How to get from Parada Cementerio General to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala by bus?
From Parada Cementerio General to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala by bus
To get from Parada Cementerio General to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala in Machala, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the RUTA 6 bus from Parada, Hospital Santa Teresita station to Terminal Terrestre Binacional Santa Rosa station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the INTERC. 3 OROEXPRESS bus and finally take the RUTA 1-13 T bus from Terminal Terrestre Machala station to Parada Sucre Y JunÃn station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 53 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationParada Cementerio General
- 2Wait for busRUTA 6A Terminal Terrestre Santa Rosa
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Terrestre Binacional Santa Rosa9 min
- 4Wait for busINTERC. 3 OROEXPRESSA Machala
- 5Ride to bus stationTerminal Terrestre Machala19 min
- 6Wait for busRUTA 1-13 TA Puerto BolÃvar
- 7Ride to bus stationParada Sucre Y JunÃn16 min
- 8Walk toUniversidad Metropolitana Sede MachalaJunÃn270 m • 4 min
Alternative route from Parada Cementerio General to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala by bus via RUTA 6, INTERC. 1 CIFA and RUTA 18 MACHALA
To get from Parada Cementerio General to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala in Machala, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the RUTA 6 bus from Parada, Hospital Santa Teresita station to Terminal Terrestre Binacional Santa Rosa station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the INTERC. 1 CIFA bus and finally take the RUTA 18 MACHALA bus from Terminal Terrestre Machala station to Parada, Calle BolÃvar Y Calle Tarqui station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 4 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationParada Cementerio General
- 2Wait for busRUTA 6A Terminal Terrestre Santa Rosa
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Terrestre Binacional Santa Rosa9 min
- 4Wait for busINTERC. 1 CIFAA Guayaquil
- 5Ride to bus stationTerminal Terrestre Machala19 min
- 6Wait for busRUTA 18 MACHALAA Terminal Terrestre Machala
- 7Ride to bus stationParada, Calle BolÃvar Y Calle Tarqui19 min
- 8Walk toUniversidad Metropolitana Sede MachalaJunÃn10 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Parada Cementerio General to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
Public transit stations close to Parada Cementerio General
Parada Cementerio General is located at Parada Cementerio General, Machala and the nearest public transit station is Parada, Calle Simón BolÃvar Y Arcelia Guzman.
Bus stations close to Parada Cementerio General:
- Parada, Calle Simón BolÃvar Y Arcelia Guzman
- Parada, Distrito De Educación Santa Rosa
- Escuela Ciudad De Santa Rosa
Public transit stations close to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala, Machala
Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala is located at JunÃn, Machala and the nearest public transit station is Parada, Calle BolÃvar Y Calle Tarqui.
Bus stations close to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala:
- Parada, Calle BolÃvar Y Calle Tarqui
- Parada Pichincha Y Guayas
- Parada, Av. ArÃzaga Y Buenavista
Ferry stations close to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala:
- Muelle Puerto BolÃvar
Related Routes
- Parada Columbia Hall to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Escuela Herminia Grunauer to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Vega Dávila, Cbvisión to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Parada De Bus A BellamarÃa to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Calle Simón BolÃvar, Hacia Terminal Terrestre to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Av. Sixto Durán Ballen Hacia El Sur to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Calle Eloy Alfaro, Hacia Terminal Terrestre to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Calle Eloy Alfaro, Hacia El Centro to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Terminal Terrestre Binacional Santa Rosa to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Parada, Hospital Santa Teresita to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Parada Cuartel Imbabura, Hacia Bellavista to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Av. Jofre Lima Hacia El Centro to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Parada Ingreso A Febres Cordero to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Parada, Maternidad Santa Rosa to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Parada, Jofre Lima Y Calle 8ava to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Parada, Cancha La Familia to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Parada, Jesús Coronel to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Parada 18 De Noviembre to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Parada Crinaee to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
- Lotización Espinoza to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
Alternative route from Parada Cementerio General to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala by bus via RUTA 6, INTERC. 1 CIFA and RUTA 18 MACHALA
To get from Parada Cementerio General to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala in Machala, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the RUTA 6 bus from Parada, Hospital Santa Teresita station to Terminal Terrestre Binacional Santa Rosa station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the INTERC. 1 CIFA bus and finally take the RUTA 18 MACHALA bus from Terminal Terrestre Machala station to Parada, Calle BolÃvar Y Calle Tarqui station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 4 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationParada Cementerio General
- 2Wait for busRUTA 6A Terminal Terrestre Santa Rosa
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Terrestre Binacional Santa Rosa9 min
- 4Wait for busINTERC. 1 CIFAA Guayaquil
- 5Ride to bus stationTerminal Terrestre Machala19 min
- 6Wait for busRUTA 18 MACHALAA Terminal Terrestre Machala
- 7Ride to bus stationParada, Calle BolÃvar Y Calle Tarqui19 min
- 8Walk toUniversidad Metropolitana Sede MachalaJunÃn10 m • 1 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Parada Cementerio General to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala?
The fastest way takes 53 minutes, using Bus line RUTA 6, Bus line INTERC. 3 OROEXPRESS, Bus line RUTA 1-13 T.
What is the alternative route to get from Parada Cementerio General to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala?
The alternative route takes 64 minutes, using Bus line RUTA 6, Bus line INTERC. 1 CIFA, Bus line RUTA 18 MACHALA.
Is there a direct bus between Parada Cementerio General and Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 53 min.
Which bus line goes from Parada Cementerio General to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala?
The RUTA 6 bus line goes from A Terminal Terrestre Santa Rosa station near Parada Cementerio General in Santa Rosa to Terminal Terrestre Binacional Santa Rosa station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Terminal Terrestre Binacional Santa Rosa station near Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala in Machala.
How long does it take to travel from Parada Cementerio General to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala by bus?
The total travel time between Parada Cementerio General in Santa Rosa and Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala in Machala by bus is about 53 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Parada Cementerio General to get to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala?
Get on the RUTA 6 bus from the A Terminal Terrestre Santa Rosa stop near Parada Cementerio General in Santa Rosa.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Parada Cementerio General and Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala?
Get off the bus at the Terminal Terrestre Binacional Santa Rosa stop, which is closest to Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala in Machala.