How to get from 10 Avenida Norte to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo by bus?
From 10 Avenida Norte to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo by bus
To get from 10 Avenida Norte to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo in Distrito Municipal 2, take the R101D bus from 10 Avenida Norte station to 10 Avenida Norte station. Next, take the R101B-2 bus from 10 Avenida Norte station to 37 Avenida Norte, 120 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 38 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus station10 Avenida Norte
- 2Wait for busR101DSanta Tecla
- 3Ride to bus station10 Avenida Norte2 min
- 4Walk to bus station10 Avenida Norte70 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for busR101B-2San Salvador
- 6Ride to bus station37 Avenida Norte, 12031 min
- 7Walk toUniversidad Dr. Andrés Bello - AnexoCalle El Progreso120 m • 2 min
Alternative route from 10 Avenida Norte to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo by bus via R101B-2
Take one direct bus from 10 Avenida Norte to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo in Distrito Municipal 2: take the R101B-2 bus from 10 Avenida Norte station to 37 Avenida Norte, 120 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus station10 Avenida Norte550 m • 8 min
- 2Wait for busR101B-2San Salvador
- 3Ride to bus station37 Avenida Norte, 12031 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Dr. Andrés Bello - AnexoCalle El Progreso120 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from 10 Avenida Norte to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo
Public transit stations close to 10 Avenida Norte
10 Avenida Norte is located at 10 Avenida Norte, Distrito Municipal 2 and the nearest public transit station is 10 Avenida Norte.
Bus stations close to 10 Avenida Norte:
- 10 Avenida Norte
- 15 Calle Poniente B
- Parada
Public transit stations close to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo, Distrito Municipal 2
Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo is located at Calle El Progreso, Distrito Municipal 2 and the nearest public transit station is 37 Avenida Norte, 120.
Bus stations close to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo:
- 37 Avenida Norte, 120
- 49 Avenida Norte
- 33 Avenida Sur
Related Routes
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- Ricaldone to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo
- Parada Parque San José (Cristobal) to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo
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- Parada Peatonal Uca to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo
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- Parque Antiguo Cusctlán to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo
- Parada La Gran Vía to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo
Alternative route from 10 Avenida Norte to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo by bus via R101B-2
Take one direct bus from 10 Avenida Norte to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo in Distrito Municipal 2: take the R101B-2 bus from 10 Avenida Norte station to 37 Avenida Norte, 120 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus station10 Avenida Norte550 m • 8 min
- 2Wait for busR101B-2San Salvador
- 3Ride to bus station37 Avenida Norte, 12031 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Dr. Andrés Bello - AnexoCalle El Progreso120 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from 10 Avenida Norte to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo?
The fastest way takes 38 minutes, using Bus line R101D, Bus line R101B-2.
What is the alternative route to get from 10 Avenida Norte to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo?
The alternative route takes 40 minutes, using Bus line R101B-2.
Is there a direct bus between 10 Avenida Norte and Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 38 min.
Which bus line goes from 10 Avenida Norte to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo?
The R101D bus line goes from Santa Tecla station near 10 Avenida Norte in San Salvador to 10 Avenida Norte station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till 10 Avenida Norte station near Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo in Distrito Municipal 2.
How long does it take to travel from 10 Avenida Norte to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo by bus?
The total travel time between 10 Avenida Norte in San Salvador and Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo in Distrito Municipal 2 by bus is about 38 min.
Where do I get on the bus near 10 Avenida Norte to get to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo?
Get on the R101D bus from the Santa Tecla stop near 10 Avenida Norte in San Salvador.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between 10 Avenida Norte and Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo?
Get off the bus at the 10 Avenida Norte stop, which is closest to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo in Distrito Municipal 2.
When is the last bus from 10 Avenida Norte to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo?
The last bus from 10 Avenida Norte in San Salvador to Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello - Anexo in Distrito Municipal 2 is the Residencial Buena Vista 2 - San Salvador line. It leaves the 10 Avenida Norte stop at 5:03 PM.