How to get from I-90 to Universidad Antonio Nariño by bus?
From I-90 to Universidad Antonio Nariño by bus
To get from I-90 to Universidad Antonio Nariño in Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.), take the 03B bus from I-90 station to Rodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 18-36 station. Next, take the 03G bus from Rodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 18-36 station to Calle 30, 472-47100 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 6 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationI-90
- 2Wait for bus03BDon Jaca - Timayui
- 3Ride to bus stationRodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 18-363 min
- 4Wait for bus03GDon_Jaca-Libano
- 5Ride to bus stationCalle 30, 472-4710056 min
- 6Walk toUniversidad Antonio NariñoCalle 30240 m • 3 min
Alternative route from I-90 to Universidad Antonio Nariño by bus via 03G
Take one direct bus from I-90 to Universidad Antonio Nariño in Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.): take the 03G bus from Rodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 18-36 station to Calle 30, 472-47100 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 10 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 18-36800 m • 11 min
- 2Wait for bus03GDon_Jaca-Libano
- 3Ride to bus stationCalle 30, 472-4710056 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Antonio NariñoCalle 30240 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from I-90 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
Public transit stations close to I-90
I-90 is located at I-90, Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.) and the nearest public transit station is Rodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 17-35.
Bus stations close to I-90:
- Rodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 17-35
- Rodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 18-36
- I-90
Public transit stations close to Universidad Antonio Nariño, Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.)
Universidad Antonio Nariño is located at Calle 30, Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.) and the nearest public transit station is Diagonal 36, 72-7100.
Bus stations close to Universidad Antonio Nariño:
- Diagonal 36, 72-7100
- Calle 29, 72-7100
- Calle 29, 92-9100
Related Routes
- Calle 11, 12-184 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Carrera 3, 62-644 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Calle 14, 22-2202 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Carrera 2, 929 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Carrera 2, 1273-1279 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Via Santa Marta - Taganga to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Calle 1b, 1264-12288 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Carrera 11, 1b57-1b87 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Carrera 11, 51-597 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Mercado / Olympia to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Mercado to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Central De Transporte to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Mingueo-Santa Marta 771-7719 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Sena to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Bienestar Familiar to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Calle 9, 352-35100 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Rodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 41-45 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Rodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 37 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Aeropuerto, 1-99 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
- Aeropuerto, 2-100 to Universidad Antonio Nariño
Alternative route from I-90 to Universidad Antonio Nariño by bus via 03G
Take one direct bus from I-90 to Universidad Antonio Nariño in Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.): take the 03G bus from Rodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 18-36 station to Calle 30, 472-47100 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 10 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 18-36800 m • 11 min
- 2Wait for bus03GDon_Jaca-Libano
- 3Ride to bus stationCalle 30, 472-4710056 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Antonio NariñoCalle 30240 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from I-90 to Universidad Antonio Nariño?
The fastest way takes 66 minutes, using Bus line 03B, Bus line 03G.
What is the alternative route to get from I-90 to Universidad Antonio Nariño?
The alternative route takes 70 minutes, using Bus line 03G.
Is there a direct bus between I-90 and Universidad Antonio Nariño in Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.)?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 6 min.
Which bus line goes from I-90 to Universidad Antonio Nariño in Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.)?
The 03B bus line goes from Don Jaca - Timayui station near I-90 to Rodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 18-36 station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Rodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 18-36 station near Universidad Antonio Nariño in Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.)
How long does it take to travel from I-90 to Universidad Antonio Nariño in Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.) by bus?
The total travel time between I-90 and Universidad Antonio Nariño in Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.) by bus is about 1 hr 6 min.
Where do I get on the bus near I-90 to get to Universidad Antonio Nariño in Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.)?
Get on the 03B bus from the Don Jaca - Timayui stop near I-90 in Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.).
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between I-90 and Universidad Antonio Nariño in Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.)?
Get off the bus at the Rodadero - Cruce Alcatraces, 18-36 stop, which is closest to Universidad Antonio Nariño in Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.).