How to get from Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo by bus?
From Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo by bus
Take one direct bus from Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo in San Juan D: take the 404 bus from Plaza Bolognesi station to Sedapal station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 45 min. The ride fare is PEN2.50.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAvenida Brasil, 27
- 2Wait for bus404Brasil (Magdalena Del Mar) - Wiesse (San Juan De Lurigancho)
- 3Ride to bus stationSedapal36 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Cesar VallejoLos Ciruelos640 m • 9 min
Alternative route from Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo by bus via 8306
Take one direct bus from Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo in San Juan D: take the 8306 bus from Plaza Bolognesi station to El Bosque station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 53 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAvenida Brasil, 27
- 2Wait for bus8306Av. Lima (Villa El Salvador) - Av. Santa Rosa (San Juan De Lurigancho)
- 3Ride to bus stationEl Bosque45 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Cesar VallejoLos Ciruelos500 m • 7 min
Public transit directions from Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
Public transit stations close to Avenida Brasil, 27
Avenida Brasil, 27 is located at Avenida Brasil, 27, San Juan D and the nearest public transit station is Plaza Bolognesi.
Metro stations close to Avenida Brasil, 27:
- Miguel Grau
- Gamarra
- El Ángel
Bus stations close to Avenida Brasil, 27:
- Plaza Bolognesi
- Plaza Bolognesi / Guzman Blanco
- Gregorio Paredes
Public transit stations close to Universidad Cesar Vallejo, San Juan D
Universidad Cesar Vallejo is located at Los Ciruelos, San Juan D and the nearest public transit station is Avenida El Sol, 782.
Metro stations close to Universidad Cesar Vallejo:
- San Carlos
- Los Postes
- San Martín
Bus stations close to Universidad Cesar Vallejo:
- Avenida El Sol, 782
- Sedapal
- Los Álamos
Related Routes
- San Martín to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
- Miguel Grau to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
- Tupac Amaru to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
- Avenida Pastor Sevilla, 39 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
- Dueñas to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
- Michael Faraday, 415 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
- Avenida José De La Riva Agüero, 258 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
- Santa Sofia, 792 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
- Calle 2, 305 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
- Avenida Alfredo Mendiola, 5805 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
- San Francisco, 13 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
- Sauce/San Nicolas to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
- Aramburú to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
- Santa Cruz to Universidad Cesar Vallejo
- Hacienda to Universidad Científica Del Sur
- Velasco to Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal
- Ant. Pan. Sur Km 40 to San Juan De Miraflores
- Puente Atocongo to Universidad Católica Sede Sapientiae
- Puente Atocongo to Universidad Autónoma Del Perú
- Ipd San Juan to San Juan De Miraflores
Alternative route from Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo by bus via 8306
Take one direct bus from Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo in San Juan D: take the 8306 bus from Plaza Bolognesi station to El Bosque station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 53 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAvenida Brasil, 27
- 2Wait for bus8306Av. Lima (Villa El Salvador) - Av. Santa Rosa (San Juan De Lurigancho)
- 3Ride to bus stationEl Bosque45 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Cesar VallejoLos Ciruelos500 m • 7 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo?
The fastest way takes 45 minutes, using Bus line 404.
What is the alternative route to get from Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo?
The alternative route takes 53 minutes, using Bus line 8306.
Is there a direct bus between Avenida Brasil, 27 and Universidad Cesar Vallejo?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Avenida Brasil, 27 in Lima to Universidad Cesar Vallejo in San Juan D in 45 min.
Which bus line goes from Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo?
The 404 bus line goes from Brasil (Magdalena Del Mar) - Wiesse (San Juan De Lurigancho) station near Avenida Brasil, 27 in Lima to Sedapal station near Universidad Cesar Vallejo in San Juan D.
How long does it take to travel from Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo by bus?
The total travel time between Avenida Brasil, 27 in Lima and Universidad Cesar Vallejo in San Juan D by bus is about 45 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Avenida Brasil, 27 to get to Universidad Cesar Vallejo?
Get on the 404 bus from the Brasil (Magdalena Del Mar) - Wiesse (San Juan De Lurigancho) stop near Avenida Brasil, 27 in Lima.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Avenida Brasil, 27 and Universidad Cesar Vallejo?
Get off the bus at the Sedapal stop, which is closest to Universidad Cesar Vallejo in San Juan D.
When is the first bus from Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo?
The first bus from Avenida Brasil, 27 in Lima to Universidad Cesar Vallejo in San Juan D is San Juan de Lurigancho - Magdalena del Mar. It leaves the Plaza Bolognesi stop at 3:06 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo?
The ride from Avenida Brasil, 27 to Universidad Cesar Vallejo costs PEN2.50.