How to get from Den Haag Moerwijk to Zwolle by train?
From Den Haag Moerwijk to Zwolle by train
To get from Den Haag Moerwijk to Zwolle in Zwolle, take the SPR train from Den Haag Moerwijk station to Den Haag Centraal station. Next, take the IC train from Den Haag Centraal station to Zwolle station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 58 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationDen Haag Moerwijk
- 2Wait for trainSPRDen Haag Centraal
- 3Ride to train stationDen Haag Centraal8 min
- 4Wait for trainICLeeuwarden
- 5Ride to train stationZwolle93 min
- 6Walk toZwolle880 m • 12 min
From Den Haag Moerwijk to Zwolle by light rail and train
To get from Den Haag Moerwijk to Zwolle in Zwolle, take the 16 light rail from Station Moerwijk station to Centraal Station station. Next, take the IC train from Den Haag Centraal station to Zwolle station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 15 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to light rail stationStation MoerwijkID 362660 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for light rail16Station Dh Centraal
- 3Ride to light rail stationCentraal StationID 260217 min
- 4Walk to train stationDen Haag Centraal110 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for trainICLeeuwarden
- 6Ride to train stationZwolle93 min
- 7Walk toZwolle880 m • 12 min
Public transit directions from Den Haag Moerwijk to Zwolle
Public transit stations close to Den Haag Moerwijk
Den Haag Moerwijk is located at Den Haag Moerwijk, Zwolle and the nearest public transit station is 'S-Gravenhage, Station Moerwijk.
Train stations close to Den Haag Moerwijk:
- Den Haag Moerwijk
Bus stations close to Den Haag Moerwijk:
- 'S-Gravenhage, Station Moerwijk
- Station Moerwijk
- Den Haag, Goeverneurplein
Public transit stations close to Zwolle, Zwolle
Zwolle is located at Zwolle, Zwolle and the nearest public transit station is Zwolle, Rodetorenplein.
Train stations close to Zwolle:
- Zwolle
- Zwolle Stadshagen
Bus stations close to Zwolle:
- Zwolle, Rodetorenplein
- Zwolle, Katwolderplein/Centrum
- Zwolle, Dijkstraat
Related Routes
- Dronten to Zwolle
- Apeldoorn to Zwolle
- Leeuwarden to Zwolle
- Duivendrecht Station to Zwolle
- t Loo Landal Landgoed t Loo to Zwolle
- Wijhe to Zwolle
- Wezep to Zwolle
- Vollenhove to Zwolle
- Urk to Zwolle
- Breda to Zwolle
- Nütterden, Kirche to Zwolle
- Herenstraat to Zwolle
- Rijswijk, Hoornbrug to Zwolle
- Delft, Delft Station to Zwolle
- Circustheater to Zwolle
- Apeldoorn, Hoofdstraat to Zwolle
- Elspeet, Centrum to Zwolle
- Bathmen, Schipbeeksweg to Zwolle
- Hardenberg, Centrum to Zwolle
- Elburg, Hellenbeekstraat to Zwolle
From Den Haag Moerwijk to Zwolle by light rail and train
To get from Den Haag Moerwijk to Zwolle in Zwolle, take the 16 light rail from Station Moerwijk station to Centraal Station station. Next, take the IC train from Den Haag Centraal station to Zwolle station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 15 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to light rail stationStation MoerwijkID 362660 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for light rail16Station Dh Centraal
- 3Ride to light rail stationCentraal StationID 260217 min
- 4Walk to train stationDen Haag Centraal110 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for trainICLeeuwarden
- 6Ride to train stationZwolle93 min
- 7Walk toZwolle880 m • 12 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Den Haag Moerwijk to Zwolle?
The fastest way takes 118 minutes, using Bus line SPR, Bus line IC.
What is the alternative route to get from Den Haag Moerwijk to Zwolle?
The alternative route takes 135 minutes, using Bus line 16, Bus line IC.
Is there a direct train between Den Haag Moerwijk and Zwolle?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 58 min.
Which train line goes from Den Haag Moerwijk to Zwolle?
The SPR train line goes from Den Haag Centraal station near Den Haag Moerwijk in 'S-Gravenhage to Den Haag Centraal station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Den Haag Centraal station near Zwolle in Zwolle.
How long does it take to travel from Den Haag Moerwijk to Zwolle by train?
The total travel time between Den Haag Moerwijk in 'S-Gravenhage and Zwolle in Zwolle by train is about 1 hr 58 min.
Where do I get on the train near Den Haag Moerwijk to get to Zwolle?
Get on the SPR train from the Den Haag Centraal station near Den Haag Moerwijk in 'S-Gravenhage.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Den Haag Moerwijk and Zwolle?
Get off the train at the Den Haag Centraal station, which is closest to Zwolle in Zwolle.