How to get from Milwaukee at Walbridge to Verona WI USA by bus?
From Milwaukee at Walbridge to Verona WI USA by bus
To get from Milwaukee at Walbridge to Verona WI USA in Verona, take the D bus from Milwaukee at Walbridge station to E Johnson at Fordem station. Next, take the D bus from E Johnson at Fordem station to Maple Grove at Nesbitt station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 6 min. The ride fare is $2.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationMilwaukee at Walbridge
- 2Wait for busD1-Junction
- 3Ride to bus stationE Johnson at FordemID 189213 min
- 4Wait for busD2-Mckee
- 5Ride to bus stationMaple Grove at NesbittID 846341 min
- 6Walk toVerona WI USA2.04 mi • 42 min
Public transit directions from Milwaukee at Walbridge to Verona WI USA
Public transit stations close to Milwaukee at Walbridge
Milwaukee at Walbridge is located at Milwaukee at Walbridge, Verona and the nearest public transit station is Milwaukee at Walbridge.
Bus stations close to Milwaukee at Walbridge:
- Milwaukee at Walbridge
- Walbridge at Alvarez
- Walbridge at Milwaukee
Public transit stations close to Verona WI USA, Verona
Verona WI USA is located at Verona WI USA, Verona and the nearest public transit station is E Verona at S Main.
Bus stations close to Verona WI USA:
- E Verona at S Main
- W Verona at N Main
- E Verona at Enterprise
Related Routes
- N Thompson at Swanton to Verona WI USA
- 4545 E Broadway - Dutch Mill Park And Ride to Verona WI USA
- 250 N. Lake St - Madison Uw Campus to Verona WI USA
- Madison (Madison Campus Wi) to Verona WI USA
- Madison (Dutch Mill Park & Ride) to Verona WI USA
- Regent at Capital High to Verona WI USA
- E Washington at East High to Verona WI USA
- Regent at West High to Verona WI USA
- S Gammon at Memorial High to Verona WI USA
- Mid Town at Province Hill to Verona WI USA
- Pflaum at Lafollette High to Verona WI USA
- Delaware at N Sherman to Verona WI USA
- Golden Leaf at N Thompson to Verona WI USA
- Glacier Hill at Lien to Verona WI USA
- Glacier Hill at Valley Edge to Verona WI USA
- Sycamore at Wayridge to Verona WI USA
- Glacier Hill at Southridge to Verona WI USA
- Mendota at Sycamore to Verona WI USA
- Mendota at Duncan to Verona WI USA
- Mendota at Hoover to Verona WI USA
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Milwaukee at Walbridge to Verona WI USA?
The fastest way takes 126 minutes, using Bus line D, Bus line D.
Is there a direct bus between Milwaukee at Walbridge and Verona WI USA?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 6 min.
Which bus line goes from Milwaukee at Walbridge to Verona WI USA?
The D bus line goes from 1-Junction station near Milwaukee at Walbridge in Madison to E Johnson at Fordem station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till E Johnson at Fordem station near Verona WI USA in Verona.
How long does it take to travel from Milwaukee at Walbridge to Verona WI USA by bus?
The total travel time between Milwaukee at Walbridge in Madison and Verona WI USA in Verona by bus is about 2 hr 6 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Milwaukee at Walbridge to get to Verona WI USA?
Get on the D bus from the 1-Junction stop near Milwaukee at Walbridge in Madison.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Milwaukee at Walbridge and Verona WI USA?
Get off the bus at the E Johnson at Fordem stop, which is closest to Verona WI USA in Verona.
How much is the bus fare from Milwaukee at Walbridge to Verona WI USA?
The ride from Milwaukee at Walbridge to Verona WI USA costs $2.00.