How to get from Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito to Univille by bus?
From Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito to Univille by bus
To get from Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito to Univille in Joinville, take the 4025 PIRABEIRABA / RIO BONITO VIA CANELA bus from Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito station to Estação Pirabeiraba station. Next, take the 0162 NORTE/PIRABEIRABA VIA ESTRADA DA ILHA bus from Estação Pirabeiraba station to Campus Universitário - Zona Industrial Norte station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 8 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAlbertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito
- 2Wait for bus4025 PIRABEIRABA / RIO BONITO VIA CANELAPirabeiraba / Rio Bonito Via Canela - Volta Para Estação Pirabeiraba
- 3Ride to bus stationEstação Pirabeiraba8 min
- 4Walk to bus stationEstação Pirabeiraba20 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus0162 NORTE/PIRABEIRABA VIA ESTRADA DA ILHANorte/Pirabeiraba Via Estrada Da Ilha - Volta Para Terminal Norte
- 6Ride to bus stationCampus Universitário - Zona Industrial Norte23 min
- 7Walk toUnivilleRua Alvino Wodtke260 m • 4 min
Alternative route from Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito to Univille by bus via 4025 PIRABEIRABA / RIO BONITO VIA CANELA, 0161 NORTE / PIRABEIRABA VIA VER. GUILHERME Z. and 0290 COSTA E SILVA / TUPY VIA IRIRIÚ
To get from Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito to Univille in Joinville, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 4025 PIRABEIRABA / RIO BONITO VIA CANELA bus from Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito station to Estação Pirabeiraba station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 0161 NORTE / PIRABEIRABA VIA VER. GUILHERME Z. bus and finally take the 0290 COSTA E SILVA / TUPY VIA IRIRIÚ bus from Augusto Bruno Niélson, 1100 - Distrito Industrial station to Campus Universitário - Zona Industrial Norte station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 56 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAlbertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito
- 2Wait for bus4025 PIRABEIRABA / RIO BONITO VIA CANELAPirabeiraba / Rio Bonito Via Canela - Volta Para Estação Pirabeiraba
- 3Ride to bus stationEstação Pirabeiraba8 min
- 4Wait for bus0161 NORTE / PIRABEIRABA VIA VER. GUILHERME Z.Norte / Pirabeiraba Via Ver. Guilherme Z. - Volta Para Terminal Norte
- 5Ride to bus stationDona Francisca, 7810-7854 - Zona Industrial Norte17 min
- 6Walk to bus stationAugusto Bruno Niélson, 1100 - Distrito Industrial420 m • 6 min
- 7Wait for bus0290 COSTA E SILVA / TUPY VIA IRIRIÚCosta E Silva / Tupy Via Iririú - Volta Para Terminal Tupy
- 8Ride to bus stationCampus Universitário - Zona Industrial Norte6 min
- 9Walk toUnivilleRua Alvino Wodtke260 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito to Univille
Public transit stations close to Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito
Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito is located at Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito, Joinville and the nearest public transit station is João Maria Gonçalves, 190 - Rio Bonito.
Bus stations close to Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito:
- João Maria Gonçalves, 190 - Rio Bonito
- João Maria Gonçalves, 69 - Rio Bonito
- Quinze De Outubro, 1000 - Rio Bonito
Public transit stations close to Univille, Joinville
Univille is located at Rua Alvino Wodtke, Joinville and the nearest public transit station is Santos Dumont, 1901 - Santo Antônio.
Bus stations close to Univille:
- Santos Dumont, 1901 - Santo Antônio
- Santos Dumont, 1965 - Santo Antônio
- Tenente Antônio João, 2606 - Jardim Sofia
Related Routes
- Terminal Tupy to Univille
- Estação Guanabara to Univille
- Estação Pirabeiraba to Univille
- Denise Timm, 78 - Paranaguamirim to Univille
- Monsenhor Gercino, 6550 - Itaum to Univille
- Monsenhor Gercino, 5899 - Itaum to Univille
- Monsenhor Gercino, 5133 - Itaum to Univille
- Monsenhor Gercino, 4631 - Itaum to Univille
- Anitapolis, 93 - Itaum to Univille
- Anitapolis, 347 - Itaum to Univille
- Fátima, 399 - Fátima to Univille
- Fátima, 685 - Fátima to Univille
- Fátima, 1677 - Fátima to Univille
- Fátima, 2057 - Fátima to Univille
- Fátima, 1508 - Fátima to Univille
- Colombo, 177 - João Costa to Univille
- Frontin, 724 - Jardim Iririú to Univille
- Monsenhor Gercino, 2989 - Jarivatuba to Univille
- Monsenhor Gercino, 2335 - Jarivatuba to Univille
- Monsenhor Gercino, 1210 - Paranaguamirim to Univille
Alternative route from Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito to Univille by bus via 4025 PIRABEIRABA / RIO BONITO VIA CANELA, 0161 NORTE / PIRABEIRABA VIA VER. GUILHERME Z. and 0290 COSTA E SILVA / TUPY VIA IRIRIÚ
To get from Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito to Univille in Joinville, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 4025 PIRABEIRABA / RIO BONITO VIA CANELA bus from Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito station to Estação Pirabeiraba station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 0161 NORTE / PIRABEIRABA VIA VER. GUILHERME Z. bus and finally take the 0290 COSTA E SILVA / TUPY VIA IRIRIÚ bus from Augusto Bruno Niélson, 1100 - Distrito Industrial station to Campus Universitário - Zona Industrial Norte station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 56 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAlbertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito
- 2Wait for bus4025 PIRABEIRABA / RIO BONITO VIA CANELAPirabeiraba / Rio Bonito Via Canela - Volta Para Estação Pirabeiraba
- 3Ride to bus stationEstação Pirabeiraba8 min
- 4Wait for bus0161 NORTE / PIRABEIRABA VIA VER. GUILHERME Z.Norte / Pirabeiraba Via Ver. Guilherme Z. - Volta Para Terminal Norte
- 5Ride to bus stationDona Francisca, 7810-7854 - Zona Industrial Norte17 min
- 6Walk to bus stationAugusto Bruno Niélson, 1100 - Distrito Industrial420 m • 6 min
- 7Wait for bus0290 COSTA E SILVA / TUPY VIA IRIRIÚCosta E Silva / Tupy Via Iririú - Volta Para Terminal Tupy
- 8Ride to bus stationCampus Universitário - Zona Industrial Norte6 min
- 9Walk toUnivilleRua Alvino Wodtke260 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito to Univille?
The fastest way takes 68 minutes, using Bus line 4025 PIRABEIRABA / RIO BONITO VIA CANELA, Bus line 0162 NORTE/PIRABEIRABA VIA ESTRADA DA ILHA.
What is the alternative route to get from Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito to Univille?
The alternative route takes 56 minutes, using Bus line 4025 PIRABEIRABA / RIO BONITO VIA CANELA, Bus line 0161 NORTE / PIRABEIRABA VIA VER. GUILHERME Z., Bus line 0290 COSTA E SILVA / TUPY VIA IRIRIÚ.
Is there a direct bus between Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito and Univille in Joinville?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 8 min.
Which bus line goes from Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito to Univille in Joinville?
The 4025 PIRABEIRABA / RIO BONITO VIA CANELA bus line goes from Pirabeiraba / Rio Bonito Via Canela - Volta Para Estação Pirabeiraba station near Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito to Estação Pirabeiraba station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Estação Pirabeiraba station near Univille in Joinville
How long does it take to travel from Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito to Univille in Joinville by bus?
The total travel time between Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito and Univille in Joinville by bus is about 1 hr 8 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito to get to Univille in Joinville?
Get on the 4025 PIRABEIRABA / RIO BONITO VIA CANELA bus from the Pirabeiraba / Rio Bonito Via Canela - Volta Para Estação Pirabeiraba stop near Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito in Joinville.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Albertina Rosa, 29 - Rio Bonito and Univille in Joinville?
Get off the bus at the Estação Pirabeiraba stop, which is closest to Univille in Joinville.