How to get from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén by cable car?
From Rafael Uribe to Usaquén by cable car
To get from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén in Bogota, take the D20 cable car from Restrepo station to Avenida Jiménez station. Next, take the B27 cable car from Avenida Jiménez station to Calle 100 - Marketmedios station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 46 min. The ride fare is COP3,200.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to cable car stationRestrepoID TM0108 - Zona H510 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for cable carD20Portal De La 80
- 3Ride to cable car stationAvenida JiménezID TM0070 - Zona F5 min
- 4Wait for cable carB27Portal Del Norte
- 5Ride to cable car stationCalle 100 - MarketmediosID TM001818 min
- 6Walk toUsaquén400 m • 6 min
Alternative route from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén by cable car via B75
Take one direct cable car from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén in Bogota: take the B75 cable car from Fucha station to Calle 100 - Marketmedios station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 52 min. The ride fare is COP3,200.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to cable car stationFuchaID TM0107 - Zona H740 m • 10 min
- 2Wait for cable carB75Portal Del Norte
- 3Ride to cable car stationCalle 100 - MarketmediosID TM001832 min
- 4Walk toUsaquén400 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén
Public transit stations close to Rafael Uribe
Rafael Uribe is located at Rafael Uribe, Bogota and the nearest public transit station is Br. Ciudad Jardín Sur (Av. 1 De Mayo - Kr 12) (A).
Bus stations close to Rafael Uribe:
- Br. Ciudad Jardín Sur (Av. 1 De Mayo - Kr 12) (A)
- Br. Ciudad Jardín Sur (Av. 1 De Mayo - Kr 12) (B)
- Br. Ciudad Jardín Sur (Av. 1 De Mayo - Kr 12d) (B)
Cable Car stations close to Rafael Uribe:
- Fucha
- Restrepo
- Country Sur
Public transit stations close to Usaquén, Bogota
Usaquén is located at Usaquén, Bogota and the nearest public transit station is Br. Chicó Norte III Sector (Ak 19 - Cl 97).
Bus stations close to Usaquén:
- Br. Chicó Norte III Sector (Ak 19 - Cl 97)
- Estación Calle 100 - Marketmedios (Auto Norte - Cl 95)
- Br. Chicó Norte III Sector (Ak 19 - Cl 95)
Cable Car stations close to Usaquén:
- Suba - Calle 100
- Calle 106
- Suba - Calle 95
Related Routes
- Chapinero to Usaquén
- Fontibón to Usaquén
- Kennedy to Usaquén
- La Candelaria to Usaquén
- Teusaquillo to Usaquén
- Cajica to Usaquén
- General Santander to Usaquén
- Estación Salitre - El Greco (Ac 26 - Ak 68) to Usaquén
- Rafael Uribe to Ciudad Bolívar
- Rafael Uribe to La Candelaria
- Rafael Uribe to Usaquén
- San Cristóbal to Chapinero
- San Cristóbal to Ciudad Bolívar
- San Cristóbal to Chia
- Suba to Fontibón
- Suba to Kennedy
- Suba to La Candelaria
- Suba to Los Mártires
- Suba to Tunjuelito
- Teusaquillo to Barrios Unidos
Alternative route from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén by cable car via B75
Take one direct cable car from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén in Bogota: take the B75 cable car from Fucha station to Calle 100 - Marketmedios station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 52 min. The ride fare is COP3,200.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to cable car stationFuchaID TM0107 - Zona H740 m • 10 min
- 2Wait for cable carB75Portal Del Norte
- 3Ride to cable car stationCalle 100 - MarketmediosID TM001832 min
- 4Walk toUsaquén400 m • 6 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén?
The fastest way takes 46 minutes, using Bus line D20, Bus line B27.
What is the alternative route to get from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén?
The alternative route takes 52 minutes, using Bus line B75.
Is there a direct cable car between Rafael Uribe and Usaquén in Bogota?
No, you’ll have to take 2 cable car lines in total. The total travelling time is 46 min.
Which cable car line goes from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén in Bogota?
The D20 cable car line goes from Restrepo station near Rafael Uribe to Portal De La 80 station. From there you’ll have to take one cable car line till Portal De La 80 station near Usaquén in Bogota
How long does it take to travel from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén in Bogota by cable car?
The total travel time between Rafael Uribe and Usaquén in Bogota by cable car is about 46 min.
Where do I get on the cable car near Rafael Uribe to get to Usaquén in Bogota?
Get on the D20 cable car from the Restrepo station near Rafael Uribe in Bogota.
Where do I get off the cable car when travelling between Rafael Uribe and Usaquén in Bogota?
Get off the cable car at the Portal De La 80 station, which is closest to Usaquén in Bogota.
When is the first cable car from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén in Bogota?
The first cable car from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén in Bogota is Portal del Norte. It leaves the Fucha station at 11:13 PM.
How much is the cable car fare from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén?
The ride from Rafael Uribe to Usaquén costs COP3,200.00.