How to get from Bad Salzdetfurth to Wolfenbüttel by train?
From Bad Salzdetfurth to Wolfenbüttel by train
To get from Bad Salzdetfurth to Wolfenbüttel in Bremen & Lower Saxony, you’ll need to take 3 train lines: take the RB79 train from Groß Düngen station to Hildesheim Hbf station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the RE50 train and finally take the RB42 train from Braunschweig Hauptbahnhof station to Wolfenbüttel Bahnhof station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 34 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationBad Salzdetfurth
- 2Wait for trainRB79Hildesheim Hbf
- 3Ride to train stationHildesheim Hbf9 min
- 4Wait for trainRE50Wolfsburg Hbf
- 5Ride to train stationBraunschweig Hauptbahnhof27 min
- 6Wait for trainRB42Bad Harzburg Bahnhof
- 7Ride to train stationWolfenbüttel Bahnhof8 min
- 8Walk toWolfenbüttel1.34 km • 18 min
Alternative route from Bad Salzdetfurth to Wolfenbüttel by train via RB79, RE50 and RB43
To get from Bad Salzdetfurth to Wolfenbüttel in Bremen & Lower Saxony, you’ll need to take 3 train lines: take the RB79 train from Groß Düngen station to Hildesheim Hbf station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the RE50 train and finally take the RB43 train from Braunschweig Hauptbahnhof station to Wolfenbüttel Bahnhof station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 34 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationBad Salzdetfurth
- 2Wait for trainRB79Hildesheim Hbf
- 3Ride to train stationHildesheim Hbf9 min
- 4Wait for trainRE50Wolfsburg Hbf
- 5Ride to train stationBraunschweig Hauptbahnhof27 min
- 6Wait for trainRB43Goslar
- 7Ride to train stationWolfenbüttel Bahnhof8 min
- 8Walk toWolfenbüttel1.34 km • 18 min
Public transit directions from Bad Salzdetfurth to Wolfenbüttel
Public transit stations close to Bad Salzdetfurth
Bad Salzdetfurth is located at Bad Salzdetfurth, Bremen & Lower Saxony and the nearest public transit station is Groß Düngen.
Train stations close to Bad Salzdetfurth:
- Groß Düngen
- Wesseln(Nds.)
Bus stations close to Bad Salzdetfurth:
- Groß Düngen Bahnhof
- Groß Düngen Hildesheimer Straße
- Groß Düngen Kirche
S-Bahn stations close to Bad Salzdetfurth:
- Detfurth/Solebad
- Bad Salzdetfurth Median Salze-Klinik
- Bad Salzdetfurth Vamed Rehaklinik
Public transit stations close to Wolfenbüttel, Bremen & Lower Saxony
Wolfenbüttel is located at Wolfenbüttel, Bremen & Lower Saxony and the nearest public transit station is Wolfenbüttel Lange Straße.
Train stations close to Wolfenbüttel:
- Salzgitter-Thiede
- Wolfenbüttel Bahnhof
Bus stations close to Wolfenbüttel:
- Wolfenbüttel Lange Straße
- Wolfenbüttel Im Kamp
- Wolfenbüttel Zeughausstraße
Related Routes
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Alternative route from Bad Salzdetfurth to Wolfenbüttel by train via RB79, RE50 and RB43
To get from Bad Salzdetfurth to Wolfenbüttel in Bremen & Lower Saxony, you’ll need to take 3 train lines: take the RB79 train from Groß Düngen station to Hildesheim Hbf station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the RE50 train and finally take the RB43 train from Braunschweig Hauptbahnhof station to Wolfenbüttel Bahnhof station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 34 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationBad Salzdetfurth
- 2Wait for trainRB79Hildesheim Hbf
- 3Ride to train stationHildesheim Hbf9 min
- 4Wait for trainRE50Wolfsburg Hbf
- 5Ride to train stationBraunschweig Hauptbahnhof27 min
- 6Wait for trainRB43Goslar
- 7Ride to train stationWolfenbüttel Bahnhof8 min
- 8Walk toWolfenbüttel1.34 km • 18 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Bad Salzdetfurth to Wolfenbüttel?
The fastest way takes 94 minutes, using Bus line RB79, Bus line RE50, Bus line RB42.
What is the alternative route to get from Bad Salzdetfurth to Wolfenbüttel?
The alternative route takes 94 minutes, using Bus line RB79, Bus line RE50, Bus line RB43.
Is there a direct train between Bad Salzdetfurth and Wolfenbüttel in Bremen & Lower Saxony?
No, you’ll have to take 3 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 34 min.
Which train line goes from Bad Salzdetfurth to Wolfenbüttel in Bremen & Lower Saxony?
The RB79 train line goes from Hildesheim Hbf station near Bad Salzdetfurth to Hildesheim Hbf station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Hildesheim Hbf station near Wolfenbüttel in Bremen & Lower Saxony
How long does it take to travel from Bad Salzdetfurth to Wolfenbüttel in Bremen & Lower Saxony by train?
The total travel time between Bad Salzdetfurth and Wolfenbüttel in Bremen & Lower Saxony by train is about 1 hr 34 min.
Where do I get on the train near Bad Salzdetfurth to get to Wolfenbüttel in Bremen & Lower Saxony?
Get on the RB79 train from the Hildesheim Hbf station near Bad Salzdetfurth in Bremen & Lower Saxony.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Bad Salzdetfurth and Wolfenbüttel in Bremen & Lower Saxony?
Get off the train at the Hildesheim Hbf station, which is closest to Wolfenbüttel in Bremen & Lower Saxony.