How to get from Castel D' Azzano to Vigasio by bus?
From Castel D' Azzano to Vigasio by bus
Take one direct bus from Castel D' Azzano to Vigasio in Padova: take the 52 bus from Azzano IV station to S.Martino station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 52 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCastel D' Azzano
- 2Wait for bus52S.Martino Castel Azzano
- 3Ride to bus stationS.MartinoID 15006014 min
- 4Walk toVigasio3.78 km • 48 min
Public transit directions from Castel D' Azzano to Vigasio
Public transit stations close to Castel D' Azzano
Castel D' Azzano is located at Castel D' Azzano, Padova and the nearest public transit station is Azzano Chiesa A.
Bus stations close to Castel D' Azzano:
- Azzano Chiesa A
- Azzano Chiesa B
- Azzano Via Cavour II A
Public transit stations close to Vigasio, Padova
Vigasio is located at Vigasio, Padova and the nearest public transit station is San Vigo.
Bus stations close to Vigasio:
- San Vigo
- Vigasio
- Vigasio Supermercati A
Related Routes
- Verona to Vigasio
- Caldiero to Vigasio
- Castelnuovo Del Garda to Vigasio
- Monteforte D' Alpone to Vigasio
- Pescantina to Vigasio
- San Giovanni Lupatoto to Vigasio
- Sommacampagna to Vigasio
- Abano Terme to Vigasio
- Noventa Padovana to Vigasio
- Grisignano Di Zocco to Vigasio
- Montecchio Maggiore to Vigasio
- Castelgomberto to Vigasio
- Isola Vicentina to Vigasio
- Castel D' Azzano to Verona
- Castel D' Azzano to Belfiore
- Castel D' Azzano to Marano Di Valpolicella
- Castel D' Azzano to Sommacampagna
- Castel D' Azzano to Rubano
- Castel D' Azzano to Selvazzano Dentro
- Castel D' Azzano to Vescovana
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Castel D' Azzano to Vigasio?
The fastest way takes 52 minutes, using Bus line 52.
Is there a direct bus between Castel D' Azzano and Vigasio in Padova?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Castel D' Azzano to Vigasio in Padova in 52 min.
Which bus line goes from Castel D' Azzano to Vigasio in Padova?
The 52 bus line goes from S.Martino Castel Azzano station near Castel D' Azzano to S.Martino station near Vigasio in Padova.
How long does it take to travel from Castel D' Azzano to Vigasio in Padova by bus?
The total travel time between Castel D' Azzano and Vigasio in Padova by bus is about 52 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Castel D' Azzano to get to Vigasio in Padova?
Get on the 52 bus from the S.Martino Castel Azzano stop near Castel D' Azzano in Padova.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Castel D' Azzano and Vigasio in Padova?
Get off the bus at the S.Martino stop, which is closest to Vigasio in Padova.
When is the first bus from Castel D' Azzano to Vigasio in Padova?
The first bus from Castel D' Azzano to Vigasio in Padova is Stallavena - Marzana - P.Vescovo - Stazione P.N. - Sacra Famiglia - Castel d'Azzano. It leaves the Azzano IV stop at 9:21 AM.