How to get from Centro to Vila Becker by bus?
From Centro to Vila Becker by bus
Take one direct bus from Centro to Vila Becker in Toledo: take the 025 PUC bus from Terminal Urbano De Toledo station to Ponto Do Iara station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCentro
- 2Wait for bus025 PUCPuc (Circular)
- 3Ride to bus stationPonto Do Iara19 min
Alternative route from Centro to Vila Becker by bus via 021 SANTA CLARA II
Take one direct bus from Centro to Vila Becker in Toledo: take the 021 SANTA CLARA II bus from Terminal Urbano De Toledo station to Ponto Do Iara station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 22 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCentro
- 2Wait for bus021 SANTA CLARA IISanta Clara II (Circular)
- 3Ride to bus stationPonto Do Iara21 min
Public transit directions from Centro to Vila Becker
Public transit stations close to Centro
Centro is located at Centro, Toledo and the nearest public transit station is Ponto Almirante Barroso.
Bus stations close to Centro:
- Ponto Almirante Barroso
- Ponto Da Prefeitura
- Ponto Teatro
Public transit stations close to Vila Becker, Toledo
Vila Becker is located at Vila Becker, Toledo and the nearest public transit station is Farmácia Pancera.
Bus stations close to Vila Becker:
- Farmácia Pancera
- Ponto Da Aldeia
- Oficina De Moto
Related Routes
- Sadia/Brf to Vila Becker
- Centro to Jardim Bressan
- Centro to Jardim Gisela
- Centro to Vila Pioneiro
- Cerâmica Prata to Toledo
- Jardim Bressan to São Francisco
- Jardim Bressan to Toledo
- Jardim Concórdia to Jardim Europa / América
- Jardim Concórdia to Jardim Independência
- Jardim Concórdia to Jardim La Salle
- Jardim Concórdia to Toledo
- Jardim Coopagro to Centro
- Jardim Coopagro to Jardim La Salle
- Jardim Coopagro to Vila Industrial
- Jardim Coopagro to Vila Panorama
- Jardim Europa / América to Centro
- Jardim Europa / América to Jardim Coopagro
- Jardim Europa / América to São Francisco
- Jardim Europa / América to Vila Industrial
- Jardim Gisela to Jardim Coopagro
Alternative route from Centro to Vila Becker by bus via 021 SANTA CLARA II
Take one direct bus from Centro to Vila Becker in Toledo: take the 021 SANTA CLARA II bus from Terminal Urbano De Toledo station to Ponto Do Iara station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 22 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCentro
- 2Wait for bus021 SANTA CLARA IISanta Clara II (Circular)
- 3Ride to bus stationPonto Do Iara21 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Centro to Vila Becker?
The fastest way takes 20 minutes, using Bus line 025 PUC.
What is the alternative route to get from Centro to Vila Becker?
The alternative route takes 22 minutes, using Bus line 021 SANTA CLARA II.
Is there a direct bus between Centro and Vila Becker in Toledo?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Centro to Vila Becker in Toledo in 20 min.
Which bus line goes from Centro to Vila Becker in Toledo?
The 025 PUC bus line goes from Puc (Circular) station near Centro to Ponto Do Iara station near Vila Becker in Toledo.
How long does it take to travel from Centro to Vila Becker in Toledo by bus?
The total travel time between Centro and Vila Becker in Toledo by bus is about 20 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Centro to get to Vila Becker in Toledo?
Get on the 025 PUC bus from the Puc (Circular) stop near Centro in Toledo.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Centro and Vila Becker in Toledo?
Get off the bus at the Ponto Do Iara stop, which is closest to Vila Becker in Toledo.
When is the first bus from Centro to Vila Becker in Toledo?
The first bus from Centro to Vila Becker in Toledo is PUC. It leaves the Terminal Urbano De Toledo stop at 5:15 AM.