How to get from Realengo to Vila Valqueire by bus?
From Realengo to Vila Valqueire by bus
To get from Realengo to Vila Valqueire in Rio de Janeiro Region, take the 791 bus from Rua Limites, 1180 station to Avenida Marechal Fontenele, 5611-5627 station. Next, take the 917 bus from Avenida Marechal Fontenele, 5611-5627 station to Avenida Marechal Fontenele, 123 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min. The ride fare is R$4.30.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRealengo
- 2Wait for bus791Terminal Deodoro
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Marechal Fontenele, 5611-562712 min
- 4Wait for bus917Bonsucesso
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida Marechal Fontenele, 12319 min
Alternative route from Realengo to Vila Valqueire by bus via 791 and 745
To get from Realengo to Vila Valqueire in Rio de Janeiro Region, take the 791 bus from Rua Limites, 1180 station to Avenida Marechal Fontenele, 5611-5627 station. Next, take the 745 bus from Avenida Marechal Fontenele, 5611-5627 station to Avenida Marechal Fontenele, 123 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 38 min. The ride fare is R$4.30.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRealengo
- 2Wait for bus791Terminal Deodoro
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Marechal Fontenele, 5611-562712 min
- 4Wait for bus745Cascadura
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida Marechal Fontenele, 12319 min
Public transit directions from Realengo to Vila Valqueire
Public transit stations close to Realengo
Realengo is located at Realengo, Rio de Janeiro Region and the nearest public transit station is Rua General Sezefredo, 1095.
Train stations close to Realengo:
- Guilherme Da Silveira
- Mocidade / Padre Miguel
- Bangu
Bus stations close to Realengo:
- Rua General Sezefredo, 1095
- Rua Limites, 1351 | Redeconomia
- Rua Limites, 1300 | Casa Da Mulher Carioca
Public transit stations close to Vila Valqueire, Rio de Janeiro Region
Vila Valqueire is located at Vila Valqueire, Rio de Janeiro Region and the nearest public transit station is Praça Prof. Cardoso Fontes.
Train stations close to Vila Valqueire:
- Marechal Hermes
- Prefeito Bento Ribeiro
- Vila Militar
Bus stations close to Vila Valqueire:
- Praça Prof. Cardoso Fontes
- Avenida Marechal Fontenele, 154
- Avenida Marechal Fontenele, 123
Related Routes
- Teresópolis to Vila Valqueire
- Nova Friburgo to Vila Valqueire
- Cidade Universitária (Fundão) to Vila Valqueire
- Freguesia (Ilha) to Vila Valqueire
- Vargem Grande to Vila Valqueire
- Centro to Vila Valqueire
- Copacabana to Vila Valqueire
- Cordovil to Vila Valqueire
- Cosme Velho to Vila Valqueire
- Engenho Novo to Vila Valqueire
- Flamengo to Vila Valqueire
- Deodoro to Vila Valqueire
- Engenho Da Rainha to Vila Valqueire
- Del Castilho to Vila Valqueire
- Bonsucesso to Vila Valqueire
- Benfica to Vila Valqueire
- Brás De Pina to Vila Valqueire
- Pedra De Guaratiba to Vila Valqueire
- Piedade to Vila Valqueire
- Gávea to Vila Valqueire
Alternative route from Realengo to Vila Valqueire by bus via 791 and 745
To get from Realengo to Vila Valqueire in Rio de Janeiro Region, take the 791 bus from Rua Limites, 1180 station to Avenida Marechal Fontenele, 5611-5627 station. Next, take the 745 bus from Avenida Marechal Fontenele, 5611-5627 station to Avenida Marechal Fontenele, 123 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 38 min. The ride fare is R$4.30.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRealengo
- 2Wait for bus791Terminal Deodoro
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Marechal Fontenele, 5611-562712 min
- 4Wait for bus745Cascadura
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida Marechal Fontenele, 12319 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Realengo to Vila Valqueire?
The fastest way takes 35 minutes, using Bus line 791, Bus line 917.
What is the alternative route to get from Realengo to Vila Valqueire?
The alternative route takes 38 minutes, using Bus line 791, Bus line 745.
Is there a direct bus between Realengo and Vila Valqueire in Rio de Janeiro Region?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 35 min.
Which bus line goes from Realengo to Vila Valqueire in Rio de Janeiro Region?
The 791 bus line goes from Terminal Deodoro station near Realengo to Avenida Marechal Fontenele, 5611-5627 station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Avenida Marechal Fontenele, 5611-5627 station near Vila Valqueire in Rio de Janeiro Region
How long does it take to travel from Realengo to Vila Valqueire in Rio de Janeiro Region by bus?
The total travel time between Realengo and Vila Valqueire in Rio de Janeiro Region by bus is about 35 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Realengo to get to Vila Valqueire in Rio de Janeiro Region?
Get on the 791 bus from the Terminal Deodoro stop near Realengo in Rio de Janeiro Region.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Realengo and Vila Valqueire in Rio de Janeiro Region?
Get off the bus at the Avenida Marechal Fontenele, 5611-5627 stop, which is closest to Vila Valqueire in Rio de Janeiro Region.
When is the last train from Realengo to Vila Valqueire in Rio de Janeiro Region?
The last train from Realengo to Vila Valqueire in Rio de Janeiro Region is the Central do Brasil - Santa Cruz (Via Deodoro) line. It leaves the Mocidade / Padre Miguel station at 8:05 PM.
How much is the bus fare from Realengo to Vila Valqueire?
The ride from Realengo to Vila Valqueire costs R$4.30.