How to get from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa by bus?
From Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa by bus
Take one direct bus from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa in Posadas: take the 02 bus from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora station to Calle Buenos Aires Y Calle Catamarca station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAv. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora
- 2Wait for bus02Parque
- 3Ride to bus stationCalle Buenos Aires Y Calle Catamarca14 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede AdministrativaColón280 m • 4 min
Alternative route from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa by bus via 27
Take one direct bus from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa in Posadas: take the 27 bus from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora station to Calle Buenos Aires Y Calle Catamarca station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 19 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAv. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora
- 2Wait for bus27Bº Itaembé Guazú (Por Hospital)
- 3Ride to bus stationCalle Buenos Aires Y Calle Catamarca15 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede AdministrativaColón280 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
Public transit stations close to Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora
Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora is located at Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora, Posadas and the nearest public transit station is Av. Tierra Del Fuego Y Calle 37.
Bus stations close to Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora:
- Av. Tierra Del Fuego Y Calle 37
- Av. López Torres Y Av. Cte. Espora
- Av. Tierra Del Fuego Y Av. Uruguay (Rotonda)
Public transit stations close to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa, Posadas
Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa is located at Colón, Posadas and the nearest public transit station is Calle Junín Y Calle Santiago Del Estero.
Bus stations close to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa:
- Calle Junín Y Calle Santiago Del Estero
- Estación Junín (Andén 1)
- Calle Ayacucho Y Calle La Rioja
Related Routes
- Av. Urquiza Y Calle Montero to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. Urquiza C/ Av. Santa Catalina to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Avenida Tambor De Tacuari, 8090 to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. Urquiza Y Calle Iguazú to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. Cabred Y Av. Rademacher to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. Roque Pérez E/ Calle Junín Y Calle Ayacucho to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. Mitre Y Calle Buenos Aires to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. López Torres Y Av. Mariano Moreno to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. López Torres Y Av. Maipú to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. López Torres Y Av. Monteagudo to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. López Torres Y Calle Suiza to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. López Torres Y Av. Comandante Rosales to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. López Torres Y Av. Buchardo to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. López Torres E/ Calle Lorenzini Y Japón to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. López Torres Y Av. Cte. Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. López Torres Y Av. Tierra Del Fuego to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. Tierra Del Fuego Y Calle 37 to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. Rademacher Y Calle Alto Paraná to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. Rademacher Y Av. Cmte. Buchardo to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
- Av. Rademacher Y Av. Cmte. Rosales to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa
Alternative route from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa by bus via 27
Take one direct bus from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa in Posadas: take the 27 bus from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora station to Calle Buenos Aires Y Calle Catamarca station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 19 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAv. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora
- 2Wait for bus27Bº Itaembé Guazú (Por Hospital)
- 3Ride to bus stationCalle Buenos Aires Y Calle Catamarca15 min
- 4Walk toUniversidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede AdministrativaColón280 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa?
The fastest way takes 18 minutes, using Bus line 02.
What is the alternative route to get from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa?
The alternative route takes 19 minutes, using Bus line 27.
Is there a direct bus between Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora and Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa in Posadas?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa in Posadas in 18 min.
Which bus line goes from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa in Posadas?
The 02 bus line goes from Parque station near Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Calle Buenos Aires Y Calle Catamarca station near Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa in Posadas.
How long does it take to travel from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa in Posadas by bus?
The total travel time between Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora and Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa in Posadas by bus is about 18 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to get to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa in Posadas?
Get on the 02 bus from the Parque stop near Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora in Posadas.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora and Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa in Posadas?
Get off the bus at the Calle Buenos Aires Y Calle Catamarca stop, which is closest to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa in Posadas.
When is the last bus from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa in Posadas?
The last bus from Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora to Universidad Gastón Dachary (Ugd) - Sede Administrativa in Posadas is the Terminal UNaM - Hospital - Parque line. It leaves the Av. Rademacher Y Av. Comandante Espora stop at 4:38 AM.