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How to get from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở by bus?

From Hàng Đào to Yên Sở by bus

Take one direct bus from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở in Hanoi: take the 04 bus from 54 Nguyễn Hữu Huân station to Số Nhà 30 Yên Sở, Phường Yên Sở station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 42 min. The ride fare is ₫7,000.

Walk to bus station
Bus - 0404
Walk to Yên Sở
Leaves from 54 Nguyễn Hữu Huân

Step by Step

  • 1
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    54 Nguyễn Hữu Huân
    510 m • 7 min
  • 2
    Bus - 0404
    Wait for bus
    (B) Bv Nội Tiết Tw Cơ Sở 2
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Số Nhà 30 Yên Sở, Phường Yên Sở
    31 min
  • 4
    Walk to Yên Sở
    Walk to
    Yên Sở
    240 m • 4 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

Alternative route from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở by bus via 48

Take one direct bus from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở in Hanoi: take the 48 bus from 162 Trần Quang Khải - Viện Quy Hoạch Thủy Lợi station to Số Nhà 30 Yên Sở, Phường Yên Sở station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 46 min. The ride fare is ₫8,000.

Walk to bus station
Bus - 4848
Walk to Yên Sở
Leaves from 162 Trần Quang Khải - Viện Quy Hoạch Thủy Lợi

Step by Step

  • 1
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    162 Trần Quang Khải - Viện Quy Hoạch Thủy Lợi
    790 m • 10 min
  • 2
    Bus - 4848
    Wait for bus
    (A) Bx Nước Ngầm
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Số Nhà 30 Yên Sở, Phường Yên Sở
    32 min
  • 4
    Walk to Yên Sở
    Walk to
    Yên Sở
    240 m • 4 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic
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Public transit directions from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở

The distance between Hàng Đào, Hanoi and Yên Sở, Hanoi is approximately 11.19 km, which can typically be travelled in 42 min. Moovit will show you the directions from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở by bus, so no matter how you choose to travel in Hanoi – you will always have plenty of easy options.

Public transit stations close to Hàng Đào

Hàng Đào is located at Hàng Đào, Hanoi and the nearest public transit station is 28 Đường Thành.

Metro stations close to Hàng Đào:

  • Cát Linh
  • Thái Hà
  • La Thành

Bus stations close to Hàng Đào:

  • 28 Đường Thành
  • Trần Nhật Duật (373 Hồng Hà) - Gần Hàm Tử Quan
  • 80 Trần Nhật Duật

Public transit stations close to Yên Sở, Hanoi

Yên Sở is located at Yên Sở, Hanoi and the nearest public transit station is Số Nhà 30 Yên Sở, Phường Yên Sở.

Bus stations close to Yên Sở:

  • Số Nhà 30 Yên Sở, Phường Yên Sở
  • Trước Ngã 3 Vào Đường Yên Sở 100 M
  • Qua Đường Vào Khu Tái Định Cư X2a 30m - Đường Dẫn Cầu Thanh Trì

Alternative route from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở by bus via 48

Take one direct bus from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở in Hanoi: take the 48 bus from 162 Trần Quang Khải - Viện Quy Hoạch Thủy Lợi station to Số Nhà 30 Yên Sở, Phường Yên Sở station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 46 min. The ride fare is ₫8,000.

Walk to bus station
Bus - 4848
Walk to Yên Sở
Leaves from 162 Trần Quang Khải - Viện Quy Hoạch Thủy Lợi

Step by Step

  • 1
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    162 Trần Quang Khải - Viện Quy Hoạch Thủy Lợi
    790 m • 10 min
  • 2
    Bus - 4848
    Wait for bus
    (A) Bx Nước Ngầm
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Số Nhà 30 Yên Sở, Phường Yên Sở
    32 min
  • 4
    Walk to Yên Sở
    Walk to
    Yên Sở
    240 m • 4 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

Questions & Answers

  • What is the fastest way to get from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở?

    The fastest way takes 42 minutes, using Bus line 04.

  • What is the alternative route to get from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở?

    The alternative route takes 46 minutes, using Bus line 48.

  • Is there a direct bus between Hàng Đào and Yên Sở in Hanoi?

    Yes, there is a direct bus going from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở in Hanoi in 42 min.

  • Which bus line goes from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở in Hanoi?

    The 04 bus line goes from 54 Nguyễn Hữu Huân station near Hàng Đào to (B) Bv Nội Tiết Tw Cơ Sở 2 station near Yên Sở in Hanoi.

  • How long does it take to travel from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở in Hanoi by bus?

    The total travel time between Hàng Đào and Yên Sở in Hanoi by bus is about 42 min.

  • Where do I get on the bus near Hàng Đào to get to Yên Sở in Hanoi?

    Get on the 04 bus from the 54 Nguyễn Hữu Huân stop near Hàng Đào in Hanoi.

  • Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Hàng Đào and Yên Sở in Hanoi?

    Get off the bus at the (B) Bv Nội Tiết Tw Cơ Sở 2 stop, which is closest to Yên Sở in Hanoi.

  • When is the last bus from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở in Hanoi?

    The last bus from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở in Hanoi is the Long Biên - Bệnh viện Nội tiết trung ương cơ sở 2 line. It leaves the 54 Nguyễn Hữu Huân stop at 1:30 PM.

  • How much is the bus fare from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở?

    The ride from Hàng Đào to Yên Sở costs ₫7,000.