How to get from Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur by bus?
From Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur by bus
Take one direct bus from Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur in Quito: take the TROLEBÚS bus from Registro Civil station to Av. Teniente Hugo Ortiz station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 9 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRegistro Civil
- 2Wait for busTROLEBÚSEstacion Norte La "Y"
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. Teniente Hugo Ortiz6 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Central Sur160 m • 3 min
Alternative route from Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur by bus via C2
Take one direct bus from Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur in Quito: take the C2 bus from Registro Civil station to Ajaví station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 9 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRegistro Civil
- 2Wait for busC2El Labrador
- 3Ride to bus stationAjaví6 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Central Sur190 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur
Public transit stations close to Registro Civil
Registro Civil is located at Registro Civil, Quito and the nearest public transit station is Sta Rita.
Metro stations close to Registro Civil:
- Estación Valverde
- Estación Solanda
- Estación Quitumbe
Bus stations close to Registro Civil:
- Sta Rita
- San Cristóbal
- Av. Teniente Hugo Ortiz
Public transit stations close to Universidad Central Sur, Quito
Universidad Central Sur is located at Universidad Central Sur, Quito and the nearest public transit station is Zaraguro.
Metro stations close to Universidad Central Sur:
- Estación El Recreo
- Estación Cardenal De La Torre
- Estación Valverde
Bus stations close to Universidad Central Sur:
- Zaraguro
- Av. Pedro Vicente Maldonado
- Saraguro
Related Routes
- Av. Pedro Vicente Maldonado to Universidad Central Sur
- Av. La Bota to Universidad Central Sur
- Estacion Moran Valverde to Universidad Central Sur
- Subida A Muarcay to Universidad Central Sur
- Av. Simón Bolivar to Universidad Central Sur
- 17 De Septiembre to Universidad Central Sur
- Carapungo to Universidad Central Sur
- Jaime Roldos to Universidad Central Sur
- Chimbacalle to Universidad Central Sur
- Estación El Florón to Universidad Central Sur
- Quillallacta to Universidad Central Sur
- Jipijapa to Universidad Central Sur
- Puente De Guajalo to Universidad Central Sur
- El Capulí to Universidad Central Sur
- Terminal Norte "Rio Coca" to Universidad Central Sur
- Registro Civil to UTPL
- Registro Civil to Llano Chico
- Registro Civil to La Loma Grande
- Estación Hermano Miguel to UTPL
- Estación Hermano Miguel to Llano Chico
Alternative route from Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur by bus via C2
Take one direct bus from Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur in Quito: take the C2 bus from Registro Civil station to Ajaví station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 9 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRegistro Civil
- 2Wait for busC2El Labrador
- 3Ride to bus stationAjaví6 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Central Sur190 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur?
The fastest way takes 9 minutes, using Bus line TROLEBÚS.
What is the alternative route to get from Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur?
The alternative route takes 9 minutes, using Bus line C2.
Is there a direct bus between Registro Civil and Universidad Central Sur in Quito?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur in Quito in 9 min.
Which bus line goes from Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur in Quito?
The TROLEBÚS bus line goes from Estacion Norte La "Y" station near Registro Civil to Av. Teniente Hugo Ortiz station near Universidad Central Sur in Quito.
How long does it take to travel from Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur in Quito by bus?
The total travel time between Registro Civil and Universidad Central Sur in Quito by bus is about 9 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Registro Civil to get to Universidad Central Sur in Quito?
Get on the TROLEBÚS bus from the Estacion Norte La "Y" stop near Registro Civil in Quito.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Registro Civil and Universidad Central Sur in Quito?
Get off the bus at the Av. Teniente Hugo Ortiz stop, which is closest to Universidad Central Sur in Quito.
When is the first bus from Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur in Quito?
The first bus from Registro Civil to Universidad Central Sur in Quito is Trolebús. It leaves the Registro Civil stop at 3:02 AM.