How to get from Zona 8 to Zona 7 by bus?
From Zona 8 to Zona 7 by bus
Take one direct bus from Zona 8 to Zona 7 in Maringa Region: take the 254SJ RES. SÃO JOSÉ bus from Avenida Tuiuti, 180 (Rodoviária) station to Av. Tamandaré ,Proximo Amor Saude station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 14 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Tuiuti, 180 (Rodoviária)60 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus254SJ RES. SÃO JOSÉSentido Para Terminal
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. Tamandaré ,Proximo Amor Saude8 min
- 4Walk toZona 7310 m • 4 min
Alternative route from Zona 8 to Zona 7 by bus via 254U JD. UNIVERSAL
Take one direct bus from Zona 8 to Zona 7 in Maringa Region: take the 254U JD. UNIVERSAL bus from Avenida Tuiuti, 180 (Rodoviária) station to Av. Tamandaré ,Proximo Amor Saude station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 14 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Tuiuti, 180 (Rodoviária)60 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus254U JD. UNIVERSALSentido Para Terminal
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. Tamandaré ,Proximo Amor Saude8 min
- 4Walk toZona 7310 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Zona 8 to Zona 7
Public transit stations close to Zona 8
Zona 8 is located at Zona 8, Maringa Region and the nearest public transit station is Terminal Rodoviário De Maringá (Vereador Jamil Josepetti).
Bus stations close to Zona 8:
- Terminal Rodoviário De Maringá (Vereador Jamil Josepetti)
- Avenida Tuiuti, 180 (Rodoviária)
- Rodoviária - Ponto Avenida Tuiuti, 180 (Sentido Terminal)
Public transit stations close to Zona 7, Maringa Region
Zona 7 is located at Zona 7, Maringa Region and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Prudente De Morais, 1527 - Mercado Municipal.
Bus stations close to Zona 7:
- Avenida Prudente De Morais, 1527 - Mercado Municipal
- Avenida Prudente De Morais, 601
- Terminal Intermodal (Plataforma Viação Real / Linha Floraí)
Related Routes
- Mandaguaçu to Zona 7
- Paiçandu to Zona 7
- Sarandi to Zona 7
- Zona 2 to Zona 7
- Zona 8 to Sarandi
- Zona 8 to Zona 14
- Zona 8 to Zona 3
- Zona 8 to Zona 7
- Zona 9 to Mandaguari
- Zona 9 to Flórida
- Santa Fe Do Pirapo to Itambé
- Santa Fe Do Pirapo to Ivaté
- Santa Fe Do Pirapo to Marialva
- Santa Fe Do Pirapo to Sarandi
- Santa Fe Do Pirapo to Zona 2
- Santa Fe Do Pirapo to Zona 4
- Avenida Das Indústrias, 1340 to Faculdade Ingá
- Avenida Das Indústrias, 1340 to Feitep
- Avenida Das Indústrias, 1340 to Centro Universitário De Maringá
- Avenida Colombo, 2314 - Parque De Exposições to Faculdade Ingá
Alternative route from Zona 8 to Zona 7 by bus via 254U JD. UNIVERSAL
Take one direct bus from Zona 8 to Zona 7 in Maringa Region: take the 254U JD. UNIVERSAL bus from Avenida Tuiuti, 180 (Rodoviária) station to Av. Tamandaré ,Proximo Amor Saude station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 14 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Tuiuti, 180 (Rodoviária)60 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus254U JD. UNIVERSALSentido Para Terminal
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. Tamandaré ,Proximo Amor Saude8 min
- 4Walk toZona 7310 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Zona 8 to Zona 7?
The fastest way takes 14 minutes, using Bus line 254SJ RES. SÃO JOSÉ.
What is the alternative route to get from Zona 8 to Zona 7?
The alternative route takes 14 minutes, using Bus line 254U JD. UNIVERSAL.
Is there a direct bus between Zona 8 and Zona 7 in Maringa Region?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Zona 8 to Zona 7 in Maringa Region in 14 min.
Which bus line goes from Zona 8 to Zona 7 in Maringa Region?
The 254SJ RES. SÃO JOSÉ bus line goes from Avenida Tuiuti, 180 (Rodoviária) station near Zona 8 to Sentido Para Terminal station near Zona 7 in Maringa Region.
How long does it take to travel from Zona 8 to Zona 7 in Maringa Region by bus?
The total travel time between Zona 8 and Zona 7 in Maringa Region by bus is about 14 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Zona 8 to get to Zona 7 in Maringa Region?
Get on the 254SJ RES. SÃO JOSÉ bus from the Avenida Tuiuti, 180 (Rodoviária) stop near Zona 8 in Maringa Region.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Zona 8 and Zona 7 in Maringa Region?
Get off the bus at the Sentido Para Terminal stop, which is closest to Zona 7 in Maringa Region.
When is the first bus from Zona 8 to Zona 7 in Maringa Region?
The first bus from Zona 8 to Zona 7 in Maringa Region is Res. São José. It leaves the Avenida Tuiuti, 180 (Rodoviária) stop at 5:10 AM.