru, take the 114 bus from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 572 station to Avenida Major Manoel De Freitas 77 station. Next, take the 117 bus from Avenida Oswaldo Cruz 164-210 station to Rua Cônego Júlio Cabral, 927 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 29 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida João Soares De Líra, 57240 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus114Res. Nova York ➡ Centro / Via Agamenom Magalhães
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Major Manoel De Freitas 7719 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAvenida Oswaldo Cruz 164-210170 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus117Centro ➡ Universitário Via Luiz Gonzaga
- 6Ride to bus stationRua Cônego Júlio Cabral, 9274 min
- 7Walk toUnip130 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Unip
Public transit stations close to Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570
Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 is located at Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570, Caruaru and the nearest public transit station is Rua Santa Maria Da Boa Vista, 700.
Bus stations close to Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570:
- Rua Santa Maria Da Boa Vista, 700
- Avenida João Soares De Líra, 1505
- Rua Venceslau Braz, 43a
Public transit stations close to Unip, Caruaru
Unip is located at Unip, Caruaru and the nearest public transit station is Rua Tupy, 536.
Bus stations close to Unip:
- Rua Tupy, 536
- Rua Valdomiro Manoel Da Silva, 197
- Rua Cônego Júlio Cabral, 282
Related Routes
- Barragem Taquara to Unip
- Avenida João Soares De Líra, 1549 to Unip
- Avenida Joaquim Nabuco, 374 to Unip
- Praça São Roque, 65 to Unip
- Rua Vinte, 345 to Unip
- Rua Sao Sebastiao, 340 to Unip
- Rua Alexandrino Boa Ventura, 232 to Unip
- Rua Sem Nome to Unip
- Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to ASCES - Associação Caruaruense de Ensino Superior
- Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Unit - Universidade Tiradentes
- Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Universidade De Pernambuco - UPE
- Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to avenida marcionilo Francisco da Silva
- Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Auditório UPE - Caruaru, PE
- Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Faculdade Maurício de Nassau - Unidade Caruaru
- Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Terra Vermelha
- Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Distrito De Lage Grande
- Avenida Belém Do São Francisco, 46 to ASCES - Associação Caruaruense de Ensino Superior
- Avenida Belém Do São Francisco, 46 to Unit - Universidade Tiradentes
- Avenida Belém Do São Francisco, 46 to Universidade De Pernambuco - UPE
- Avenida Belém Do São Francisco, 46 to avenida marcionilo Francisco da Silva
Alternative route from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Unip by bus via 114 and 117
To get from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Unip in Caruaru, take the 114 bus from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 572 station to Avenida Major Manoel De Freitas 77 station. Next, take the 117 bus from Avenida Oswaldo Cruz 164-210 station to Rua Cônego Júlio Cabral, 927 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 29 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida João Soares De Líra, 57240 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus114Res. Nova York ➡ Centro / Via Agamenom Magalhães
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Major Manoel De Freitas 7719 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAvenida Oswaldo Cruz 164-210170 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus117Centro ➡ Universitário Via Luiz Gonzaga
- 6Ride to bus stationRua Cônego Júlio Cabral, 9274 min
- 7Walk toUnip130 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Unip?
The fastest way takes 32 minutes, using Bus line 161, Bus line 309.
What is the alternative route to get from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Unip?
The alternative route takes 29 minutes, using Bus line 114, Bus line 117.
Is there a direct bus between Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 and Unip in Caruaru?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 32 min.
Which bus line goes from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Unip in Caruaru?
The 161 bus line goes from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 572 station near Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Lajedo Do Cedro ➡ Centro Via Jardim Panorama station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Lajedo Do Cedro ➡ Centro Via Jardim Panorama station near Unip in Caruaru
How long does it take to travel from Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to Unip in Caruaru by bus?
The total travel time between Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 and Unip in Caruaru by bus is about 32 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 to get to Unip in Caruaru?
Get on the 161 bus from the Avenida João Soares De Líra, 572 stop near Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 in Caruaru.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Avenida João Soares De Líra, 570 and Unip in Caruaru?
Get off the bus at the Lajedo Do Cedro ➡ Centro Via Jardim Panorama stop, which is closest to Unip in Caruaru.