How to get from Beersheba to Yeruham by bus?
From Beersheba to Yeruham by bus
Take one direct bus from Beersheba to Yeruham in ירוחם: take the 359 bus from שדרות דוד טוביהו/אסף שמחוני station to בורנשטיין/הרצל station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 46 min. The ride fare is ₪12.50.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationשדרות דוד טוביהו/אסף שמחוניID 15307910 m • 12 min
- 2Wait for bus359דימונה
- 3Ride to bus stationבורנשטיין/הרצלID 1599633 min
Public transit directions from Beersheba to Yeruham
Public transit stations close to Beersheba
Beersheba is located at Beersheba, ירוחם and the nearest public transit station is המכללה הטכנולוגית/דרך המשחררים.
Bus stations close to Beersheba:
- המכללה הטכנולוגית/דרך המשחררים
- דרך המשחררים/תל חי
- מרכז חן/חיים נחמן ביאליק
Public transit stations close to Yeruham, ירוחם
Yeruham is located at Yeruham, ירוחם and the nearest public transit station is צבי בורנשטיין/אשר סנקר.
Bus stations close to Yeruham:
- צבי בורנשטיין/אשר סנקר
- בורנשטיין/אשר סנקר
- קופ''ח כללית/נחל צין
Related Routes
- Tel Aviv to Yeruham
- Jerusalem to Yeruham
- Beersheba to Haifa
- Beersheba to Tiberias
- Beersheba to Modiin
- Beersheba to Afula
- Beersheba to Dimona
- Beersheba to Kfar Saba
- Beersheba to Modi in Illit
- Beersheba to Petah Tikva
- Beersheba to Tel Be er Sheva
- Beersheba to Ofakim
- Beersheba to Tzohar
- Beersheba to Netanya
- Beersheba to Eilat
- Beersheba to Meitar
- Bat Yam to Ashkelon
- Bat Yam to Ramla
- Bat Yam to Dimona
- Bat Yam to Tel Aviv
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Beersheba to Yeruham?
The fastest way takes 46 minutes, using Bus line 359.
Is there a direct bus between Beersheba and Yeruham?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Beersheba in באר שבע to Yeruham in ירוחם in 46 min.
Which bus line goes from Beersheba to Yeruham?
The 359 bus line goes from שדרות דוד טוביהו/אסף שמחוני station near Beersheba in באר שבע to דימונה station near Yeruham in ירוחם.
How long does it take to travel from Beersheba to Yeruham by bus?
The total travel time between Beersheba in באר שבע and Yeruham in ירוחם by bus is about 46 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Beersheba to get to Yeruham?
Get on the 359 bus from the שדרות דוד טוביהו/אסף שמחוני stop near Beersheba in באר שבע.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Beersheba and Yeruham?
Get off the bus at the דימונה stop, which is closest to Yeruham in ירוחם.
When is the last bus from Beersheba to Yeruham?
The last bus from Beersheba in באר שבע to Yeruham in ירוחם is the אחת עשרה נקודות/יצחק שמיר-נתיבות<->יצחק שדה/האצל-דימונה-1# line. It leaves the שדרות דוד טוביהו/אסף שמחוני stop at 1:56 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Beersheba to Yeruham?
The ride from Beersheba to Yeruham costs ₪12.50.