How to get from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar by Dolmus & Minibus and bus?
From Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar by Dolmus & Minibus and bus
To get from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul, take the 41E bus from Kabataş - Beşiktaş Yönü station to Deniz Müzesi - Ortaköy Yönü station. Next, take the KADIKÖY - TAKSIM Dolmus & Minibus from Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi - Ortaköy Yönü station to Karacaahmet Cemevi - Kadiköy Yönü station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 27 min. The ride fare is TRY67.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationKabataş - Beşiktaş Yönü80 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus41EAyazağa -Ayazağa
- 3Ride to bus stationDeniz Müzesi - Ortaköy Yönü5 min
- 4Walk to Dolmus & Minibus stationBahçeşehir Üniversitesi - Ortaköy Yönü100 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for Dolmus & MinibusKADIKÖY - TAKSIMTaksim - Kadıköy
- 6Ride to Dolmus & Minibus stationKaracaahmet Cemevi - Kadiköy Yönü18 min
Alternative route from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar by Dolmus & Minibus and bus via 63 and KADIKÖY - TAKSIM
To get from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul, take the 63 bus from Kabataş - Beşiktaş Yönü station to Deniz Müzesi - Ortaköy Yönü station. Next, take the KADIKÖY - TAKSIM Dolmus & Minibus from Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi - Ortaköy Yönü station to Karacaahmet Cemevi - Kadiköy Yönü station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 28 min. The ride fare is TRY67.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationKabataş - Beşiktaş Yönü100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus63Kağithane-Kağithane
- 3Ride to bus stationDeniz Müzesi - Ortaköy Yönü5 min
- 4Walk to Dolmus & Minibus stationBahçeşehir Üniversitesi - Ortaköy Yönü100 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for Dolmus & MinibusKADIKÖY - TAKSIMTaksim - Kadıköy
- 6Ride to Dolmus & Minibus stationKaracaahmet Cemevi - Kadiköy Yönü18 min
Public transit directions from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar
Public transit stations close to Kabataş, Beyoğlu
Kabataş, Beyoğlu is located at Kabataş, Beyoğlu, Istanbul and the nearest public transit station is Kabataş.
Metro stations close to Kabataş, Beyoğlu:
- Kabataş
Bus stations close to Kabataş, Beyoğlu:
- Kabataş - Beşiktaş Yönü
- Kabataş - Eminönü Yönü
- Kabataş - Son Durak Yönü
Ferry stations close to Kabataş, Beyoğlu:
- Kabataş
Public transit stations close to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar, Istanbul
Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar is located at Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar, Istanbul and the nearest public transit station is Sokullu Mehmet Paşa İlkokulu - Acibadem Yönü.
Bus stations close to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar:
- Sokullu Mehmet Paşa İlkokulu - Acibadem Yönü
- Sokullu Mehmet Paşa İlkokulu - Üsküdar Yönü
- Zeynep Kamil Hastanesi - Baglarbasi Yönü
Dolmus & Minibus stations close to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar:
- Dr.Fahri Atabey Cad.
- Sahil Yolu / Üsküdar Yönü
- Divitçiler Camii - Acibadem Yönü
Related Routes
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- Gebze to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar
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- Maltepe to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar
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- Erenköy to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar
- Kemalpaşa - Kadiköy Yönü to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar
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- Söğütlüçeşme to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar
Alternative route from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar by Dolmus & Minibus and bus via 63 and KADIKÖY - TAKSIM
To get from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul, take the 63 bus from Kabataş - Beşiktaş Yönü station to Deniz Müzesi - Ortaköy Yönü station. Next, take the KADIKÖY - TAKSIM Dolmus & Minibus from Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi - Ortaköy Yönü station to Karacaahmet Cemevi - Kadiköy Yönü station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 28 min. The ride fare is TRY67.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationKabataş - Beşiktaş Yönü100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus63Kağithane-Kağithane
- 3Ride to bus stationDeniz Müzesi - Ortaköy Yönü5 min
- 4Walk to Dolmus & Minibus stationBahçeşehir Üniversitesi - Ortaköy Yönü100 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for Dolmus & MinibusKADIKÖY - TAKSIMTaksim - Kadıköy
- 6Ride to Dolmus & Minibus stationKaracaahmet Cemevi - Kadiköy Yönü18 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar?
The fastest way takes 27 minutes, using Bus line 41E, Bus line KADIKÖY - TAKSIM.
What is the alternative route to get from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar?
The alternative route takes 28 minutes, using Bus line 63, Bus line KADIKÖY - TAKSIM.
Is there a direct bus between Kabataş, Beyoğlu and Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line and one Dolmus & Minibus line in total. The total travelling time is 27 min.
Which bus line goes from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul?
The 41E bus line goes from Kabataş - Beşiktaş Yönü station near Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Ayazağa -Ayazağa station. From there you’ll have to take one Dolmus & Minibus line till Ayazağa -Ayazağa station near Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul
How long does it take to travel from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul by bus and Dolmus & Minibus?
The total travel time between Kabataş, Beyoğlu and Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul by bus and Dolmus & Minibus is about 27 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Kabataş, Beyoğlu to get to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul?
Get on the 41E bus from the Kabataş - Beşiktaş Yönü stop near Kabataş, Beyoğlu in Istanbul.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Kabataş, Beyoğlu and Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul?
Get off the bus at the Ayazağa -Ayazağa station, which is closest to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul.
When is the first ferry from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul?
The first ferry from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul is Üsküdar - Beşiktaş. It leaves the Beşiktaş station at 3:30 AM.
When is the first Dolmus & Minibus from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul?
The first Dolmus & Minibus from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar in Istanbul is Kadıköy - Taksim. It leaves the Taksim - Peronlar (Akm Önü) Yönü station at 3:20 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar?
The ride from Kabataş, Beyoğlu to Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar costs TRY67.00.