How to get from Garnwerd to Winsum by bus?
From Garnwerd to Winsum by bus
Take one direct bus from Garnwerd to Winsum in Winsum: take the 36 bus from Garnwerd, Krassumerstraat station to Winsum, Station (Perron C) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 17 min. The ride fare is €1.79.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationGarnwerd, KrassumerstraatID 11233810150 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus36Winsum
- 3Ride to bus stationWinsum, Station (Perron C)ID 102744308 min
- 4Walk toWinsumBorgweg420 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Garnwerd to Winsum
Public transit stations close to Garnwerd
Garnwerd is located at Garnwerd, Winsum and the nearest public transit station is Garnwerd, Krassumerstraat.
Train stations close to Garnwerd:
- Winsum
Bus stations close to Garnwerd:
- Feerwerd, Aduarderdiep
Public transit stations close to Winsum, Winsum
Winsum is located at Borgweg, Winsum and the nearest public transit station is Winsum, Priorstraat.
Train stations close to Winsum:
- Winsum
- Sauwerd
- Baflo
Related Routes
- Groningen Station to Winsum
- Garnwerd to Groningen
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- citizenM Rotterdam to Rotterdam Centraal Station
- Louwman Museum to Den Haag Centraal Station
- Maastricht to Maastricht Station Randwyck
- Maastricht to Valkenburg Cauberg
- Maastricht to Zwijndrecht Netherlands
- Maastricht to Kerkrade
- Maastricht to Weert
- Maastricht to Rotterdam
- Maastricht to Landgraaf
- Maastricht to Eindhoven
- Maastricht to Nude
- Brunssum to Maastricht
- Weert to Thorn Netherlands
- Bergen op Zoom to Middelburg Zeeland Netherlands
- Bergen op Zoom to Willemstad North Brabant Netherlands
- Bergen op Zoom to Tholen
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Garnwerd to Winsum?
The fastest way takes 17 minutes, using Bus line 36.
Is there a direct bus between Garnwerd and Winsum in Winsum?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Garnwerd to Winsum in Winsum in 17 min.
Which bus line goes from Garnwerd to Winsum in Winsum?
The 36 bus line goes from Garnwerd, Krassumerstraat station near Garnwerd to Winsum station near Winsum in Winsum.
How long does it take to travel from Garnwerd to Winsum in Winsum by bus?
The total travel time between Garnwerd and Winsum in Winsum by bus is about 17 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Garnwerd to get to Winsum in Winsum?
Get on the 36 bus from the Garnwerd, Krassumerstraat stop near Garnwerd in Winsum.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Garnwerd and Winsum in Winsum?
Get off the bus at the Winsum stop, which is closest to Winsum in Winsum.
When is the first bus from Garnwerd to Winsum in Winsum?
The first bus from Garnwerd to Winsum in Winsum is Winsum - Oldehove. It leaves the Garnwerd, Krassumerstraat stop at 9:43 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Garnwerd to Winsum?
The ride from Garnwerd to Winsum costs €1.79.