How to get from Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija by bus?
From Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija by bus
To get from Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija in Savski Venac, take the 82 bus from Studentski Grad station to Fontana station. Next, take the 78 bus from Fontana station to Vojnomedicinska Akademija station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 43 min. The ride fare is RSD50.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationStudentski Grad
- 2Wait for bus82Blok 44 - Zemun /Kej oslobođenja/
- 3Ride to bus stationFontanaID 4564 min
- 4Wait for bus78Zemun /Novi grad/ - Banjica 2 (Izmenjana trasa)
- 5Ride to bus stationVojnomedicinska AkademijaID 28530 min
- 6Walk toVMA | Vojno-medicinska akademijaCrnotravska 17450 m • 6 min
Alternative route from Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija by bus via 75 and 78
To get from Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija in Savski Venac, take the 75 bus from Studentski Grad station to Fontana station. Next, take the 78 bus from Fontana station to Vojnomedicinska Akademija station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 47 min. The ride fare is RSD50.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationStudentski Grad
- 2Wait for bus75Bežanijska kosa - Zeleni venac
- 3Ride to bus stationFontanaID 4564 min
- 4Wait for bus78Zemun /Novi grad/ - Banjica 2 (Izmenjana trasa)
- 5Ride to bus stationVojnomedicinska AkademijaID 28530 min
- 6Walk toVMA | Vojno-medicinska akademijaCrnotravska 17450 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
Public transit stations close to Studentski Grad
Studentski Grad is located at Studentski Grad, Savski Venac and the nearest public transit station is Studentska.
Train stations close to Studentski Grad:
- Tošin Bunar
- Zemun
Bus stations close to Studentski Grad:
- Studentska
- Studentski Grad
- IX Beogradska Gimnazija
Public transit stations close to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija, Savski Venac
VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija is located at Crnotravska 17, Savski Venac and the nearest public transit station is Paunova.
Bus stations close to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija:
- Paunova
- Pet Solitera
- Vojnomedicinska Akademija
Related Routes
- Obrenovac Аs to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Železnička Stanica Beograd Centar to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Takovska to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Konjarnik to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Karađorđev Park to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Trg Slavija to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Višegradska to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Crveni Krst to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Medaković 3 to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Bolnica Dragiša Mišović to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Vukov Spomenik to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Makedonska to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Ekonomski Fakultet to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Dom Zdravlja to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Beograd Centar - Prokop to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Tc Galerija to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Beograd Na Vodi to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Glavna Pošta to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Trošarina to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
- Pilota Mihajla Petrovića to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija
Alternative route from Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija by bus via 75 and 78
To get from Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija in Savski Venac, take the 75 bus from Studentski Grad station to Fontana station. Next, take the 78 bus from Fontana station to Vojnomedicinska Akademija station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 47 min. The ride fare is RSD50.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationStudentski Grad
- 2Wait for bus75Bežanijska kosa - Zeleni venac
- 3Ride to bus stationFontanaID 4564 min
- 4Wait for bus78Zemun /Novi grad/ - Banjica 2 (Izmenjana trasa)
- 5Ride to bus stationVojnomedicinska AkademijaID 28530 min
- 6Walk toVMA | Vojno-medicinska akademijaCrnotravska 17450 m • 6 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija?
The fastest way takes 43 minutes, using Bus line 82, Bus line 78.
What is the alternative route to get from Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija?
The alternative route takes 47 minutes, using Bus line 75, Bus line 78.
Is there a direct bus between Studentski Grad and VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 43 min.
Which bus line goes from Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija?
The 82 bus line goes from Blok 44 - Zemun /Kej oslobođenja/ station near Studentski Grad in Belgrade to Fontana station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Fontana station near VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija in Savski Venac.
How long does it take to travel from Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija by bus?
The total travel time between Studentski Grad in Belgrade and VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija in Savski Venac by bus is about 43 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Studentski Grad to get to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija?
Get on the 82 bus from the Blok 44 - Zemun /Kej oslobođenja/ stop near Studentski Grad in Belgrade.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Studentski Grad and VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija?
Get off the bus at the Fontana stop, which is closest to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija in Savski Venac.
When is the last train from Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija?
The last train from Studentski Grad in Belgrade to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija in Savski Venac is the Batajnica - Ovča line. It leaves the Tošin Bunar station at 9:13 PM.
How much is the bus fare from Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija?
The ride from Studentski Grad to VMA | Vojno-medicinska akademija costs RSD50.00.