How to get from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè by bus?
From Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè by bus
Take one direct bus from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè in Agrigento: take the 2/ bus from Piazza Marconi station to Piazza Dei Vespri station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 38 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPiazza Marconi640 m • 9 min
- 2Wait for bus2/Agrigento - Valle Dei Templi / Giunone - Villaggio Mose' - Le Dune - San Leone
- 3Ride to bus stationPiazza Dei Vespri20 min
- 4Walk toVillaggio MosèViale Leonardo Sciascia690 m • 9 min
Alternative route from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè by bus via ROSSA and 3/
To get from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè in Agrigento, take the ROSSA bus from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII station to Piazza Rosselli station. Next, take the 3/ bus from Piazza Rosselli station to Viale Delle Dune station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 44 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationVia Papa Giovanni XXIII
- 2Wait for busROSSACampo Sportivo / Cimitero / Piazz. Rosselli / Via Atenea
- 3Ride to bus stationPiazza Rosselli2 min
- 4Wait for bus3/Agrigento / S.Leone / Dune / Cavaleri Magazzeni
- 5Ride to bus stationViale Delle Dune28 min
- 6Walk toVillaggio MosèViale Leonardo Sciascia3.71 km • 48 min
Public transit directions from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè
Public transit stations close to Via Papa Giovanni XXIII
Via Papa Giovanni XXIII is located at Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, Agrigento and the nearest public transit station is Via Antonio Gramsci.
Train stations close to Via Papa Giovanni XXIII:
- Agrigento Centrale
- Agrigento Bassa
Bus stations close to Via Papa Giovanni XXIII:
- Via Antonio Gramsci
- Via Atenea
- Piazza Rosselli
Public transit stations close to Villaggio Mosè, Agrigento
Villaggio Mosè is located at Viale Leonardo Sciascia, Agrigento and the nearest public transit station is Viale Cannatello.
Bus stations close to Villaggio Mosè:
- Viale Cannatello
- Villaggio Mosè G. Hotel Dei Templi
- Villaggio Mosè - Hotel Kore
Related Routes
- Piazza Don Guanella to Villaggio Mosè
- Cimitero to Villaggio Mosè
- Via Atenea to Villaggio Mosè
- Via Garibaldi to Villaggio Mosè
- Piazza Marconi to Villaggio Mosè
- Via Alessandro Manzoni to Villaggio Mosè
- Via Vittorio Emanuele to Villaggio Mosè
- Piazza Plebis Rea to Villaggio Mosè
- Via Bibbiria to Villaggio Mosè
- Via Gioeni to Villaggio Mosè
- Via XXV Aprile to Villaggio Mosè
- Via Imera to Villaggio Mosè
- Via Picone to Villaggio Mosè
- Via Antonio Gramsci to Villaggio Mosè
- Via Demetra to Villaggio Mosè
- Via Crispi to Villaggio Mosè
- Piazza Luigi Pirandello to Villaggio Mosè
- Via La Malfa to Villaggio Mosè
- Viale Della Vittoria to Villaggio Mosè
- Via San Vito to Villaggio Mosè
Alternative route from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè by bus via ROSSA and 3/
To get from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè in Agrigento, take the ROSSA bus from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII station to Piazza Rosselli station. Next, take the 3/ bus from Piazza Rosselli station to Viale Delle Dune station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 44 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationVia Papa Giovanni XXIII
- 2Wait for busROSSACampo Sportivo / Cimitero / Piazz. Rosselli / Via Atenea
- 3Ride to bus stationPiazza Rosselli2 min
- 4Wait for bus3/Agrigento / S.Leone / Dune / Cavaleri Magazzeni
- 5Ride to bus stationViale Delle Dune28 min
- 6Walk toVillaggio MosèViale Leonardo Sciascia3.71 km • 48 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè?
The fastest way takes 38 minutes, using Bus line 2/.
What is the alternative route to get from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè?
The alternative route takes 104 minutes, using Bus line ROSSA, Bus line 3/.
Is there a direct bus between Via Papa Giovanni XXIII and Villaggio Mosè in Agrigento?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè in Agrigento in 38 min.
Which bus line goes from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè in Agrigento?
The 2/ bus line goes from Piazza Marconi station near Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Agrigento - Valle Dei Templi / Giunone - Villaggio Mose' - Le Dune - San Leone station near Villaggio Mosè in Agrigento.
How long does it take to travel from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè in Agrigento by bus?
The total travel time between Via Papa Giovanni XXIII and Villaggio Mosè in Agrigento by bus is about 38 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to get to Villaggio Mosè in Agrigento?
Get on the 2/ bus from the Piazza Marconi stop near Via Papa Giovanni XXIII in Agrigento.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Via Papa Giovanni XXIII and Villaggio Mosè in Agrigento?
Get off the bus at the Agrigento - Valle Dei Templi / Giunone - Villaggio Mose' - Le Dune - San Leone stop, which is closest to Villaggio Mosè in Agrigento.
When is the first bus from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè in Agrigento?
The first bus from Via Papa Giovanni XXIII to Villaggio Mosè in Agrigento is Agrigento / Valle Dei Templi Giunone / Vill. Mosè / Dune / S.Leone. It leaves the Piazza Marconi stop at 10:15 AM.