How to get from Đông Mỹ to Xã Kim Lan by bus?
From Đông Mỹ to Xã Kim Lan by bus
To get from Đông Mỹ to Xã Kim Lan in Hanoi, take the 08ACT bus from (B) Svđ Đông Mỹ station to Sân Vận Động Bách Khoa - Lê Thanh Nghị station. Next, take the 47B. bus from Sân Vận Động Bách Khoa - Lê Thanh Nghị station to Trước Đối Diện Trạm Bơm Kl10m station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 25 min. The ride fare is ₫22,000.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationĐông Mỹ
- 2Wait for bus08ACT(A) Long Biên
- 3Ride to bus stationSân Vận Động Bách Khoa - Lê Thanh Nghị37 min
- 4Wait for bus47B.(B) Kiêu Kỵ
- 5Ride to bus stationTrước Đối Diện Trạm Bơm Kl10m34 min
Alternative route from Đông Mỹ to Xã Kim Lan by bus via 08A and 47B.
To get from Đông Mỹ to Xã Kim Lan in Hanoi, take the 08A bus from (B) Svđ Đông Mỹ station to Sân Vận Động Bách Khoa - Lê Thanh Nghị station. Next, take the 47B. bus from Sân Vận Động Bách Khoa - Lê Thanh Nghị station to Trước Đối Diện Trạm Bơm Kl10m station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 25 min. The ride fare is ₫22,000.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationĐông Mỹ
- 2Wait for bus08A(A) Long Biên
- 3Ride to bus stationSân Vận Động Bách Khoa - Lê Thanh Nghị37 min
- 4Wait for bus47B.(B) Kiêu Kỵ
- 5Ride to bus stationTrước Đối Diện Trạm Bơm Kl10m34 min
Public transit directions from Đông Mỹ to Xã Kim Lan
Public transit stations close to Đông Mỹ
Đông Mỹ is located at Đông Mỹ, Hanoi and the nearest public transit station is (B) Svđ Đông Mỹ.
Bus stations close to Đông Mỹ:
- (B) Svđ Đông Mỹ
- Trung Tâm Giáo Dục Thường Xuyên Đông Mỹ - Ngũ Hiệp
- Công Ty Cp May Đông Mỹ - Ngũ Hiệp
Public transit stations close to Xã Kim Lan, Hanoi
Xã Kim Lan is located at Xã Kim Lan, Hanoi and the nearest public transit station is Ubnd Xã Kim Lan.
Bus stations close to Xã Kim Lan:
- Ubnd Xã Kim Lan
- Trước Đối Diện Trạm Bơm Kl10m
- Qua Trạm Bơm Kim Lan 20m - Đường Liên Xã Kim Lan
Related Routes
- Đại Mạch to Xã Kim Lan
- Đại Nghĩa to Xã Kim Lan
- Đại Áng to Xã Kim Lan
- Đặng Xá to Xã Kim Lan
- Đốc Tín to Xã Kim Lan
- Đống Mác to Xã Kim Lan
- Đồng Tân to Xã Kim Lan
- Đồng Trúc to Xã Kim Lan
- Đồng Mai to Xã Kim Lan
- Đồng Nguyên to Xã Kim Lan
- Đồng Phú to Xã Kim Lan
- Vật Lại to Xã Kim Lan
- Xuân Hoà to Xã Kim Lan
- Xuân Phương to Xã Kim Lan
- Xuân Khanh to Xã Kim Lan
- Xuân Sơn to Xã Kim Lan
- Xuân Tảo to Xã Kim Lan
- Yên Nghĩa to Xã Kim Lan
- Yên Sơn to Xã Kim Lan
- Yên Hoà to Xã Kim Lan
Alternative route from Đông Mỹ to Xã Kim Lan by bus via 08A and 47B.
To get from Đông Mỹ to Xã Kim Lan in Hanoi, take the 08A bus from (B) Svđ Đông Mỹ station to Sân Vận Động Bách Khoa - Lê Thanh Nghị station. Next, take the 47B. bus from Sân Vận Động Bách Khoa - Lê Thanh Nghị station to Trước Đối Diện Trạm Bơm Kl10m station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 25 min. The ride fare is ₫22,000.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationĐông Mỹ
- 2Wait for bus08A(A) Long Biên
- 3Ride to bus stationSân Vận Động Bách Khoa - Lê Thanh Nghị37 min
- 4Wait for bus47B.(B) Kiêu Kỵ
- 5Ride to bus stationTrước Đối Diện Trạm Bơm Kl10m34 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Đông Mỹ to Xã Kim Lan?
The fastest way takes 85 minutes, using Bus line 08ACT, Bus line 47B..
What is the alternative route to get from Đông Mỹ to Xã Kim Lan?
The alternative route takes 85 minutes, using Bus line 08A, Bus line 47B..
Is there a direct bus between Đông Mỹ and Xã Kim Lan in Hanoi?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 25 min.
Which bus line goes from Đông Mỹ to Xã Kim Lan in Hanoi?
The 08ACT bus line goes from (A) Long Biên station near Đông Mỹ to Sân Vận Động Bách Khoa - Lê Thanh Nghị station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Sân Vận Động Bách Khoa - Lê Thanh Nghị station near Xã Kim Lan in Hanoi
How long does it take to travel from Đông Mỹ to Xã Kim Lan in Hanoi by bus?
The total travel time between Đông Mỹ and Xã Kim Lan in Hanoi by bus is about 1 hr 25 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Đông Mỹ to get to Xã Kim Lan in Hanoi?
Get on the 08ACT bus from the (A) Long Biên stop near Đông Mỹ in Hanoi.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Đông Mỹ and Xã Kim Lan in Hanoi?
Get off the bus at the Sân Vận Động Bách Khoa - Lê Thanh Nghị stop, which is closest to Xã Kim Lan in Hanoi.
How much is the bus fare from Đông Mỹ to Xã Kim Lan?
The ride from Đông Mỹ to Xã Kim Lan costs ₫22,000.