How to get from Roussillon to Vaudevant by bus and train?
From Roussillon to Vaudevant by bus and train
To get from Roussillon to Vaudevant in Annonay, take the 5 train from Le Péage De Roussillon station to Tain L'Hermitage - Tournon station. Next, take the 11 bus from Tain L'Hermitage, Gare station to Pailharès, Col Du Marchand station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationLe Péage De Roussillon880 m • 12 min
- 2Wait for train5Valence Ville
- 3Ride to train stationTain L'Hermitage - Tournon27 min
- 4Walk to bus stationTain L'Hermitage, Gare10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus11Lalouvesc Centre
- 6Ride to bus stationPailharès, Col Du Marchand59 min
- 7Walk toVaudevant30 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Roussillon to Vaudevant
Public transit stations close to Roussillon
Roussillon is located at Roussillon, Annonay and the nearest public transit station is Roussillon, L'Escale.
Train stations close to Roussillon:
- Le Péage De Roussillon
Bus stations close to Roussillon:
- Roussillon, L'Escale
- Le Péage De Roussillon, Route De Sablons
- Roussillon, Cité Scolaire De L'Edit
Public transit stations close to Vaudevant, Annonay
Vaudevant is located at Vaudevant, Annonay and the nearest public transit station is Pailharès, Col Du Marchand.
Bus stations close to Vaudevant:
- Pailharès, Col Du Marchand
Related Routes
- Saint-Péray to Vaudevant
- Saint-Rambert-D'Albon to Vaudevant
- Saint-Romain-D'Ay to Vaudevant
- Saint-Vallier to Vaudevant
- Saint-Victor to Vaudevant
- Saint-Étienne-De-Valoux to Vaudevant
- Salaise-Sur-Sanne to Vaudevant
- Sarras to Vaudevant
- Savas to Vaudevant
- Serrières to Vaudevant
- Sonnay to Vaudevant
- Soyons to Vaudevant
- Sécheras to Vaudevant
- Tain-L'Hermitage to Vaudevant
- Talencieux to Vaudevant
- Thorrenc to Vaudevant
- Thélis-La-Combe to Vaudevant
- Tournon-Sur-Rhône to Vaudevant
- Valence to Vaudevant
- Vanosc to Vaudevant
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Roussillon to Vaudevant?
The fastest way takes 140 minutes, using Bus line 5, Bus line 11.
Is there a direct train between Roussillon and Vaudevant in Annonay?
No, you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 20 min.
Which train line goes from Roussillon to Vaudevant in Annonay?
The 5 train line goes from Le Péage De Roussillon station near Roussillon to Valence Ville station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Valence Ville station near Vaudevant in Annonay
How long does it take to travel from Roussillon to Vaudevant in Annonay by train and bus?
The total travel time between Roussillon and Vaudevant in Annonay by train and bus is about 2 hr 20 min.
Where do I get on the train near Roussillon to get to Vaudevant in Annonay?
Get on the 5 train from the Le Péage De Roussillon station near Roussillon in Annonay.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Roussillon and Vaudevant in Annonay?
Get off the train at the Valence Ville stop, which is closest to Vaudevant in Annonay.