How to get from Gapal to Valle by bus?
From Gapal to Valle by bus
Take one direct bus from Gapal to Valle in Cuenca: take the L24 bus from Calle Manuel Guerrero, 35 station to Cancha Sintetica station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 14 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCalle Manuel Guerrero, 3570 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for busL24Auquilula
- 3Ride to bus stationCancha Sintetica12 min
Alternative route from Gapal to Valle by bus via L16 and L14
To get from Gapal to Valle in Cuenca, take the L16 bus from Gapal station to Cebci station. Next, take the L14 bus from Cebci station to Cancha Sintetica station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 16 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationGapal
- 2Wait for busL16Hospital Del Rio
- 3Ride to bus stationCebci2 min
- 4Wait for busL14El Valle
- 5Ride to bus stationCancha Sintetica11 min
Public transit directions from Gapal to Valle
Public transit stations close to Gapal
Gapal is located at Gapal, Cuenca and the nearest public transit station is Santa Maria.
Bus stations close to Gapal:
- Santa Maria
- Autopista
- Avenida Diez De Agosto, 129
Public transit stations close to Valle, Cuenca
Valle is located at Valle, Cuenca and the nearest public transit station is Puente El Valle.
Bus stations close to Valle:
- Puente El Valle
- Micrimercado
- Micromercado
Related Routes
- Sinincay to Valle
- Gapal to Sinicay
- Gapal to Universidad De Cuenca
- Gapal to Ricaurte
- Las Golondrinas, 143 to Campus Yanuncay Universidad De Cuenca
- Las Golondrinas, 143 to Facultad De Medicina
- Las Golondrinas, 143 to Universidad Politecnica Salesiana
- Las Golondrinas, 143 to Campus Paraíso
- Las Golondrinas, 143 to Universidad De Cuenca
- Las Golondrinas, 143 to Facultad De Odontología
- Las Golondrinas, 143 to Ricaurte
- Las Golondrinas, 143 to Universidad Catolica
- Nicolás Vivar Regalado, 115 to Campus Yanuncay Universidad De Cuenca
- Nicolás Vivar Regalado, 115 to Facultad De Medicina
- Nicolás Vivar Regalado, 115 to Universidad Politecnica Salesiana
- Nicolás Vivar Regalado, 115 to Campus Paraíso
- Nicolás Vivar Regalado, 115 to Universidad De Cuenca
- Nicolás Vivar Regalado, 115 to Facultad De Odontología
- Nicolás Vivar Regalado, 115 to Ricaurte
- Nicolás Vivar Regalado, 115 to Universidad Catolica
Alternative route from Gapal to Valle by bus via L16 and L14
To get from Gapal to Valle in Cuenca, take the L16 bus from Gapal station to Cebci station. Next, take the L14 bus from Cebci station to Cancha Sintetica station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 16 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationGapal
- 2Wait for busL16Hospital Del Rio
- 3Ride to bus stationCebci2 min
- 4Wait for busL14El Valle
- 5Ride to bus stationCancha Sintetica11 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Gapal to Valle?
The fastest way takes 14 minutes, using Bus line L24.
What is the alternative route to get from Gapal to Valle?
The alternative route takes 16 minutes, using Bus line L16, Bus line L14.
Is there a direct bus between Gapal and Valle in Cuenca?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Gapal to Valle in Cuenca in 14 min.
Which bus line goes from Gapal to Valle in Cuenca?
The L24 bus line goes from Calle Manuel Guerrero, 35 station near Gapal to Auquilula station near Valle in Cuenca.
How long does it take to travel from Gapal to Valle in Cuenca by bus?
The total travel time between Gapal and Valle in Cuenca by bus is about 14 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Gapal to get to Valle in Cuenca?
Get on the L24 bus from the Calle Manuel Guerrero, 35 stop near Gapal in Cuenca.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Gapal and Valle in Cuenca?
Get off the bus at the Auquilula stop, which is closest to Valle in Cuenca.
When is the first bus from Gapal to Valle in Cuenca?
The first bus from Gapal to Valle in Cuenca is MIRAFLORES - AUQUILULA. It leaves the Calle Manuel Guerrero, 35 stop at 3:06 AM.