How to get from SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University by Streetcar and bus?
From SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University by Streetcar and bus
To get from SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University in Portland, take the 15 bus from SE Belmont & 60th station to SW Washington & 9th station. Next, take the A Streetcar from SW 10th & Alder station to NW 10th & Johnson station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min. The ride fare is $0.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationSE Belmont & 60th
- 2Wait for bus15NW Yeon & 44th
- 3Ride to bus stationSW Washington & 9thID 616921 min
- 4Walk to Streetcar stationSW 10th & AlderID 10768160 yd • 2 min
- 5Wait for StreetcarANW 9th & Lovejoy
- 6Ride to Streetcar stationNW 10th & JohnsonID 107736 min
- 7Walk toWillamette UniversityNorthwest 12th Avenue310 yd • 4 min
From SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University by bus
Take one direct bus from SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University in Portland: take the 15 bus from SE Belmont & 60th station to SW Washington & 9th station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min. The ride fare is $0.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationSE Belmont & 60th
- 2Wait for bus15NW Yeon & 44th
- 3Ride to bus stationSW Washington & 9thID 616921 min
- 4Walk toWillamette UniversityNorthwest 12th Avenue0.66 mi • 14 min
Public transit directions from SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University
Public transit stations close to SE Belmont & 60th
SE Belmont & 60th is located at SE Belmont & 60th, Portland and the nearest public transit station is SE Belmont & 60th.
Bus stations close to SE Belmont & 60th:
- SE Belmont & 60th
- SE 60th & Belmont
- SE Belmont & 58th
Public transit stations close to Willamette University, Portland
Willamette University is located at Northwest 12th Avenue, Portland and the nearest public transit station is NW 10th & Johnson.
Bus stations close to Willamette University:
- NW Everett & 11th
- NW Everett & 14th
- NW Glisan & 12th
Streetcar stations close to Willamette University:
- NW 10th & Johnson
- NW 13th & Lovejoy
- NW 11th & Johnson
Related Routes
- SW Jefferson & 17th to Willamette University
- Woodland (Park And Ride) to Willamette University
- Longview Transit Center to Willamette University
- Castle Rock Park And Ride to Willamette University
- Vancouver (99th Street Transit Center) to Willamette University
- Kalama (Toteff Park) to Willamette University
- South Waterfront/S Moody to Willamette University
- SE Tacoma Park & Ride to Willamette University
- OMSI/SE Water to Willamette University
- SW Hall & 5th to Willamette University
- SE Linwood & King to Willamette University
- NE Halsey & Wood Village Blvd to Willamette University
- NE 99th & Glisan to Willamette University
- Clackamas Town Center TC to Willamette University
- Van Mall Transit Center to Willamette University
- 99th Street Transit Center to Willamette University
- Mill Plain Transit Center to Willamette University
- Fisher's Landing Transit Center to Willamette University
- N Adair & 14th to Willamette University
- N Adair & 20th to Willamette University
From SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University by bus
Take one direct bus from SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University in Portland: take the 15 bus from SE Belmont & 60th station to SW Washington & 9th station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min. The ride fare is $0.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationSE Belmont & 60th
- 2Wait for bus15NW Yeon & 44th
- 3Ride to bus stationSW Washington & 9thID 616921 min
- 4Walk toWillamette UniversityNorthwest 12th Avenue0.66 mi • 14 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University?
The fastest way takes 40 minutes, using Bus line 15, Bus line A.
What is the alternative route to get from SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University?
The alternative route takes 36 minutes, using Bus line 15.
Is there a direct bus between SE Belmont & 60th and Willamette University in Portland?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line and one Streetcar line in total. The total travelling time is 40 min.
Which bus line goes from SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University in Portland?
The 15 bus line goes from NW Yeon & 44th station near SE Belmont & 60th to SW Washington & 9th station. From there you’ll have to take one Streetcar line till SW Washington & 9th station near Willamette University in Portland
How long does it take to travel from SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University in Portland by bus and Streetcar?
The total travel time between SE Belmont & 60th and Willamette University in Portland by bus and Streetcar is about 40 min.
Where do I get on the bus near SE Belmont & 60th to get to Willamette University in Portland?
Get on the 15 bus from the NW Yeon & 44th stop near SE Belmont & 60th in Portland.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between SE Belmont & 60th and Willamette University in Portland?
Get off the bus at the SW Washington & 9th station, which is closest to Willamette University in Portland.
When is the last bus from SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University in Portland?
The last bus from SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University in Portland is the Belmont/NW 23rd line. It leaves the SE Belmont & 60th stop at 12:15 AM.
How much is the bus fare from SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University?
The ride from SE Belmont & 60th to Willamette University costs $0.00.