How to get from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello by Micro?
From Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello by Micro
Take one direct Micro from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello in Providencia: take the 409 Micro from Pc342-Parada / Clínica Indisa station to Pc347-Parada 4 / Facultad De Derecho station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 9 min. The ride fare is CLP740.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Micro stationPc342-Parada / Clínica Indisa110 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for Micro409Mapocho
- 3Ride to Micro stationPc347-Parada 4 / Facultad De Derecho6 min
Alternative route from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello by Micro via 542
Take one direct Micro from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello in Providencia: take the 542 Micro from Pc342-Parada / Clínica Indisa station to Pc347-Parada 4 / Facultad De Derecho station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 10 min. The ride fare is CLP740.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Micro stationPc342-Parada / Clínica Indisa110 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for Micro542Cerro Navia
- 3Ride to Micro stationPc347-Parada 4 / Facultad De Derecho7 min
Public transit directions from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello
Public transit stations close to Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa
Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa is located at Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa, Providencia and the nearest public transit station is Pc342-Parada / Clínica Indisa.
Metro stations close to Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa:
- Pedro De Valdivia
- Los Leones
- Manuel Montt
Micro stations close to Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa:
- Pc342-Parada / Clínica Indisa
- Pc318-Avenida Santa María / Esq. Av. Pedro De Valdivia
- Pc341-Av. Los Conquistadores / Esq. Av. Pedro De Valdivia
Public transit stations close to Universidad Andres Bello, Providencia
Universidad Andres Bello is located at Bellavista, Providencia and the nearest public transit station is Pa384-Parada 11 / Plaza Italia.
Metro stations close to Universidad Andres Bello:
- Baquedano L1
Micro stations close to Universidad Andres Bello:
- Pa384-Parada 11 / Plaza Italia
- Pa393-Parada 1 / Plaza Italia
- Pc1147-Parada 2 / Plaza Italia
Related Routes
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- Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Lampa
- Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Padre Hurtado
- Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Maipú
- Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to María Pinto
- Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Quilicura
- Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Ñuñoa
- Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Maternidad Clínica Alemana
- Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Clínica Bicentenario
- Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad De Valparaíso Campus Santiago
- Pe1269-María Elena / Esq. Sta. T. De Los Andes to Renca
- Pe1269-María Elena / Esq. Sta. T. De Los Andes to Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Campus San Joaquín
- Pe1269-María Elena / Esq. Sta. T. De Los Andes to Facultad De Odontología De La Universidad De Chile
- Pe1269-María Elena / Esq. Sta. T. De Los Andes to Pontificia Universidad Católica De Chile - Campus Lo Contador
- Pe1269-María Elena / Esq. Sta. T. De Los Andes to Duoc UC (Sede San Bernardo)
- Pe1269-María Elena / Esq. Sta. T. De Los Andes to Facultad De Medicina Universidad Del Desarrollo
- Pe1269-María Elena / Esq. Sta. T. De Los Andes to Pontificia Universidad Católica De Chile (Campus Oriente)
- Pe1269-María Elena / Esq. Sta. T. De Los Andes to Pontificia Universidad Católica De Chile - Campus San Joaquín
- Pe1269-María Elena / Esq. Sta. T. De Los Andes to Peñaflor
- Pe1269-María Elena / Esq. Sta. T. De Los Andes to Huechuraba
Alternative route from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello by Micro via 542
Take one direct Micro from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello in Providencia: take the 542 Micro from Pc342-Parada / Clínica Indisa station to Pc347-Parada 4 / Facultad De Derecho station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 10 min. The ride fare is CLP740.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Micro stationPc342-Parada / Clínica Indisa110 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for Micro542Cerro Navia
- 3Ride to Micro stationPc347-Parada 4 / Facultad De Derecho7 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello?
The fastest way takes 9 minutes, using Micro line 409.
What is the alternative route to get from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello?
The alternative route takes 10 minutes, using Micro line 542.
Is there a direct Micro between Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa and Universidad Andres Bello?
Yes, there’s a direct Micro going from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa in Santiago to Universidad Andres Bello in Providencia in 9 min.
Which Micro line goes from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello?
The 409 Micro line goes from Pc342-Parada / Clínica Indisa station near Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa in Santiago to Mapocho station near Universidad Andres Bello in Providencia.
How long does it take to travel from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello by Micro?
The total travel time between Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa in Santiago and Universidad Andres Bello in Providencia by Micro is about 9 min.
Where do I get on the Micro near Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to get to Universidad Andres Bello?
Get on the 409 Micro from the Pc342-Parada / Clínica Indisa stop near Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa in Santiago.
Where do I get off the Micro when travelling between Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa and Universidad Andres Bello?
Get off the Micro at the Mapocho stop, which is closest to Universidad Andres Bello in Providencia.
When is the first Micro from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello?
The first Micro from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa in Santiago to Universidad Andres Bello in Providencia is Mapocho - Plaza San Enrique. It leaves the Pc342-Parada / Clínica Indisa stop at 9:10 PM.
How much is the Micro fare from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello?
The ride from Pc317-Parada / Clínica Indisa to Universidad Andres Bello costs CLP740.