How to get from Vals Vernon to Vals les Bains by bus?
From Vals Vernon to Vals les Bains by bus
Take one direct bus from Vals Vernon to Vals les Bains in Vals-Les-Bains: take the 03 bus from Vals Vernon station to Vals Laboratoire station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 5 min. The ride fare is €1.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationVals Vernon
- 2Wait for bus03Aubenas Place De La Paix
- 3Ride to bus stationVals Laboratoire4 min
Public transit directions from Vals Vernon to Vals les Bains
Public transit stations close to Vals Vernon
Vals Vernon is located at Vals Vernon, Vals-Les-Bains and the nearest public transit station is Vals Ecole Privée.
Bus stations close to Vals Vernon:
- Vals Ecole Privée
- Vals Ecole Publique
- Vals Galimard
Public transit stations close to Vals les Bains, Vals-Les-Bains
Vals les Bains is located at Vals les Bains, Vals-Les-Bains and the nearest public transit station is Vals Casino.
Bus stations close to Vals les Bains:
- Vals Casino
- Vals Place Général De Gaulle
- Vals Vivaraises
Related Routes
- Sainte Monique to Vals les Bains
- Vals Le Pont to Vals les Bains
- Lachapelle Zone D'Activités to Vals les Bains
- St-Etienne Giratoire Les Champs to Vals les Bains
- St-Etienne Chapelette to Vals les Bains
- Anciens Abattoirs to Vals les Bains
- Ponson-Moulin to Vals les Bains
- Vesseaux Centre to Vals les Bains
- Lavilledieu Crt Rd103 to Vals les Bains
- Molle - Couloubreyt to Vals les Bains
- Chemin Des Fontaines (Ouest) to Vals les Bains
- Vals Les Bruges to Vals les Bains
- Les Oliviers Passerelle to Vals les Bains
- Boisvignal - Sud Immac to Vals les Bains
- Vals Nouzaret to Vals les Bains
- Lachapelle Giratoire Nord (Abribus) to Vals les Bains
- St-Privat Mazellier to Vals les Bains
- Vesseaux Audiberts to Vals les Bains
- Vals Collège to Vals les Bains
- St-Etienne Centre to Vals les Bains
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Vals Vernon to Vals les Bains?
The fastest way takes 5 minutes, using Bus line 03.
Is there a direct bus between Vals Vernon and Vals les Bains in Vals-Les-Bains?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Vals Vernon to Vals les Bains in Vals-Les-Bains in 5 min.
Which bus line goes from Vals Vernon to Vals les Bains in Vals-Les-Bains?
The 03 bus line goes from Aubenas Place De La Paix station near Vals Vernon to Vals Laboratoire station near Vals les Bains in Vals-Les-Bains.
How long does it take to travel from Vals Vernon to Vals les Bains in Vals-Les-Bains by bus?
The total travel time between Vals Vernon and Vals les Bains in Vals-Les-Bains by bus is about 5 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Vals Vernon to get to Vals les Bains in Vals-Les-Bains?
Get on the 03 bus from the Aubenas Place De La Paix stop near Vals Vernon in Vals-Les-Bains.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Vals Vernon and Vals les Bains in Vals-Les-Bains?
Get off the bus at the Vals Laboratoire stop, which is closest to Vals les Bains in Vals-Les-Bains.
When is the first bus from Vals Vernon to Vals les Bains in Vals-Les-Bains?
The first bus from Vals Vernon to Vals les Bains in Vals-Les-Bains is VALS - LABEGUDE - AUBENAS. It leaves the Vals Vernon stop at 10:01 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Vals Vernon to Vals les Bains?
The ride from Vals Vernon to Vals les Bains costs €1.00.