How to get from Los Baños (341) to Zeanuri by bus?
From Los Baños (341) to Zeanuri by bus
To get from Los Baños (341) to Zeanuri in Zeanuri, take the A3136 bus from Los Baños (341) station to Abando (Geltokia/Estación) (3949) station. Next, take the A3917 bus from Abando (Geltokia/Estación) (4132) station to Plaza Auzoa (3013) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 3 min. The ride fare is €4.05.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLos Baños (341)
- 2Wait for busA3136Abando (Geltokia/Estación) (3949)
- 3Ride to bus stationAbando (Geltokia/Estación) (3949)ID 4802019652 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAbando (Geltokia/Estación) (4132)ID 4802019980 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busA3917Altzusta (2926)
- 6Ride to bus stationPlaza Auzoa (3013)ID 4802400157 min
From Los Baños (341) to Zeanuri by bus and train
To get from Los Baños (341) to Zeanuri in Zeanuri, take the C1 train from Sestao station to Bilbao Abando Indalecio Prieto station. Next, take the A3917 bus from Abando (Geltokia/Estación) (4132) station to Plaza Auzoa (3013) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 55 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationSestao560 m • 8 min
- 2Wait for trainC1Bilbao-Abando Indalecio Prieto
- 3Ride to train stationBilbao Abando Indalecio Prieto16 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAbando (Geltokia/Estación) (4132)ID 48020199140 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busA3917Altzusta (2926)
- 6Ride to bus stationPlaza Auzoa (3013)ID 4802400157 min
Public transit directions from Los Baños (341) to Zeanuri
Public transit stations close to Los Baños (341)
Los Baños (341) is located at Los Baños (341), Zeanuri and the nearest public transit station is Los Baños (320).
Metro stations close to Los Baños (341):
- Sestao
- Leioa
- Urbinaga
Train stations close to Los Baños (341):
- La Iberia
- Sestao
Bus stations close to Los Baños (341):
- Los Baños (320)
- Vicente Blasco Ibáñez (San Pedro Plaza) (384)
- Aizpuru (381)
Public transit stations close to Zeanuri, Zeanuri
Zeanuri is located at Plaza Auzoa, 48144 Plaza, Biscay, Spain, Zeanuri and the nearest public transit station is Plaza Auzoa (3013).
Bus stations close to Zeanuri:
- Plaza Auzoa (3013)
- Plaza Auzoa (2927)
- Olabarri (4024)
Related Routes
- San Francisco 36 to Zeanuri
- Centro De Salud Miribilla to Zeanuri
- Miribilla / Escuela to Zeanuri
- Ibinaga 1 (2387) to Zeanuri
- Ibinaga 2 (2389) to Zeanuri
- Portugalete to Zeanuri
- Getxo to Zeanuri
- Las Arenas (Getxo) to Zeanuri
- Playa De Ereaga to Zeanuri
- Algorta to Zeanuri
- Mimetiz to Zeanuri
- Basauri Kalea, 14 to Zeanuri
- Ametzola to Zeanuri
- Monte Elorriaga to Zeanuri
- Bizkaia Zubia/Puente Bizkaia (1) to Zeanuri
- Mezo 32 (Juanena) (68) to Zeanuri
- Lepanto (Lanbarketa) (275) to Zeanuri
- Gernika 53 (San Miguel) (276) to Zeanuri
- Artunduaga (Kiroldegia/Polideportivo) (278) to Zeanuri
- Agirre Lehendakaria (San José Ikastetxea) (280) to Zeanuri
From Los Baños (341) to Zeanuri by bus and train
To get from Los Baños (341) to Zeanuri in Zeanuri, take the C1 train from Sestao station to Bilbao Abando Indalecio Prieto station. Next, take the A3917 bus from Abando (Geltokia/Estación) (4132) station to Plaza Auzoa (3013) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 55 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationSestao560 m • 8 min
- 2Wait for trainC1Bilbao-Abando Indalecio Prieto
- 3Ride to train stationBilbao Abando Indalecio Prieto16 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAbando (Geltokia/Estación) (4132)ID 48020199140 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busA3917Altzusta (2926)
- 6Ride to bus stationPlaza Auzoa (3013)ID 4802400157 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Los Baños (341) to Zeanuri?
The fastest way takes 123 minutes, using Bus line A3136, Bus line A3917.
What is the alternative route to get from Los Baños (341) to Zeanuri?
The alternative route takes 115 minutes, using Bus line C1, Bus line A3917.
Is there a direct bus between Los Baños (341) and Zeanuri?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 3 min.
Which bus line goes from Los Baños (341) to Zeanuri?
The A3136 bus line goes from Abando (Geltokia/Estación) (3949) station near Los Baños (341) in Sestao to Abando (Geltokia/Estación) (3949) station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Abando (Geltokia/Estación) (3949) station near Zeanuri in Zeanuri.
How long does it take to travel from Los Baños (341) to Zeanuri by bus?
The total travel time between Los Baños (341) in Sestao and Zeanuri in Zeanuri by bus is about 2 hr 3 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Los Baños (341) to get to Zeanuri?
Get on the A3136 bus from the Abando (Geltokia/Estación) (3949) stop near Los Baños (341) in Sestao.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Los Baños (341) and Zeanuri?
Get off the bus at the Abando (Geltokia/Estación) (3949) stop, which is closest to Zeanuri in Zeanuri.
How much is the bus fare from Los Baños (341) to Zeanuri?
The ride from Los Baños (341) to Zeanuri costs €4.05.