How to get from Sant Martí Sesgueioles to Vilaür by train?
From Sant Martí Sesgueioles to Vilaür by train
To get from Sant Martí Sesgueioles to Vilaür in Barcelona, you’ll need to take 3 train lines: take the RL4 train from Sant Martí Sesgueioles station to Lleida Pirineus station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the AVE train and finally take the RG1 train from Girona station to Camallera station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 49 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationSant Martí SesgueiolesID 78502550 m • 8 min
- 2Wait for trainRL4Lleida - Pirineus
- 3Ride to train stationLleida PirineusID 901 | 7840069 min
- 4Wait for trainAVEFigueres Vilafant
- 5Ride to train stationGirona112 min
- 6Walk to train stationGironaID 79300100 m • 2 min
- 7Wait for trainRG1Portbou
- 8Ride to train stationCamalleraID 7930522 min
- 9Walk toVilaür670 m • 9 min
Alternative route from Sant Martí Sesgueioles to Vilaür by train via RL4, R4 and RG1
To get from Sant Martí Sesgueioles to Vilaür in Barcelona, you’ll need to take 3 train lines: take the RL4 train from Sant Martí Sesgueioles station to Terrassa Estacio Del Nord station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R4 train and finally take the RG1 train from Arc De Triomf station to Camallera station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 58 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationSant Martí SesgueiolesID 78502550 m • 8 min
- 2Wait for trainRL4Terrassa
- 3Ride to train stationTerrassa Estacio Del Nord77 min
- 4Wait for trainR4Martorell Central
- 5Ride to train stationArc De TriomfID 128 | 7880444 min
- 6Wait for trainRG1Portbou
- 7Ride to train stationCamalleraID 79305144 min
- 8Walk toVilaür670 m • 9 min
Public transit directions from Sant Martí Sesgueioles to Vilaür
Public transit stations close to Sant Martí Sesgueioles
Sant Martí Sesgueioles is located at Sant Martí Sesgueioles, Barcelona and the nearest public transit station is Pl. Emili Dondéu (Ajuntment).
Train stations close to Sant Martí Sesgueioles:
- Sant Martí Sesgueioles
- Calaf
Bus stations close to Sant Martí Sesgueioles:
- Pl. Emili Dondéu (Ajuntment)
Public transit stations close to Vilaür, Barcelona
Vilaür is located at Vilaür, Barcelona and the nearest public transit station is Camallera.
Train stations close to Vilaür:
- Camallera
Bus stations close to Vilaür:
- Camallera
- Camallera, Saus
Related Routes
- Beuda to Vilaür
- Alins to Vilaür
- Bellcaire D'Empordà to Vilaür
- Calonge De Segarra to Vilaür
- Els Omells De Na Gaia to Vilaür
- La Molsosa to Vilaür
- Sant Jaume De Llierca to Vilaür
- Preixana to Vilaür
- Riudecanyes to Vilaür
- Vilanant to Vilaür
- Vall De Cardós to Vilaür
- Garrigoles to Vilaür
- Bordils to Vilaür
- Les Cabanyes to Vilaür
- Tavèrnoles to Vilaür
- Viladasens to Vilaür
- Ogassa to Vilaür
- Parlavà to Vilaür
- Aribau-Gran Via to Vilaür
- Terrassa Rambla to Vilaür
Alternative route from Sant Martí Sesgueioles to Vilaür by train via RL4, R4 and RG1
To get from Sant Martí Sesgueioles to Vilaür in Barcelona, you’ll need to take 3 train lines: take the RL4 train from Sant Martí Sesgueioles station to Terrassa Estacio Del Nord station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R4 train and finally take the RG1 train from Arc De Triomf station to Camallera station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 58 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationSant Martí SesgueiolesID 78502550 m • 8 min
- 2Wait for trainRL4Terrassa
- 3Ride to train stationTerrassa Estacio Del Nord77 min
- 4Wait for trainR4Martorell Central
- 5Ride to train stationArc De TriomfID 128 | 7880444 min
- 6Wait for trainRG1Portbou
- 7Ride to train stationCamalleraID 79305144 min
- 8Walk toVilaür670 m • 9 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Sant Martí Sesgueioles to Vilaür?
The fastest way takes 289 minutes, using Bus line RL4, Bus line AVE, Bus line RG1.
What is the alternative route to get from Sant Martí Sesgueioles to Vilaür?
The alternative route takes 298 minutes, using Bus line RL4, Bus line R4, Bus line RG1.
Is there a direct train between Sant Martí Sesgueioles and Vilaür in Barcelona?
No, you’ll have to take 3 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 4 hr 49 min.
Which train line goes from Sant Martí Sesgueioles to Vilaür in Barcelona?
The RL4 train line goes from Sant Martí Sesgueioles station near Sant Martí Sesgueioles to Lleida - Pirineus station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Lleida - Pirineus station near Vilaür in Barcelona
How long does it take to travel from Sant Martí Sesgueioles to Vilaür in Barcelona by train?
The total travel time between Sant Martí Sesgueioles and Vilaür in Barcelona by train is about 4 hr 49 min.
Where do I get on the train near Sant Martí Sesgueioles to get to Vilaür in Barcelona?
Get on the RL4 train from the Sant Martí Sesgueioles station near Sant Martí Sesgueioles in Barcelona.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Sant Martí Sesgueioles and Vilaür in Barcelona?
Get off the train at the Lleida - Pirineus station, which is closest to Vilaür in Barcelona.