How to get from Freire - Jose Fuentes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) by bus?
From Freire - Jose Fuentes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) by bus
Take one direct bus from Freire - Jose Fuentes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) in Provincia De Valparaíso: take the 303 bus from Freire 912 - 998 station to 6 Oriente - 12 Norte station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 28 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationFreire 912 - 99850 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus303Concón
- 3Ride to bus station6 Oriente - 12 Norte25 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)Quillota120 m • 2 min
Alternative route from Freire - Jose Fuentes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) by bus via 304
Take one direct bus from Freire - Jose Fuentes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) in Provincia De Valparaíso: take the 304 bus from Freire 912 - 998 station to 6 Oriente - 12 Norte station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 30 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationFreire 912 - 99850 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus304Gómez Carreño
- 3Ride to bus station6 Oriente - 12 Norte26 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)Quillota120 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Freire - Jose Fuentes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
Public transit stations close to Freire - Jose Fuentes
Freire - Jose Fuentes is located at Freire - Jose Fuentes, Provincia De Valparaíso and the nearest public transit station is Freire 912 - 998.
Metro stations close to Freire - Jose Fuentes:
- Quilpué
- El Belloto
- La Concepción
Bus stations close to Freire - Jose Fuentes:
- Freire 912 - 998
- Freire - Peru
- Las Rosas, 840
Public transit stations close to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar), Provincia De Valparaíso
Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) is located at Quillota, Provincia De Valparaíso and the nearest public transit station is 6 Oriente, 1391.
Metro stations close to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar):
- Miramar
- Chorrillos
- Hospital
Bus stations close to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar):
- 6 Oriente, 1391
- Con Con, 1289
- Quince Norte - Calera
Related Routes
- Paradero N°8 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Av. Francia- Independencia to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Av Tupuguntato / Sitrans to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Edificio Torre Barón 2 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Lago Puyehue to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Porvenir -Ma Mercedes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Porvenir 1921 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Paradero 2 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Porvenir 1503 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Calle Alcalde Rodolfo Galleguillos, 2113 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Camino Al Faro - Camino Viejo Las Docas to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Miramar to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Paradero 7 Placilla to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Parque Sur to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Huanhuali - Carlos Saavedra to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- El Retiro - San Enrique to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Avenida Argentina, 155 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Quillota, 65 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Lago Las Torres, 23 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Calle Mexico, 1931 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
Alternative route from Freire - Jose Fuentes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) by bus via 304
Take one direct bus from Freire - Jose Fuentes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) in Provincia De Valparaíso: take the 304 bus from Freire 912 - 998 station to 6 Oriente - 12 Norte station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 30 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationFreire 912 - 99850 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus304Gómez Carreño
- 3Ride to bus station6 Oriente - 12 Norte26 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)Quillota120 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Freire - Jose Fuentes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)?
The fastest way takes 28 minutes, using Bus line 303.
What is the alternative route to get from Freire - Jose Fuentes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)?
The alternative route takes 30 minutes, using Bus line 304.
Is there a direct bus between Freire - Jose Fuentes and Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Freire - Jose Fuentes in Valparaiso y Vina del Mar to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) in Provincia De Valparaíso in 28 min.
Which bus line goes from Freire - Jose Fuentes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)?
The 303 bus line goes from Freire 912 - 998 station near Freire - Jose Fuentes in Valparaiso y Vina del Mar to Concón station near Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) in Provincia De Valparaíso.
How long does it take to travel from Freire - Jose Fuentes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) by bus?
The total travel time between Freire - Jose Fuentes in Valparaiso y Vina del Mar and Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) in Provincia De Valparaíso by bus is about 28 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Freire - Jose Fuentes to get to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)?
Get on the 303 bus from the Freire 912 - 998 stop near Freire - Jose Fuentes in Valparaiso y Vina del Mar.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Freire - Jose Fuentes and Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)?
Get off the bus at the Concón stop, which is closest to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) in Provincia De Valparaíso.
When is the first metro from Freire - Jose Fuentes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)?
The first metro from Freire - Jose Fuentes in Valparaiso y Vina del Mar to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) in Provincia De Valparaíso is Limache-Puerto. It leaves the El Belloto station at 3:13 AM.
When is the last bus from Freire - Jose Fuentes to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)?
The last bus from Freire - Jose Fuentes in Valparaiso y Vina del Mar to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar) in Provincia De Valparaíso is the Peñablanca - Concon line. It leaves the Freire 912 - 998 stop at 4:32 AM.